Presentation of Business Cases to Governance Boards

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CCYPS Presentation

Co-operative Children and Young People’s Services Project

Judith Harwood 9


February 2015

Case for Change

      Plymouth population set to grow – increasing strain on education, health and social care services Relationship between the Council and schools is changing in line with the national picture The Munro principles are set to govern the way the Council delivers services The Children and Families Act 2014 is placing a greater emphasis on greater protection for vulnerable children Continuing alignment with our Brilliant Co-operative Council Plan Emerging priorities of the draft Children’s and Young People’s Partnership plan

Purpose of CCYPS

  Transformation of care provision for children and young people through co-operating with other departments and agencies to provide co-ordinated:  Information, Advice and Guidance   Early Intervention & Prevention – including family support, early help, youth services Intense and statutory activities with a re-configured Children, Young People & Families Service  SEND Transforming delivery of statutory education and health functions through ‘cooperative’ clusters – achieving a collaborative response to priorities


     Integration through a phased approach: Phase 1 – internal alignment and service re-organisation Phase 2 – integration with some other agencies via a commissioning plan Phase 3 – full integration across the system with pooled budgets and joint staffing Increased trading with schools and settings  Develop market knowledge, reputation and agility  Produce surplus for re-investment against priorities

The Cooperative Model

 The Cooperative Model for delivering services to children and families has been described as a honeycomb

Cluster 1 Cluster 2 CCYPS Partnership Cluster 3 Cluster 5 Cluster 4

 In practice, this represents a collection of joint venture type entities with multiple members (clusters), operating through pooled budgets and shared management arrangements

Children’s Service Design for Early Help

Universal Offer for Children, Young People, Families and Carers Single Agency Response Children’s Gateway

- I,A&G - QA and outcome monitoring - Escalation to increased support (safeguarding, clinical) - Offer of support to level 1 and 2 needs (when appropriate)

DRSS Specialist Health Services

In C on su lta tio n w ith G P’ s

Targeted/ Intensive Support Offer Youth Services Schools and Settings SEN Family Support A+A Screening Children’s Social Care

- Multi-agency safeguarding and assessment

Continuum of Need/Help (Levels 1,2,3,4 of Care)

Strategic Fit and principles

    Early Help will prioritise prevention and thereby reduce health and social inequality Services provided will be more flexible and efficient – managing within reduced resources Working with partners and other agencies to build on the capacity of individuals and communities Recognising a continuum of need will keep children and young people safe and confident of help being provided when they need it

Financial Benefits Achieved Through:

       Reduction in management posts Increased revenues Elimination of subsidies Increased productivity Reduction in overheads Reduction in salary and other costs from new recruits Reduction in inappropriate placement costs

Messages From Ofsted

CCYPS design work takes account of Ofsted’s findings:

 


 Children are safe and safeguarding thresholds are right We have a skilled, committed workforce The voice of the child is clear

Requires Improvement

 Partners do not understand thresholds with too many contacts to Advice and Assessment.

  Lack of systems approach in Early Help and lack of understanding of impact.

Care planning lacked clarity 17-Point action plan is now in place to deal with these areas of improvement

Governance Structure

Moving Forward with CCYPS

    A scoping document is going for sign off at Transformation Programme Board (09.02.2015) Document clearly defines the scope of the Children and Young Peoples Project within the Integrated Health and Wellbeing Programme. The project will assume a phased approach to the workload within scope of the project. The first phase will progress with the Early Help high level design that went to the CCYPS Project Board on the 22nd December 2014.

Moving Forward with CCYPS Contd….

    This has enabled the project team to start consulting with partners to add increased detail to the design. This will tie into an architecturally led design for the overall children’s services. From this design future phases of work will be identified and planned for in order to realise benefits for PCC and C&YP at risk of poor life outcomes.

Currently we are looking at what we trade to schools and how this might be done better, more efficiently

Moving Forward with CCYPS Contd….

   Business analysis will identify any potential new business opportunities, spin-outs (if deemed appropriate) Currently helping Children, Young People & Families Service to map processes to identify efficiencies and aid in Phase 2 of reconfiguration Working with business Architecture to identify IT systems road map going forward to be more joined up internally and to facilitate better partnership working