Agenda - Surrey Care Association

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Transcript Agenda - Surrey Care Association

Public Value Review of services for people with learning
Andrew Price, PLD Commissioning, Adult Social Care
September 13th 2011
Updates on the 11 workstreams
Complex Needs
Short Term Breaks
Review RAS arrangements
PLD Placement Review (incorporating High Cost Placements and Strategic Provider initiatives)
Integrated services with Health, Districts and Boroughs and VCFS
Commissioning Strategy
Workstream One – Accommodation – initial recommendations
Surrey County Council support 1,500 people in residential care homes, 600 of whom live
outside the county. We operate 5 homes with capacity for 102 people. There are an
estimated 540 people living in residential care in Surrey funded by other local authorities.
Recognised need for more focused resource to work with providers to enable the move from
residential care to supported living and to review the placements of young adults still in residential
care out of county (£11m)
Confirm strategic direction away from commissioning residential care
Ensuring all new supported living services are within target hourly rate level
Ensuring existing supported living rates reduced to target level
Improved monitoring of supported living vacancies
Supporting People contracts, ensuring ASC and SP rates aligned, standardise the range of SP
contracts, ensure services across county consistent, hours delivered per person capped at a level
TBC, new specification for floating support
Development of relationships with neighbouring commissioners; regular review of out of county in
corresponding areas
Workstream Two – Complex Needs – initial recommendations
There are 91 people in residential care services that cost over £2k per week, totalling £11m
each year. A high number of these (47) are located out of county, of which 38 are awaiting
Continuing Healthcare determinations.
We are exploring whether the definition actually exists and whether we should continue to use it to
understand the support needs of individuals with severe and/or multiple needs
We are identifying key features of services that support this cohort of individuals, including
accommodation/physical environments, appropriate staff training, and multi-agency input to
assessments and support planning
We are examining continuing health care referrals in more detail to facilitate the progression of
CHC determinations for these individuals, in partnership with health colleagues in Surrey and other
We will conduct a review of our most complex individual cases to establish a portrait of needs,
clear outcomes for those individuals, and review current placements in and out of county
Workstream Three – Dayservices – initial recommendations
Surrey County Council still operate seven daycentres attended by 710 people
We are reviewing our current “offer” and the way in which meaningful day activities are delivered
Working towards a menu of activities for all day activities, detailing full costs of services
We will propose that all individuals accessing day services go through supported self assessment
and have personal budgets
Review the delivery of meaningful day activities as part of work to move services from residential
care to supported living
Clear policy on supporting individuals with higher needs; link to Continuing Healthcare work
Its broader than County Council services! We are working with other day services providers
Workstream Four – Short Term Breaks – initial recommendations
Surrey County Council either provide or purchase a residential model of respite provision.
We purchase or provide approx 7,500 overnight stays each year, of which 50% are from the
Proposals for creation of a new range of options for people to access short breaks, to meet needs
and within Individual Budgets
Utilise other capacity (e.g. Hotels and leisure providers) to deliver new individualised options;
continued move away from buildings based respite
New respite services required in East of county (6 beds)
Stop and decommission respite services at selected locations to ensure there is an equitable
provision across Surrey offering value for money
Review respite as part of work to move services from residential care to supported living
Workstream Five – Review RAS arrangements – initial recommendations
There has been a slow roll out of SDS and resource allocation to individuals with learning
disabilities. There are challenges around the process. Issues around the length of time to
approve packages of support. Issues around recording certain costs.
Internal processes are being reviewed and improved and the PVR is making initial
recommendations to support this e.g. prompt fields in data system to ensure comprehensive
Very small sample to date: we know we need to find a way to advance the personalisation agenda
for people with learning disabilities
Not enough cases with valid RAS points to justify a review of current RAS levels at the present time
Workstream Six – PLD Placement Review – initial recommendations
Phase Two of the Strategic Provider review has started. Clear information given to providers
before the start of the process. Lessons learned from Phase one.
Phase One – successful renegotiation of terms with 17 providers
Phase Two – 23 providers contacted to arrange meeting
Quick turnaround expected following initial meeting
Relationship Manager allocated to each Strategic Provider from the Commissioning team
Workstream Seven – Integrated Services – initial recommendations
NHS Surrey, SABFT NHS Trust and District and Borough councils involved in the review to
Closer working relationship developing with NHS Surrey post transfer and pre roll out of GP
Consortia across the county to establish joint commissioning initiatives
Establishing how individuals placed out of county by NHS can be supported to return to Surrey
Updates to NHS Surrey on progress and developing relationships with Strategic Providers
Working with NHS Surrey over promotion of healthy eating and leisure activity initiatives
Linking with District and Borough councils re Telecare initiatives, ensuring this is considered on
conversion of properties to supported living
Development of Cobham model re dayservices across county
Website for housing under development, linking with partnership agencies and district councils
Expert by experience ‘mystery shopper’ review of D&B services offered and provider services
Workstream Eight – Commissioning Strategy – initial recommendations
Surrey County Council has not published a comprehensive learning disability strategy.
Market position statement required for clearer direction
Clearer commissioning direction emerging from PVR process
Final SCA workshop to discuss how this is finalised
Short summary document planned; Strategic Providers to benefit from more detailed data and
Workstream Nine – PLD Finance – initial recommendations
The Surrey County Council Medium Term Financial Plan requires ongoing savings to be
achieved, with 45% of ASC budget savings from PLD services
Further efficiencies to be established following PVR
Workstream Ten – Transition – initial recommendations
Young Adult’s transition team has already been restructured with additional resource
allocated. Problems with length of time finding accommodation for some individuals and
associated practice issues
Looking to utilise block contract beds and current provision for older people. Currently trialling
support provided from a OP rather than PLD focused service
Pathways for young people to be reviewed for effectiveness
Transition team to work with YP from age 14
Comprehensive database of individuals to enable commissioning ie detail of needs and locations,
specific requirements, current costings and availability of supported living
Workstream Eleven – Engagement – initial recommendations
PVR discussed widely with a range of organisations. Monthly Partnership Board update,
four dedicated provider workshops, local Valuing People Groups attended, open day at
Dorking Halls, Councillor and provider challenge.
Four further engagement events to be planned for October, to be held across county
Partnership Board update in November dedicated to PVR
Select Committee next week 21/9