A Little Something Called the Crusades

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The Crusades

Late Medieval Period

Background: Jerusalem is very important

• Sacred to 3 religions • Christians –site of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection • Jews – location of Solomon’s temple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magen_David • Muslims – Muhammad ascended to heaven from Jerusalem.

How did the Crusades begin?

• 11 th century AD – Turks invade Jerusalem, attack Christians, close the city.

• Threatens Byzantine Empire – emperor (Alexius I Comnenus) asks Pope for help in 1095 AD

What else may have motivated the Pope?

• Great Schism in 1054 – The Roman Catholic Church would like to regain some land and churches from the Byzantines.

• After the Viking invasions of the 900s, a lot of trained soldiers are looking for a fight in Europe.

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Let the Crusades Begin! The First Crusade

• • • • Pope Urban II calls for battle to free the HOLY LAND Men who went to battle wore cross on uniform – led to being called crusaders , if they returned they would wear a cross on their back. They capture Jerusalem in 1099 Slaughter most of Jerusalem’s Muslims and Jews

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• Answer the following questions: 1. What did the pope offer to those who fought in the Crusades?

2. Whose son fought in the First Crusade?

3. Who ruled over the Crusader states?

4. What happened in 1144?

5. What two groups fought against each other in the Fourth Crusade?

6. Who finally conquered the Byzantine Empire?

7. How many people per year went to the Middle East during the Crusades?

8. What positive legacy did the Crusades leave?

Route of the Crusaders


Time for Revenge! The Second Crusades • • • Muslims reorganize and retaliate 2 nd Crusade begins 1147 AD.

The Christians win and keep control of Jerusalem.


The Third Crusade

• • • • 1187 AD Muslims, led by Saladin, recapture Jerusalem Leads to next Crusade European Monarchs now want to help 3 rd Crusade becomes known as Crusade of Kings b/c the following help: 1. Holy Roman Emperor – Frederick Barbarossa 2. England’s Richard the Lionheart 3. France’s King Philip Augustus

The Third Crusade “The Crusade of Bad Luck” • • • • • Barbarossa drowns on the way and his army goes home.

Philip gets scared and bails out.

Richard and army only ones that reach battle.

Couldn’t compete with Muslims, Richard settles for a truce in 1192 AD.

Opens Jerusalem back to Christians, but Muslims still control it.

The 4



• • • • • Started by Pope Innocent III in 1202 Crusaders get off track, end up attacking Zara for Venice Pope is ticked, excommunicates entire army Venetians and Crusaders go on to sack Constantinople and burn the city Further splits E. Orthodox and Roman Catholics

The Children’s Crusade (1212-1213)

• • Many preachers believe that only the innocent might save the Holy Land.

Sources say that thousands of innocent children died or were sold into slavery.

Outcomes of the Crusades

• • Finally in 1291, the Muslims seized the last outpost of the Crusader states.

Muslims were as strong as ever and the Byzantine Empire was weaker than ever.


Effects of the Crusades

• • • • Power of Pope and nobles weakened, monarchs gained strength People realized Church had tried to use them Monarchs also took advantage of dead nobles by taking their land Leads to breakdown of feudal system http://www.usask.ca/history/uploaded_images/ Kingdom%20of%20heaven-765321.jpg


• Crusades also stimulated trade in Mediterranean and opened up the West to new ideas.

• However, all this left a BIG grudge among the Christians, Jews, and Muslims that still remains today.