Transcript Slide 1

Welcome to the
New Student Orientation
Mission of CBS
“The College of Biblical Studies provides biblically based
education for the Body of Christ, with primary focus on African
American and other minority groups, and equips its students
with a biblical worldview for Christian service to the church and
the world.”
“But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure
and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” - 1Tim 1:5
Student Enrollment
Executive Level
Paul Keith, M.A.B.S.
Vice President of Student Enrollment Services
Admission and Advising
Office Phone Numbers
713-772-4253 (Admission)
832-252-4661 (Advising)
Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
8:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
9:00a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Administrative Staff
Kimberly Davidge
Office Manager
[email protected]
Jacqueline Smith
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Admission and Advising
Brittany Burnette, Th.M.
Director, Admission and Advising
[email protected]
Admissions Staff
Maggie Rodriguez, M.A.
Manager of Admissions
[email protected]
Pamela Hensley
Admissions Associate
[email protected]
Gloria Fikes
Admissions Associate
[email protected]
Admissions Advisors
Gabriel “Deac” Thurmond
Jarvis Taylor
Sr. Admissions Advisor
Last names A-J
[email protected]
Admissions Advisor
Last names: K-S
[email protected]
Joshua Cardoso
Debbie Harper
Admissions Advisor
Last names A-B, Spanish Program
[email protected]
Admissions Advisor
Readmit Students and Last
names: T-Z
[email protected]
What Students Need to
Hidden Dangers:
The Fatal Four*
*Dr. Stephen D. Brookfield
•I am an imposter.
•Everyone will know that I don’t belong here.
•I’ll never be able to keep up.
•I’m way out of my league.
•I’m in over my head.
Cultural Suicide
Family and friends will not
understand what you are trying to do
unless they have been there
themselves. There will be time,
money, and attention issues.
Cultural Suicide (cont.)
Your interests may change.
Common interests and shared
experiences may change. The way
you use your time will become an
Lost Innocence
CBS is not paradise. The ideal you fantasized
about is just that: “a fantasy.” Some professors
will be boring; some assignments will seem
meaningless; some required courses may feel
empty or without value. This is a normal part
of higher education. The difference will feel
exaggerated because you have idealized this
part of your life.
Road Running
Ah, the travails of life. Things are going to happen:
sickness, job related issues, kid things, parent
things, ministry things, car things, life things.
Don’t let the ups-and-downs of life steal your
dream of finishing. Plan a support system in
advance — classmates, family, friends, routine.
Email Information: A Necessity
CBS uses email as an official means of contact with
students, and students are expected to keep a current
email address and to check their emails regularly.
The CBS Admissions & Advising Office recommends that all
students check their emails at least twice daily (once in the
morning and again in the evening). If you do not have an email
account, please visit:
CBS Website
Get important information:
•School Closing
•Security Information
•CBS Media
•Access Student’s SONIS account
•Find Faculty/Staff Emails
•View/Download Academic Catalog and Student Handbook
Admission and Advising
• Information about the admission process
• Apply to the college
• Know your Enrollment Advisor
• Tutoring information
• FAQ for Academic Advising
• Degree Plans
CBS Watchman
Sign up to receive emergency alerts:
•School closings
•Urgent situations
• Alerts can be sent to email, text, or voicemail
• For more information on CBS security, please visit
Student Lounge
Visit the student lounge located in the atrium area,
across from the Bookstore!*
*Issues with vending machines should be directed to
the Bookstore
Attendance Policy
From the CBS Catalog:
“Students are allowed to miss 20% of all
class time without penalty. Absences in
excess of 20% of class time will result in
an automatic ‘F.’”
Work Load Expectations
Expect to spend an average of 3 hours per week outside of
class studying for every hour you are in the class.
3 credit class = 9 hours of study per week
2 credit class = 6 hours of study per week
This is different for everyone, but the rule is generally true.
Student Responsibilities
As a CBS student, you are:
1. Responsible for accepting and adhering to the rules, regulations,
policies and procedures of the College.
2. Responsible for living and demonstrating good and acceptable
principles as a Christian.
3. Responsible for understanding how his/her actions reflect upon the
reputation of himself/herself and the College.
4. Responsible for reading all student guidelines, such as the handbook
and college catalog, and adhering to the same.
5. Responsible for respecting the authority of the College.
6. Responsible for meeting all college obligations.
7. Responsible for demonstrating the highest degree of integrity at all
Students Rights
As a CBS student, you have the:
1. Right to be informed, in writing, of all charges.
2. Right to choose not to discuss charges.
3. Right to adequately defend himself/herself by use of witnesses, video tapes, or other
means directly related to the case.
4. Right to an open hearing, if one is required.
5. Right to the consultation of an attorney, but an attorney may not attend or participate
in the student hearing, unless the College is represented in the hearing by a college
6. Right to reasonable review, examination of a file containing charges and witness
7. Right to request an immediate hearing.
8. Right to appeal any decision rendered regarding student conduct charges.
9. Right to provide restitution, if appropriate and acceptable.
10. Right to seek forgiveness, if appropriate.
Student Responsibilities: Academic Integrity
CBS expects the highest level of academic integrity from our students. Academic dishonesty is a serious
offense against a student’s character and testimony. It can include, but is not limited to:
Copying from another student’s paper
Using a marked Bible when an unmarked Bible was instructed
Falsifying reports
Giving and completing assignments to and for other students
Giving information to another student during examinations
Obtaining information from a student who has already taken the examination
Submitting as original research, a paper from another class or a paper that another student has
submitted for any class
All initial incidents of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of “F” on the assignment in question, and
may subject the student to course failure. Consequently, the incident will be reported to the Academic
Subsequent incidents will result in disciplinary action by the Dean of Students and possible expulsion
from the College. In this circumstance, the student has the right to appeal the decision of the Dean of
Using someone else’s work and not giving credit, but presenting it as if it
was your work.
Copying and Pasting from a website without citing your source.
Taking a quote from a book/article/site, etc. and not citing
“All initial incidents of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of “F” on the
assignment in question, and may subject the student to course failure. Consequently, the
incident will be reported to the Academic Dean.
Subsequent incidents will result in disciplinary action by the Dean of Students and
possible expulsion from the College. In this circumstance, the student has the right to
appeal the decision of the Dean of Students.”
Student Conduct
Students at CBS are called to a high standard of
Christian conduct. Christian commitment should
result naturally in godly living. However, the
biblical doctrine of human nature requires a
realistic approach to the question of Christian
lifestyle. Faculty, staff, and students are expected
to abide by standards and principles founded in
the Holy Scriptures.
Student Responsibilities: Personal Integrity (cont.)
The following is a limited, not an exhaustive, list of offenses that will require a student
conduct review and if necessary, sanctions imposed:
• The possession, use, or distribution of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, illicit drugs, and
other questionable items and practices is not considered suitable for the Christian college
• Any discrimination against others on the basis of race, national origin, gender, age, or disability
is not acceptable.
• Students are subject to the responsibility of academic integrity, which demands honesty and
giving credit to the proper sources.
• The faculty, staff, and students of the College of Biblical Studies have a right and a high
expectation of personal privacy and security. There are highly personal and sensitive materials
on campus that must be protected. Therefore it is strictly forbidden for students, without
permission, to access another’s computer, access a media storage device, go into a desk,
briefcase, book bag, purse or similar item, and/ or read or examine papers not their own.
• Aiding, abetting, and/or serving as an accessory to any act that is prohibited by the Student
Code of Conduct
• Exhibiting disrespect for authority/CBS faculty and staff/fellow students
• Displaying public actions that tarnish the name of the College
• Being disruptive in the classroom
Student Responsibilities: Personal and Academic
Integrity Review
A complete statement of student rights and
responsibilities is found in the catalog and
student handbook. It is the responsibility of
every student to read the CBS Student
Handbook and to adhere to its policies fully.
Student Success & Advising
Esmeralda Barrera
Senior Enrollment Advisor
Spanish Program students and last names: A-D
[email protected]
Bridgette Jones, M.A.
Enrollment Advisor
Last names: E-Z
[email protected]
Group Advising Sessions
•Bible Certificate
•Associates of Biblical Studies
•Bachelor of Science
Your Enrollment Advisor is here to:
• Enrollment Advisors are the next step after you have
completed the Admissions process.
• Help you successfully complete your academic goals
• Give you a clear picture of your program and the most
efficient way to complete it
• Inform you of any issues regarding academics or
• Get you to the person or department who can
effectively assist you in rectifying an issue
Advising: Three Things to Keep in
• Your professors are your allies in the classroom. If you are
having difficulty in your courses (due to low grades, late
work, prolonged illness, family difficulties, etc.), please
notify your professors immediately.
• If you are struggling in your courses, then you should notify
your professor first and then contact your advisor; please
speak to your professor and advisor sooner rather than
• Please be advised that free online tutoring is now available
for your classes. If you are struggling academically, please
use this free resource.
Free Online Tutoring
CBS has tutoring services available online 24 hours a
day by highly qualified and credentialed tutors in each
of the subjects offered. Online tutoring is available to all
students in English and Spanish, and is offered at no
additional cost to students. You have the ability to
submit papers for proofreading, and questions can be
answered by tutors when they become available.
To take advantage of this tutoring, please visit:
CBS Style Guide and Formatting
• All papers/written assignments MUST be submitted in
the proper format.
• The CBS Style Guide is the standard for all formatting.
o An electronic copy of the Style Guide and a template of a properly
formatted CBS paper will be emailed to you. KEEP THIS ON
o The Style Guide and template will also be available in SONIS for
o Net Tutor is also available to help you with formatting
We want you to succeed in the classroom, so if you have
questions regarding formatting, please speak with your
professor and your advisor to get additional help!
Degree Plans
Transfer credits
In order to transfer the credit, the grade must be a
“C” or better
Consult with your Enrollment Advisor before you
register for any course being used for transfer
Degree Plans (cont.)
Christian Service Units
All programs require 3 Christian Service Units
For more information, please contact
Ms. Delia Sanchez, Student and Alumni
Services Program Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Advising FAQS
• Are there certain courses I must take on the front
end of my enrollment in the college?
• Can I get help picking out my courses each
• How long will it take me to complete my degree?
• How many courses should I take in a semester?
• I am considering dropping a class. What should I