Transcript Document

Aims and purpose of this
• To raise awareness of the routines and expectations
in Year 3
• To inform you of curriculum content
• To reinforce and outline the importance of the school
and parent relationship and co-operation.
• How and where you can help and enhance your
son’s learning
• To maximize learning opportunities and ensure that
your son settles in well and makes the most of his
first year at V.C.P
What you as a parent can
do to help
Ensure your son comes to school with the correct equipment.
Check and sign the homework diary each day and view it as an invaluable
means of communicating with the class teacher.
Encourage independence but still maintain support until your child is ready to
cope with routines alone.
Continue to support your son with presentation of work including the basic skills
that seem to be increasingly forgotten.
Listen to your son read regularly and encourage your son to view reading in a
very positive manner
Support their mental maths agility and provide real life maths opportunities.
Encourage your child to challenge themselves and be resilient.
If possible provide invaluable support with trips and outings which are a vital
means of enhancing our curriculum.
Raise awareness of any issues however minor or trivial they may seem
Major events this term
• House Cross country 17.10.14
• Reading Week 20.10.14
• Parent /teacher meeting - week beginning
Monday 20th October
• House Football
• House Photography competition
• Carol Service
• Visits to Durrell and St. Paul’s Church
In literacy we will be covering a variety of genres of writing including: stories with
familiar settings, instructional texts, non-chronological reports, play scripts,
myths/legends/fables and a variety of poetry styles.
The V.C.P planet scheme is the backbone of our reading. The scheme provides
structure, variety and ensures continuity and progression. Movement through
the planet scheme will be based on assessment and be at the teachers’
discretion. You should encourage your son to read as often and as widely as
Encourage your son with his presentation. By the end of year 3 we expect every
boy to be writing in an evenly sized, joined style.
Spellings should be practised using the L.S.C.W.C method every day and
should be signed and dated.
At least one homework a week will be literacy based.
Each boy will also have a ‘free reader’ which they choose from their class
• After half term the boys will be taught in sets which match their
pace, confidence and ability. The sets are fluid and boys may be
changed if the teachers feel that this would be beneficial to your
• Numeracy homework will be set once a week on a Tuesday.
This will be consolidating the areas covered. We would
encourage you to support and practise mental agility as
regularly as possible including tables.
• Abacus Evolve is our main framework but we include many
other approaches to the curriculum.
• When helping your son with homework tasks please encourage
him to share his methods with you. Do not be tempted to teach
them a method that they are unfamiliar with as this may cause
• In Science we will be covering the following
• Teeth and healthy eating
• Magnets
• Materials
• Sound
• Helping plants grow well
• The flowering plants cycle
• Moving and growing.
• Curriculum: throughout the year the boys will be learning the
following sports during their P.E. and games lessons: football,
rugby, hockey, cricket, tennis, athletics, swimming, dodgeball,
sportshall athletics, gymnastics and basketball.
• Kit – What to wear when!
• Extra curricular activities as scheduled (Calendar of Events)
Boys will be notified of any changes.
• Sportsmanship : V.C.P prides itself on this aspect of sport along
with effort. Please try and encourage the boys to show excellent
sportsmanship at all times!
• Sports noticeboard
• In Year 3 the boys will each have access to
an i-Pad which will be used regularly
• Each class also has an allocated slot in the
ICT suite.
• A great deal of Humanities, Science and
Literacy will be completed using I.C.T.
Curriculum: during the year music lessons will have a balance of
composing, performing, listening and appraising.
Hymn books should be named and kept in school.
Recorder folders ( recorder, recorder book, theory book and recorder
cleaner) - should all be named and kept in school bag.
Recorder practice- it is recommended that boys do at least 5 minutes
practice three times a week.
Extra - curricular activities as scheduled (Calendar of Events) Pupils will be
notified of any changes.
Jersey Music Service Lessons - boys currently receiving tuition from J.M.S
should have been notified directly by J.M.S about lesson times/days.
Please contact the J.M.S on 832230 with any routine queries and let Mrs
Silvester know if you have any concerns.
Most nights the homework is formally set.
A maximum of 30 minutes work is expected of which 10
minutes should be reading aloud.
Reading should be done every night as should spellings.
A structured approach is encouraged as is developing a
Homework is not intended to become onerous. We are very
aware of how tired the boys get and do not want to overload
them; if it does become a problem please let us know.
Homework should be logged and signed on a daily basis.
Curriculum Support
VCP wants the boys to be able to maximise their learning and take
advantage of all that we offer.
Curriculum Support covers a variety of needs – these broadly include:
Those boys who have difficulty accessing the curriculum; Behavioural;
Social and Emotional; Assessing progress.
This year the Teaching Assistants are going to be spending part of each
day helping to meet the learning needs of some of the boys. Mrs. Hayhurst
will be over-seeing the development of this work.
Communication between home and school is very important. The boys
usually respond well to knowing that parents and staff are regularly
communicating. Please contact school if you have concerns.