The French Revolution and Napoleon

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Deficit spending
8. Secular
9. Plebiscite
10. Annex
11. Blockade
12. Guerrilla warfare
13. Abdicate
14. legitimacy
The French Revolution
and Napoleon
24 questions
*Three Social Classes
• The clergy, or First
• The nobility, or Second
• Third Estate
– *Bourgeoisie=upper
middle class)
– *Sans-culotte=lower
middle class
– Peasants=approx. 90%
*Problems in 1789
• Social discontent
– 3rd estate paid for
• Severe financial crisis
– Deficit spending
• Serious food shortages
– Bread riots
The King’s Louis
• Louis XV 1715-1774
– Pleasure before business
– Ran up huge debts
• *Louis XVI
– Weak and indecisive
– Called the Estates
General to carry out
Third Estate defied the king
• Claimed they
represented the people
– Mostly landed wealthy
middle class
• *Proclaimed
themselves the
National Assembly
– After thinking the king
had locked them out of
the meeting
• Vowed not to disband
until they had drawn up a
constitution for France
–*Tennis court oath
• On July 14, 1789 afraid
that royal troops were
going to occupy Paris
• Angry Parisians stormed
the Bastille thinking that it
had weapons
• The event that quickly
became the symbol of
the French Revolution.
98 were killed
73 wounded
National Assembly
• Ended feudal privileges
• Reorganized the Church
• Issued the *Declaration
of the Rights of Man
• Set up a limited
The aim of every political association is the
preservation of the natural and imprescriptibly
rights of man. These rights are liberty, property,
security, and resistance to oppression
Write a summary of your notes using at least
four sentences.
European Nobility’s Reaction
• *June 1791 Louis and Marie try
to escape but are caught
– The Parisians now considered
him a traitor to the revolution
• *Denounced the reforms of the
French Revolution
– They threaten to intervene if
necessary to protect the King.
• *By 1792, France was at war
with most of Europe.
*The Jacobins
• Radical revolutionaries take control to the
• Declare war on Europe’s tyrannical
4 Stages of The Revolution
*Stage one
• In 1792, radicals took control of the
National Assembly
– Abolished the monarchy
– Wrote a constitution (Republic)
– In 1793, they executed Louis XVI (June)
and queen Marie Antoinette (Oct) Louis
XVII died in prison
Stage Two
*The Reign of Terror
• July 1793 to July 1794
• Robespierre and his *Committee of Public
– Religious toleration
– Abolished slavery
• “Republic of Virtue”
–“Liberty cannot be secured, unless criminals lose their
• Sent 40,000 French citizens to their deaths on
the guillotine
–15% nobility, 15% middle class and 70% traitors?
The Guillotine
• 10/10/1789 On the second
day of the Assembly debate
about the Penal Code, Dr
Guillotin submitted a
proposition in six articles
which included a
recommendation that death,
without the accompaniment
of torture and by means of
decapitation, should become
the sole and standard form of
capital punishment in France.
*Stage Three
The Directory 1795-1799
• Convention members turn on the committee
– Robespierre and members lose their heads
• *New constitution
– Creates five member Directory
– Weak but dictatorial
– Causes chaos
• Politicians turn to a military hero
– Napoleon Bonaparte (stage four)
*By 1799 France Had
Old social order gone
Monarchy overthrown
Church under state control
Nationalism grows (National identity)
Social reforms
– State schools, Social security for elderly,
Abolished slavery, Religious toleration
Write a summary of your notes using at least
four sentences.
The Age of Napoleon
• *Rise to power
– War hero and helped over
throw the Directory
– 1799 member of new 3 man
– 1802 named himself First
– 1804 crowned himself Emperor
of the French
– With each step he held a
Plebiscite or ballot
*Napoleon Reformed France
• Regulated the economy by price controls,
New industry, Public works, Trained civil
service, public schools, religious freedom and
encouraged the emigres to return
• Instituted the Napoleonic Code based on
enlightenment principles and Roman law
– Equality before the law
– Religious toleration
– Merit advancement
*Napoleon’s Grand Empire
1804 to 1814
• Subdued the combined
forces of the great
European powers
• Built a vast empire by
annexing lands, making
alliances, and war
– In Spain he put his brother
Joseph on the throne
• Guerilla warfare (little war)
• English helped the guerillas
*The Russian Campaign
• Sent his Grand Army (600,000)
• Scorched earth
• 10,000 returned
The End of an Era
• 1st Downfall
• Spurred by rising nationalism
– Nations across Europe mounted rebellions against French rule
– Following a failed invasion of Russia and a major defeat at
• Napoleon Abdicated (1813)
– sent to Elba
– Louis XVIII became King of France
• Return
– The French were afraid the old ways would return
– Napoleon escapes and many soldiers flock to his banner
– March 1815 he enters Paris to cheering crowds
• 2nd Downfall
– June 18, 1815 he meets his Waterloo
– Exiled to St. Helena
*Napoleon Legacy
• Code, constitution,
elections, property
rights, education
• Spread revolutionary
ideas, sparked
nationalistic feelings,
Louisiana territory
*The Congress of Vienna
• Tried to restore stability and
order in Europe.
• Redrew national boundaries
• Restored hereditary monarchies
• Created the Concert of Europe
– To maintain the balance of
– To suppress any uprisings
inspired by the ideas of the
French Revolution
Write a summary of your notes using at least
four sentences.
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