Transcript Document

Autumn Term
Governor Briefing
10 and 11 November
Department of Children’s Services
Education and Schools
Summer Term Governor Briefing
Monday 10 November
Tuesday 11 November
Future House
Eastwood Primary School
Paul Makin
Assistant Director
Education and School Improvement
Department of Children’s Services
George McQueen
Assistant Director
Access and Inclusion
• Review of Bradford District School
Improvement Functions
• Pupil Premium Funding
• Review of Governance
• Vulnerable Groups
Recruitment and Retention
• Headships - enabling the appointment
of high quality candidates
• Support for recruitment from the LA
• The Overview and Scrutiny Committee received
a paper from Paul Scott, Curriculum Innovation
Team manager, on the Impact of Social Media.
• The meeting agreed to recommend that all
schools use the free SWGfL 360 degree online
E-safety review tool.
• The tool can be accessed at:
Online Tool
The tool can be used to:
• ascertain and monitor the E-safety provision
at the school.
• Develop an effective online action plan
• record evidence to ensure E-safety provision
is good or outstanding.
E-Safety Mark
• The committee also recommended that, once
school provision met the quality threshold within
the tool, the school should apply to have their
school formally assessed for the E-safety Mark
• Information about the E-safety Mark can be
found here:
• Ofsted recognises this Standard Mark as
denoting good or Outstanding E-Safety provision
Governor Area
Education Performance
November 2014
Phil Weston
Head Bradford Achievement Service
• Types of schools – diverse provision
• Standards – not recognised as good
• The education landscape and what we
are doing to improve outcomes
Bradford Schools
Age range
Number in Bradford
District – Sept 2014
Nursery schools
3 to 5
Bradford LA
Primary schools
3 to 11
Bradford LA
Secondary schools
11 to 19
Bradford LA
Through Academies
3 to 19
Secondary Academies
11 to 19
Primary Academies
3 to 11
Primary Free schools
3 to 11
Secondary Free schools
11 to 19
Special Schools
3 to 19
Bradford LA
Special Academies
11 to 19
Pupil Referral Units (PRUs)
5 to 19
Bradford LA
Studio Schools
14 to 19
Type of school
Bradford Schools
Independent Sector:
• Currently based on DfE data we have 22 private and
independent schools covering statutory aged children
across the District.
• These are composed of 3 all through schools, 7
primary schools and 12 secondary schools.
• 4,908 pupils are registered as attending these
schools in January 2014.
Role of the Local Authority
• The core role of the Local Authority (LA) is to be an
advocate of children and young people.
• The LA has a key role in championing excellent education
standards and the safety and well-being of all children and
young people across the district irrespective of the nature
of their educational provision
• The LA is committed to playing a leading role in driving
school improvement and does this in partnership with the
schools and settings themselves.
• There are circumstances when the LA uses its formal
powers to intervene in schools.
The Role of the Local Authority (contd.)
• The LA is committed to driving up standards
and ensuring that there are sufficient numbers
of good and outstanding schools to meet the
needs of Bradford’s diverse communities.
• An important part of this work is the focus on
narrowing the gap in the outcomes of
underperforming groups
Early Years Foundation Stage
KS2 L4+ Reading
In 2014 Bradford was ranked 150th out of 150 LAs
KS2 L4+ Writing
In 2014 Bradford was ranked 138th out of 150 LAs
KS2 L4+ Maths
In 2013 Bradford was ranked 148th out of 150 LAs
Key Stage 2: 11 year olds
2005 to 2012:
2012 to 2014:
English & Maths % Level 4+
Reading, Writing & Maths % Level 4+
In 2014 Bradford was ranked 147th out of 150 LAs
Key Stage 4: 16 year olds
% 5+A*-C Inc English & Maths
KS5: 18 year olds
KS5 (Level 3) Average QCA points per candidate 2002-2014
Education standards and rates of progress
Number of good and outstanding schools
Sufficiency of school places
Managing turbulence
School readiness
Readiness for work
Action with Schools
The LA has identified four key areas of work within its
education improvement strategy:
– Further improving the quality of leadership (including
governance) across all schools and settings.
– Improving school readiness and end of Early Years
– Improving teaching and learning and raising levels of
Literacy across all phases.
– Raising attainment of underperforming groups to narrow
the attainment gap.
Turbulence and mobility
• Bradford experiences high levels of pupil turbulence
and inward mobility, particularly from new
• Each year, there are around 7,000 in year
applications across all year groups.
• 72% of in year applications are for primary and 28%
for secondary schools.
• 49% of all applications are for children who are out of
school as they are new to the UK or new or returning
to the Bradford district.
Role of Partnerships
Nursery Consortium
District Achievement Partnership
Catholic Schools’ Partnership
Bradford Primary Improvement Partnership
Bradford (Secondary) Partnership
14-19 Partnership
Teaching School Alliances
Specific Actions being taken
• Recruitment and retention of the very best leaders
• Making sure every school is good or outstanding by
• Visiting every school
• Targeting underperformance
• Excellence in school Governance
• Improving school readiness
• Improving Literacy
• Improving Teaching and Learning
• Preparing for Ofsted inspection of the LA
Any Questions?
Bradford Museums & Galleries
Schools Offer
Making good use of local resources
The new curriculum
The Art & Science of Noticing
Claire Ackroyd
Learning & Outreach Manager
Regeneration & Culture BMDC
Why visit Museums &
Galleries ?
Learn about:
The history of Bradford
Support attainment in
key curriculum areas
Our culture and other cultures
The Arts & Artists
Take part in:
Family learning
Broadening horizons
Gain confidence
Celebrating success
‘Every child and young person has
the opportunity to experience
the richness Museums & Galleries’ - The Arts Council Quality Principles
Cartwright Hall Art Gallery Lister Park BD9
Cartwright Hall Art Gallery BD9
Original artworks by famous artists & from different cultures
Salima Hashmi
David Hockney
LS Lowry
Schools Linking Network
Bradford Industrial Museum BD2
Local History and transport at Moorside Mills, Eccleshill
Workshops include:
Victorian Classroom
Warp & Weft
Wash Days
Bolling Hall Museum and Library, BD4
Opened as a museum in1915 and one of the oldest public
buildings in Bradford
Museums provide experiences of living
history, drama role play and real objects
Cliffe Castle Museum, Keighley BD20
Stone Age Egyptians Victorians
Rocks & Fossils
“A positive experience of a museum
where children were able to see
historical objects”
Yr 4 Class Teacher
Takeover Day Cartwright Hall
Hollingwood Primary School June 2014
Takeover Day Cartwright Hall
Hollingwood Primary School June 2014
A full day of Takeover activities
can include learning about:
•Pest control
•Conservation & gilding
•The shop & marketing
•Giving guided tours
The Art & Science of Noticing
Literacy & Communication
Pupils look for things that
interest them
Guided by their curiosity
Supports topic work in school
Makes good use of our collections
Encourages family learning
The Art & Science of Noticing
Bowling Park Primary School visiting Bolling Hall Museum Sep 2014
Yr5 classes from Bowling Park
created a blog using their ideas
drawing and writing skills
How much does it cost?
To book email [email protected]
Cartwright Hall
Lowry Landscapes
1.5hrs £90
Hello Hockney
2hrs £113
The Art of Islamic Civilization 2hrs £113
Bradford Industrial Museum
Victorian Classroom
2hrs £113
Bolling Hall
History of Bradford in 10 Objects 2hrs £113
Cliffe Castle
Rocks & Fossils
Stone Age
1hr £68
1.5hrs £90
The Art & Science of Noticing at all sites 1.5hrs £90
Bradford Museums and
Learning Team
For bookings and more
information, please contact us
[email protected]
[email protected]
Governor Area
Updates From
School Governor Service
School Websites
Publication of information on School Websites –
• Governors are reminded that Ofsted are now paying close
attention to school websites and checking that all necessary
statutory information is on them in a format that both meets
the requirements and is understandable for parents.
Governors are responsible for ensuring that the website is
kept up to date by the school.
• The new Governors Handbook (September 2014) also
recommends that information about governors, including
details of their annual governing body review, are posted on
the school website
Pupil Premium Awards 2015
New system of automatic entry for the awards
Schools are entered if they have been judged for effectiveness
at 1 or 2, have the qualifying number of eligible pupils and the
information on their website complies with the regulations.
They will then be judged on the attainment of their eligible
students and notified if they have won an award. £1000 for
primary schools and £4000 for secondary schools.
These winners will then be invited to apply for further awards £250,000 top prize for secondary and £100,000 for primary
and special schools.
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)
• From April 2015 Local Authorities will be allocated
funding for EYPP
• For 2015-16 initial funding for the two-year-old
programme will be allocated to local authorities in June
2015 using the January 2015 census data
• From February 2015, the Education Endowment
Foundation Teaching and Learning toolkit will be
expanded to cover the early years.
Upcoming events
• Public Forum for Education - Celebrating the
Success of the Music and Arts Service
Wednesday 3 December 2014 from 4.00pm, Dixons
Allerton Academy, Rhodesway, Bradford BD8 0DH.
• Elections to the Schools Forum – primary
governor vacancy – deadline for nominations -24
• Overview and Scrutiny committee – elections
for Parent Governor Representatives – closing date
for nominations 28 November
Pact HR Pay policy briefing sessions
Briefing sessions specifically for Governors on the changes
to our new model policy, and the expectations on Governors
in the implementation of the policy in schools
Tuesday 9 December 6.30pm – 8.00pm
Wednesday 10 December
Thursday 11 December
Myrtle Park Primary
6.30pm – 8.00pm Future House
1.00pm – 2.30pm Future House
Please note, that these sessions are only available to
Governors of schools that buy the PACT HR Advisory
To book a place please contact the School Governor Service
Training Update
There are places still available on:Managing Workforce Change – 26/11/14
Reconstitution – 27/11/14
How to manage school building projects New date – 2/12/14
All at Future House – 6.30pm
Ofsted have launched a consultation re major
proposed changes to the inspection framework.
The consultation is on the Ofsted website and closes
on 5 December.
Information about the changes and a questionnaire
are available via a shortcut from the Ofsted website
front page:
An opportunity for
Governors to share
good practice
and any issues
Next Briefing Dates
Monday 9 March 2015 – at Future House
Repeated on
Tuesday 10 March at Eastwood Primary
Both from 6pm – 7.30pm