Transcript Document

One World Centre
educating for a just and sustainable
Sustainability in
the early years
Photo credits: Australian Aid and One World Centre
Rockstrom, Sachs, Ohman & Schmit-Traub (2013) Sustainable Development & Planetary Boundaries.
The conservation of living
things, resources and
support systems
Employment and income
that is ongoing and fair
Interlocking pillars of
Peace, equality and human
rights, especially for the
most vulnerable
Access to decision-making
and influence over your
own life and place
Enough for all forever
by caring for self,
place and others
Early Years Learning Framework
Learning Outcomes
1. Children have a strong sense of identity
• sense of agency, interact with care,
empathy and respect.
2. Children are connected with and
Hygiene education. Cambodia
Image Credit: Cathy Reid, AusAID
contribute to their world.
• Understanding of rights and responsibilities,
respond to diversity with respect, become
aware of fairness, become socially
National Quality Standard
Element 3.3.1
 Sustainable practices are embedded in service operations.
Element 3.3.2
 Children are supported to become environmentally
responsible and show respect for the environment.
Element 1.1.6
 Each child’s agency is promoted, enabling them to make
choices and decisions and to influence events and their
(To the tune of Ten in the Bed)
There was a can in the bin
And another went in
Recycle, Recycle
So we all recycled and added a can.
There were two in the bin and another went in…
Caring, Sharing
(To the tune of My Bonnie lies over the ocean)
The World is a great place to live in
With friends from all over the earth
We must all take care of each other
And know what each person is worth
Chorus: Sharing, Caring
Come join hands together and play today
Sharing, Caring
We’ll make the world better today
So treat every person with kindness
And great each new friend with a smile
The world needs our new understanding
Give kindness a chance for a while
Contact us at:
5 King William St
Bayswater 6053
Ph: (08) 9371 9133
[email protected]