Bell Ringer - District Five Schools of Spartanburg County

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Transcript Bell Ringer - District Five Schools of Spartanburg County

Ch 18 Section 1

The French Revolution Begins

Background  Began 1789  Create new political and social order  Causes:  Immediate – Economic  Long-range – Inequality in society  Three


(classes/orders of society)

Long Range Cause  Three Estates     1st Estate- Clergy  Religious leaders 2 nd Estate- Nobility  Leaders in government, military, courts, and church offices 3rd Estate- Commoners  Paid taxes the clergy and nobility did not have to pay


(BURZH-WAH-ZEE)   Middle Class Merchants, bankers, professionals

Immediate Cause  Financial Crisis  1787-88  Bad harvests (crops)   Less manufacturing Food shortages  Rising prices  Unemployment  King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette   High government spending New taxes

Representation  3 rd Estate wanted more votes in government (Estates-General)   Met at Versailles King refused  Formed the National Assembly  Created a constitution 

Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen  Inspired by U.S. Constitution and English Bill of Rights  Enlightenment Ideas  Freedom of Speech & Press  Equal Rights  Public Office  No Tax Exemptions

What About Women?

Olympe de Gouges

 Writer  Women should have same rights as men 

Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen

 National Assembly ignored her

Impact of the Declaration  King was forced to accept the Declaration  Mobs of women and men attacked his castle  National Assembly seized and sold the lands of the Catholic Church  Clergy must be elected

“…detachments of women coming up from every direction, armed with broomsticks, lances, pitchforks, swords, pistols, and muskets.”

New Constitution  Constitution of 1791  Limited monarchy  Legislative Assembly makes laws  Leads to the downfall of King Louis XVI

Ch. 18 Sec. 2

Radical Revolution and Reaction

The Move to Radicalism  Paris commoners became radicals   Revenge on people who helped king/resisted revolution Poor   Encouraged to use violence what they wanted Lead by Georges Danton, Jean-Paul Marat, & Maximilien Robespierre

Fate of the King  The French Republic was formed   Abolished the monarchy & created a republic Condemned King Louis XVI to death  Executed on a guillotine  Outraged all European Monarchs

Reign of Terror  1793-1794  Lead by Maximilien Robespierre 

Committee of Public Safety

 40,000 people killed  16,000 under guillotine  Executions held in places that openly rebelled  Closed churches

End of the Terror  By late 1790s, French defeated most enemies  Austrian Netherlands  Robespierre   Obsessed with power Rid France of corruptors  National Convention- guillotined on July 28, 1794  Reign of Terror ended  Moderate rulers

The Directory  Committee of Public Safety lost power  Churches reopened  New constitution- Aug. 1795  National Legislative Assembly  Legislative body (makes laws)  Chosen by


(voters)  Must own or rent property worth a certain value

Bell Ringer #3  How did Napoleon Bonaparte impact France?

Ch 18 Sec 3

The Age of Napoleon

Directory Problems   Executive directors 


(corrupt)  Unable to find a solution to problems

Coup d’etat

government sudden overthrow of   Led by Napoleon Bonaparte Ended Directory

The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte  Dominated France and Europe from 1799-1815 


of the Revolution  “I am the revolution”

Early Life From Military to Emperor   Commander  Speed, Deception, & Surprise Coup d’etat (1799)  Overthrew Directory    New Government 



for life

(1802)  Absolute Power Crowned himself Emperor (1804)

Domestic Policies  Peace with Catholic Church   Papal Agreement (1801)  France will be Catholic,


the French people keep church land seized in the revolution

More Domestic Policies  Codification (


of laws  7 codes of Law 

Civil Code


Napoleonic Code

)   Revolutionary Ideas Equality

Even More Domestic Policies  Ability based bureaucracy (

system of government

)  Merit (

not birth right)

based nobility  Civil or Military

Negative Domestic Policies  Eliminated freedom of press  Closed 60 of 73 newspapers  Manuscripts were approved before published  Mail opened by government police

Napoleon’s Empire   1802  Short lasting peace treaty 1803  War broke out with Britain  Defeated Austria, Prussia, Russia

Napoleon’s Empire Con’t 1807-1812 master of Europe (3 parts) 1.

French empire (inner core) 2.


Dependant states (kingdoms under rule of relatives) Allied states (defeated states forced to join Napoleon in defeating Britain)  Spread Revolutionary ideas

European Response  Empire collapsed (2 reasons)  Survival of Great Britain (naval power) 


(unique cultural identity of people based on commonalities)  Language    Religion Hated as oppressors Stirred patriotism of others

The Fall of Napoleon   June 1812- Invasion of Russia (600,000 French Soldiers)  Russia refused to fight   Retreated and burned their own cities  Napoleon started “Great Retreat”  40,000 soldiers Other countries attacked France’s crippled army Napoleon exiled to


 Louis XVIII takes power