Revolutions in Europe & Latin America - Fabius

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Revolutions in
Europe & Latin America
Europe after Napoleon
Monarch & Nobles
Who should rule?
Male Property Owners
Stability and order
Goals of Government
Protect basic rights to
liberty and property
Form of Government
Republic with
constitution and
separation of powers
Controlled by Nobles
Laissez Faire
Established Church
Freedom of Religion
Status-quo, return to preRevolution ways
Views of
Enlightenment &
French Revolution
Strongly supported both
Prince Metternich
Figure Head of
John Stuart Mill
What are Nationalists?
What were they interested in?
• Who: Balkans (Ottomans), Greeks (Ottoman).
• What: National groups who shared a common
heritage, set out to win their own state.
• When: 1800s
• Where: Serbia, Greece, Spain, Portugal & Italy
• Why: This was an outgrowth of the
Enlightenment and French Revolution.
More French Revolutions!!!
• Louis XVIII’s Constitutional Monarchy
– France had a constitution (Charter of French
Liberties) with a bicameral legislature, but still
kept the monarchy in place.
• Conservatives
– UNHAPPY with constitution and wanted to
restore the old regime.
• Liberals
– Slightly Unhappy, wanted more people involved in
the government.
Charles X
• Brother of Louis XVIII (died in 1824)
Believer in Absolutism.
Rejected his brother’s charter.
Suspended the Legislature.
Limited the right to vote.
Restricted the press.
• French Revolution of 1830
– Liberals & Radicals barricaded streets and
fired on soldiers.
– They took control of Paris.
– A scared Charles abdicated and fled to
French Revolution of 1848
• Causes
– Louis Philippe’s reforms helped only the
rich, while workers still couldn’t vote.
– Poor harvests, bread prices soar, jobs lost.
– France ripe for Revolution.
• Effects
– Streets blocked in Paris.
– Forced Louis Philippe to abdicate.
– Bourgeoisie gained power and rights,
peasants cry “Bread or Lead,” protestors
attacked 1500 people killed.
– Right and left distrusted each other.
Louis Napoleon/Napoleon III
• Nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte
– Presented himself as a man who
cared about the workers, but his
famous name helped with
– 1852 he proclaimed himself
emperor, taking the title Napoleon
III, which ended the 2nd Republic.
– Used a plebiscite to gain/show
approval, 90% of voters supported
“When France sneezes, Europe
catches cold.”
• Meaning – As French
Revolutions occurred, they
spread throughout Europe.
• Examples – Belgium &
Poland after the 1830
– Austria, Italy & Germany
after the 1848 Revolution.
Clemens von Metternich
• Prince of Austria
– Very Conservative
– After 30 years of controlling
politics he was forced to escape
in disguise from student
– Government was forced to end
serfdom and write a constitution.
– Austrian army regained control of
Latin American Discontent
Causes of Discontent
• Ethnic & Social Hierarchy
– Only Spanish born citizens could hold top jobs
in government & church, others were angered
by this.
– Slaves (Africans) longed for freedom.
– Other groups distrusted one another but
banded together once independent creoles
Causes of Discontent
• Enlightenment Ideas
– Read works of Voltaire, Rousseau &
– Inspiration through other revolutions.
– Women involved, exchanging ideas.
• Napoleon
– Saw Napoleon invade Spain and oust king.
– Saw Spain’s weakness as an opportunity
to reject foreign domination and demand
independence from colonial rule.
Mexican Independence
• Creoles wanted independence but did not want
too many changes.
• 1810 – Miguel Hidalgo a creole priest started
revolution with “El Grito de Delores” speech.
– Mexicans supported Hidalgo until he tried to get rights
for the Natives. A year after his speech, with his
support gone, Hidalgo was captured and executed.
– Jose Morelos led the rebellion for 4 years until he was
captured & killed in 1815.
• 1820 – Liberals forced the King of Spain to draft
a constitution. Fearing a new government
Agustin de Iturbide supported the revolutionaries
and overthrew the Spanish in Mexico. This led to
military rule for the next 100 years.
Simon Bolivar
• Beliefs / Who was he? An educated creole who
admired the French and American Revolutions.
• What did he want? He dreamed of winning
independence from Spain.
• Plan & “The Liberator” – Bolivar marched his
army across the Andes and attacked the
Spanish at Bogota with the help of the Ilaneros.
Bolivar gained his nickname by freeing
Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru & Bolivia.
Jose de San Martin
• Early beginnings
– Born in Argentina, San Martin went to Europe for
military training.
• Revolution
– In 1816 he helped Argentina win their independence
from Spain.
• Other Victories
– San Martin defeated the Spanish in Chile before
moving into Peru, eventually working with Bolivar for
a short time.
Brazil’s Independence
• Napoleon’s Influence
– When Napoleon’s armies conquered Portugal,
the royal family fled to Brazil.
– The king made many reforms and left his son
Dom Pedro to rule.
• Pedro I gave Brazil its independence and he took
the throne.
– He allowed a constitution, freedom of press & religion
and elected legislation.
– Stayed a monarchy until 1889 when it became a