GV551-week 18 - University of Essex

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GV551-week 18
Peacekeeping operations
1. Definitions
2. Types
Record of UN peacekeeping
Haiti (1994)
First time that SC declared a coup against a
democratically elected government threat to peaceright to intervene
First intervention after Somalia (Somalian effect)
Multiple failed mediations by foreign ministers,
OAS envoys (ch. 15), UN envoy, and presidential
Difficulty to combine diplomacy and force
(humanitarian goals not national interest) although
Unique model of mediation before the intervention:
a former President, a Senator, and G. Powell (threat
of enforcement)
Lessons to be learned from Haiti
Addressing images of the enemy
Good mediators are able to listen and empathize with both
Autonomy and strength of mediators: positive or negative?
Deadlines dangerous but necessary
Once the major point has been reached then relax allowing
for the other side to save face
Symbolic concessions to seal the agreement
Having an exit strategy
Critical distinction between use of force and threat of force
Definitions of peacekeeping
Peacekeeping: observe a truce/cease-fire/keep parties apart
– Method to manage conflict (first attempts under the League of Nations)
– Often as a term is used to encompass military action against an aggressor: e.g.
Korean war and first Gulf war
– Peacekeeping combines elements of collective security and observation
Characteristics of peacekeeping:
– Nonenforcement—noncoercive
– Occupation but as an interposition between fighting parties
– Limited military capability (light armaments—partly due to necessity)---strictly
self-defence and deterrent threat in case of demilitarisation and patrolling
Nonaligned states (e.f. Sweden, Pakistan, India, Fiji)
Issue of major powers (Cold War)
Permission of Host Countries
Ad hoc organizations under the UN auspices and certified by UN Security Council
Peace making and peacebuilding
Peace making: bringing hostile parties to an
agreement through peaceful means: mediation,
Peace enforcement: authorized act with or without
the consent of the involved parties, mandated, and
authorized by the Security Council—heavily
armed and under the UN secretary-general (e.g.
East Slavonia 1996, Sierra Leone 2000 (UK),
Liberia (US))
Peacebuilding (Haiti, East Timor, Sierra Leone,
Kosovo…): developing social, economic, and
political structure and institutions to avoid conflict
in the future
Types of peacekeeping operations
6 types depending on degree of involvement and the freedom to use force
From conflict management to conflict resolution
– Types 1 & 2: traditional peacekeeping (neutrality et al: Cyprus, Kashmir
1948, Golan Heights)
– Types 3 & 5: incorporate elements of peacebuilding, such as
decommissioning (Guatemala, Sierra Leone, Kosovo), training of police
forces, monitoring and organization of elections (Cambodia, East
Timor/OSCE in Eurasia)
» Type 5: enforcement issues
– Preventive development of UN troops (FYMacedonia) (Article 1)
– Type 6; full fledged peacebuilding (Haiti)
Problems of preventive UN operations
Developing countries’ fears of intrusion and loss of sovereignty
Selectivity of missions
Loss of funds from other projects
Issue of timing: when is prevention appropriate?
Differences between peacekeeping
and peacebuilding
Peacekeeping is operational, technical and focuses on
quick results; peacebuilding is based on long-term
planning and strategic management, and seeks sustainable
Peacekeeping requires direct and outside intervention;
peacebuilding develops local capacity.
Peacekeeping is guided by impartiality and equidistance
from contending parties; peacebuilding requires an indepth understanding of the socio-political situation, is
participatory and actively engages local stakeholders.
Example Haiti:
Origin of PKOs
Boxer wars in China (1900)
The creation of the League of Nations
– Concept of collective security
» No direct reference to peacekeeping but authorization to
League of Nations to take action to safeguard peace
– Problems:
» The role of great powers
» Lack of enforcement
Japanese attack against China (1931)—fact finding mission
Abyssinian crisis (1935)
» Lack of interest in remote conflicts (the case of
Czechoslovakia (1938))
» What is an aggressor?
The United Nations
Purpose: provide and international structure through which states can settle conflicts with the
least possible use of force
Chapters 6 & 7
Korean war and the movement of non-aligned countries
Resolution 998 and Suez Canal Crisis (1956): beginnings of PKOs
1960-1964: Congp (ONUC)
– To ensure the withdrawal of Belgian forces from the Republic of the Congo
– to assist the Government in maintaining law and order
– to provide technical assistance
– UNUC was authorized to use force
– By resolution 169 (1961) of 24 November 1961, the Council authorized the SecretaryGeneral "to take vigorous action, including the use of the requisite measure of force, if
necessary, for the immediate apprehension, detention pending legal action and/or
deportation of all foreign military and paramilitary personnel and political advisers not
under United Nations Command, and mercenaries", as laid down in Council’s resolution
161 (1961).
Early 1990s: An Agenda for Peace (Boutros Boutros-Ghali): more ambitious role of the UN
Second and third generation PKOs