Transcript Slide 1

Demons & Demonology
Pastor Theron s. Wiggins
Bethel Apostolic Church Inc.
Flint, MI
Excerpt by Bishop Ross P. Paddock ; Demons
• Can a Christian be indwelled by a demon?
• Can a child of God be demon Possessed?
• How far can Satan go in the life of a saint?
• In the life of a sinning saint?
Note: we are involved in deadly warfare with
the powers of darkness, satanic worship
• Satan wants the entire world to defy God
and worship him instead.
• Yet he knows that Christians are the salt of
the earth & the light of the world.
• Our allegiance to God threatens his plans
against every human being & institution.
• This means we should expect an attack
from Satan, devil, demons & wickedness.
Demons & Demonology
• 2Cor 11:2 For I am jealous over you
with a Godly jealousy ……
• We are the Bride of Christ waiting for
the rapture.
• The Devils job is to deceive and
• How are men & women deceived?
(1Jn 2:15-19)
• What does Satan use to deceive?
– 1. Deception through evil men
2. Seducers, new revelations
– 3. Deceivers begat deceivers, spreaders
Your mind can be turned away from the truth of
the gospel without you recognizing it by the
subtitle-ty of Satan himself
Genesis 3:6 Eve vs. Serpent
• It was not the snake talking, but Satan.
• Satan changed what God had commanded.
..”ye shall not eat of every tree
The devil knows how to change the word of
God ever so slightly to deceive man into the
wrong direction. Hell & the lake of fire
Eve thought if she ate of the forbidden tree
that her eyes of understanding would open
How Does Satan Work?
• He creates lust. Money, Fame, Power
• (1Tim 4:1) departing from the faith. The
saved, called out. Paul was referring to our
day and time.
• Eph 6:11, 12 Put on the whole armour of
• Principalities: (prince in the palace) Evil
spirits are territorial. (Dan 10:12, 13) Daniel
prayed, fasted, mourned, for three full
Seducing Spirit
• Who are those seducing spirits?
• At the end of the fifth day of creation, Lucifer
the sun of the morning exalted himself
against God and was cast down.
• A third of all the angels fell with him. There
called the fallen angels
• Jude 6…the angels that kept not their first
• These are the spirits that the devil uses.
Seducing Spirits
Church politics
• How do you get relief ?
“Get thee behind me Satan” Rebuke Satan,
Resist the devil, Call on Jesus
• Jeremiah 3:15, ..pastors after gods heart
What is Witchcraft?
• Witchcraft is the art of getting one’s will
turned to yours. The Bible gives us
three words that describe the occult:
• Witchcraft
• Divination
• Sorcery
These are the pillars of Demonology.
• Divination: is the fortune telling realm of the
spirit. It works through tarot cards, tea
leaves, horoscopes, and palm reading.
• Sorcery: which comes from the word
pharmakeia (derivative of pharmacy) it works
through alcohol & drugs, suggestive
dancing, charms and the ancient wearing of
• Witchcraft is the dominating realm of the
spirit. It works primarily through disobedience
which opens the door for intimidation,
manipulation and domination.
• Witchcraft can operate even in the church,
from the pulpit to the pews.
• Control by fear, manipulation, con game
Doctrines of Devils
• There are seducing spirits and there are doctrines
of devils.
• Pastor father’s all the children in church
• Worshiping the occult, idles, pagan holiday,
Halloween, etc;
• Un-conditional eternal security
• Once you’re in there’s no way to get out.
• We all are going to be saved, all religions.
• Homosexuality is Gods plan for diversity.
• Submit a sin offering to the church, money
• 1Tim 4:2…Giving heed to seducing spirits
and doctrines, speaking lies & hypocrisy,
having their conscience seared with a hot
What is a Lie?
• A deliberate intent to deceive, to get what
you want.
• Their conscience has been deadened, lying
doesn't bother them, it doesn’t speak to their
• Eph 2:1 and you hath he quickened who was
dead….(no conscience)
• When people are disobedient to God, Its easy
for Satan to get in and do damage.
• But when they are obedient to His word, its
hard for Satan to corrupt.
• 2Cor 2:10 ….bring him back to confirm your
love for him. To whom ye forgive anything, I
forgive also…
• …we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices
(pastors, watching, observing in Christ stead.
2Cor 5:20
• “If it was not for the pastors teaching and
instructions, you could be led astray or blown
about by winds of doubt just like children. But
we (pastors are not ignorant of his devices,
nor do we let Satan get the advantage over
us as we teach.”
Bish. Ross P. Paddock
• “So many times the disobedient can sit and
hear the Word of God , rejoice , shout, speak
in tongues, then return back to the same
things they had been doing . The Word of
God hasn’t made any impression on them at
all. Bish. Ross P. Paddock
Examples of Disobedience
• In the early days heating with a potbelly stove we
were told, Don’t touch it’ll burn. Immediately when
you could you touched the stove and you suffered
for it.
• We still have the same type of nature. The devil
knows it.
• Pastors warn the people so Satan won’t get the
• 2Tim 2:26…who are taken captive by Satan at his
own will. (Satan desires to have you so he may sift
you as wheat)
Did Job Sin?
• When Elihu (a type of Christ came to Job and
told him, you have added to your
transgression, Job was overthrown. Indirectly
by Satan. Job repented and acknowledged
that he spoke out of turn and repented.
• 2Tim
2:26 that they may recover
themselves out of the snare of the devil.
Familiar Spirits
• When you’re born into the world you have an
unclean spirit. Matt 12:43-44
• You can stand against the devil, but he
cannot stand against you if the holy ghost is
alive and active within you.
• King Saul searched for a woman that had a
Familiar spirit, The Witch of Endor….Saul
couldn’t get an answer from God or the
Familiar Spirits
The familiar spirit imitated Samuel
These spirits are with us day and night.
Through Séances a witch or spiritualist can
delve into the spiritual world freely.
• Satanic cults do it everyday.
• Haitians, Africans, Monks, Chanters
• Halloween
• Adamic nature – born with unclean spirits
• When an un-clean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh
through dry places seeking rest.…Matt 12:43
• Bishop R.P. Paddock …young woman whose husband had
fallen into sin, and she hid it. THAT GAVE A PLACE FOR
NIGHTS. The devils torments were so strong that her
husband and four friends tried to hold her down and she
threw them around the room like paper. She said she saw
many red devils grinning at her.