Leadership Portfolio

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Abby Stauffenger
My Mission Statement
To live optimistically and willfully and to make sure the
values of integrity and honesty radiate throughout
every component of my life. To never stop learning
and continue living my life with an open mind. To
respect every single person I encounter and never
turn my back on my goals and dreams.
Leadership Style
I am very good at communicating to others what I think, what
I’d like to achieve, what I am feeling, etc. On the same level, I
am very good at relating to others and understanding them. I
truly thrive off of my relationships with others and I make it a
point to connect with and understand others.
I am persistent. I like to get things done and done so in the best
way possible. If I say I am going to do something, I will do
everything in my power to do it right.
I truly enjoy working with others and I like to work with each
person’s individual strengths. I hate seeing one person do all
the work and even when someone thinks they can’t do
something, I enjoy finding a way for them to help out the team.
I am good at encouraging others to work hard and I try my best
to do so.
Leadership Strengths
I am a positive and optimistic
person in every aspect of my life.
This is a great quality because when
I envision something to end well, I
do everything in my power to make
sure that my team and I will get that
result. I also think my optimism and
excitement in a project translates to
my teammates and helps them get
excited about the task or project.
This is something that has taken me a
while to work on. I have always been
a confident person, but I now know
how to add this confidence to my
leadership skills. When I believe in
something, I believe in it all the way. I
am not one to second guess myself,
my group, or our final project.
Things to Improve On
Finding balance in
confidence and
Taking time
to relax
• Stay humble and confident, but realizing that it is
important to demonstrate both characteristics in
everything I do, and I do not have to worry about
coming off to strongly in one area or the other.
• Do not always take control, learn to take the
back seat.
• Trust others to get things done
• Take each day at a time
• Keep a good work/life balance
• Learn to say “No.”
Leader Role Models
Blake Mycoskie
• Worked against the odds and started a small business that is
now extremely successful. Carries his values and principles
with him throughout every aspect of his life.
• Lives in a way that I see myself living, taking each day as a
gift and doing the best he can in every area of his life. He
does what he needs to do, and never complains or brings
work problems home with him.
• Demonstrates true visionary work. Believed in an idea, and
saw it all the way through until it was a success. Has a true
entrepreneurial spirit, which is something I admire.
• Created a business plan that centered around helping
others while creating a strong business model in the
process. Proved that helping others can be congruent with
creating personal success and reward.
Professional One Year Plan
- Finish the year with above a 3.5 GPA.
- Work hard in my internship with KPMG and learn all I possibly can
during it.
- Receive an offer for full time work with KPMG and work in D.C.
- Become a strong presence in Select Leaders and Consulting Fellows
- Be a strong President in Select Leaders
- Enjoy my last semester off at OU, while still holding a strong presence in
- Graduate with a 3.5 GPA
- Maintain a strong presence in the workplace and constantly be learning
2015 – 2020
- Eventually switch careers into Consulting work.
- One day, start my own Consulting firm.
- Maintain a strong work/life balance throughout my career
Mentorship Experience
My mentor, Kelsey, and I have created a
bond already though only really getting
to know each other for only one quarter.
Although being three years older, she
treats me as an equal and holds my
opinion high, as I do hers. We are very
different but also very much alike which
makes our relationship very fun. I have
found that I have learned a lot from her
without even realizing it. She is one of
the most genuine and real people I know
and through learning from her, I have
realized just how important those
qualities are.
Leadership Experience
Junior Executive Member – Select Leaders
I have learned how to work and lead in a true
business model. I have people reporting to me,
and I report to others. Accountability has played a
large role in this position, as well as learning to
work with others at different levels of business.
Senior Vice President – Delta Sigma Pi
I have completely organized and led two of the largest
events in our fraternity. I have also put on an entirely
new rush and ran it successfully. I have learned how to
work side by side with the president and how to
maximize our strengths for the Fraternity.
Teaching Assistant – Ohio University
This position has taught me how to manage time,
organize others, and do my job to the best of my
ability, not only for myself but for other because
their grades are involved. It has taught me how to
lead a large group of people that I do not know,
and how to maximize each other their strengths.
Director of External Affairs – Consulting Fellows
This organization has taught me how to take control
with a group of others, and no set President. The
board of Directors is taking this organization off of the
ground, and it is very beneficial because it is the first
time I have worked with a new organization and
creating culture.
Team Lead– Cluster/ Simonyi Consulting Center
I naturally took the role as lead consultant in for my projects for the Simonyi Consulting Center, where I
learned to work with cultural diversity and different ways of working. I led two groups of Hungarian students
and delivered the best projects possible to our clients. Through cluster, I was the team lead in my first group
and learned how to motivate peers and organize and delegate work in order to deliver good work.