Effective Communication, Negotiation and Selling Skills in

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Effective Communication, Negotiation
and Selling Skills in Training Program
Min Shao
Student ID:C61937
AOI Institute
BSBCMM401A: Task Two
Background of A 72 Bungalow Island
Aim to Presentation
 Bid to capture more conference business in a 72 bungalow
island resort
 Train staffs in effective communication negotiation and
selling skills
Aim to Training
 Allow the resort to send any one of them on selling
missions, whenever needed
Training Plan
 Importance and use of communication and listening
 Use of effective selling techniques
 Ways how to negotiate effectively
 Detailed analysis of persuasive communication
 Pros and cons of any audiovisual equipment
 Specific physical requirements of a presenter
 How to asses and read audience reaction and reception
Aim to Communication
Get information
Make arrangements
Give advice
Effective Communication
Give good information
Use precise, memorable and powerful words
Support your words with visual aids
Give demonstration
Provide examples/metaphors/analogies
Use the other person “language”
Use Positive Cooperative Communication
 Soften the ‘you'd or change the into “I” to
avoid sounding pushy
 Instead of : ‘You’ll have to….’, say ‘Could you….’ Or
‘Would you be able to….’
 Focus on the solution , not the problem
 Instead of ‘We’re out of mild….’, say ‘I will pop down
the shop for some milk’
Use Positive Cooperative Communication
 Turn cant's into cans
 Instead of ‘We can’t do that until next week’, say ‘We’ll
be able to do that next week’
 Take responsibility – don’t lay blame
 Instead if ‘It’s not my fault’, say ‘Here’s what I can do
to fox that’
Use Positive Cooperative Communication
 Say what do you want , not what you don’t want
 Instead of ‘Don’t; drive too fast’, say ‘Drive carefully’
 Focus on the future , not the past
 Instead of “I’ve told you before not to……, say ‘From now
 Share information rather than argue or accuse
 Instead of ‘No, you’re wrong’, say ‘I see it like this….’
Assertive People
 Make statements that are honest, clear, brief, and to the
 Use “I” statement : I’d like, I appreciate, I think
 Distinguish between fact and opinion
 Ask, don’t tell
 Offer improvement suggestions, not advice and commands
Assertive People (CON.)
 Offer constructive criticism, free of blame, assumptions,
and ‘shoulds’
 Ask questions to find out the thoughts and feelings of others
 Respect the rights of others as well as their own rights
 Communicate mutual respect where the needs of two
people conflict, and look for mutually acceptable solutions
Non Verbally
Assertive People
Make appropriate eye contact
Sit or stand firmly and comfortably erect
Gesture openly to support their comments
Speak in a clear, steady, firm tone of voice
Non Verbally
Assertive People (CON.)
 Maintain open, steady, relaxed facial expressions, smiling
when pleased, frowning when angry
 Speak a steady, even pace, emphasizing key words, with
few awkward hesitations
Manage Body Language
 Sit or stand at right angles and on the same level, and
respect people’s personal space zones
 Use open gestures and body language
 Center your attention exclusively on the other person
 Lean slightly forward to show interest; a bit further forward
to apply pressure, slightly back to reduce pressure
Manage Body Language (CON.)
 Maintain appropriate eye contact while listening to
encourage the speaker; increase eye contact to apply
pressure; reduce it to lower pressure
 Respond appropriately by basing your responses on what
the other person has just said
 Be relaxed and balanced to make relaxed and open
communication easier
Active Listening Skills
 Paraphrasing meanings: Translate into your own words
what the speaker has said
 Reflecting feelings: when someone is expressing emotion
or feelings or looks emotional (upset, angry, excited),
convey your empathy and encourage the speaker to
 Reflecting facts : briefly summarize the content, or factual
aspects, of what the speaker has said.
Active Listening Skills (CON.)
 Synthesizing: blend several ideas of the speaker into one
theme or idea
 Imagining out loud: imagine what it must be like to be in
the speaker’s place
To Listen More Effectively
Attend physically
- The right body language helps us to focus on the speaker and
encourages the speaker to give us more information
Attend mentally
- Follow the speaker’s flow of thought, listen to understand,
not evaluate; listen first, then assess
Check it verbally
- Paraphrase, clarify, probe further, summarize your
Receiving Listening Feedback
Listen, don’t resist
Keep calm and keep breathing
Let your body language show you are receptive
Ask questions to make sure you’ve understood
Selling Techniques
 Tell customers about a
variety of products and
 Link the customer to any
support people in your
organization who can help,
advise or add value to the
customer's use of products
and services
Selling Techniques (CON.)
Respond promptly to customer
inquiries and stay in touch with
a number of people in the
customer’s organization, not
just the top decision makers.
Initiate discussions about
innovative ways customers can
solve problems or improve
operations, and work with them
to act on these potential
Selling Techniques (CON.)
 Show interest in customers’
future goals and operations in
addition to helping them solve
existing problems and meet
current needs
Refer to your experience with
other organizations to show
customers that you understand
their business and industry and
are qualified to meet their needs
Selling Techniques (CON.)
 The Physical Product
Competitive features and
 The Deal
Terms, credit, availability,
delivery, installation,
ongoing support and
application ideas
Negotiation skills
Negotiation skills
Act assertively to achieve objectives
Reduce resistance & minimise conflict
Know how & when to accept the opinions, values & will of other
Work to achieve a WIN-WIN situation
Effective Negotiation
 Is an important communication
 Reaches the agreement that best
meets both sides requirements
 Should be conducted in a
professional manner
 Be a solid foundation on which
to build future relationships
Negotiation skill
 Preparing yourself
 Identify your objectives
 Identify targets
 Know your resistance
 Adopt the most suitable
 Time the interaction
 Achieve a deal
Formal Negotiation
 Favours the party with the strongest power base
 Limits the likelihood of informal talks
 Emphasises the letter of agreement
Informal Negotiation
 Emphasises the relationship between the two
 Encourages the spirit of any agreement reached
Modern Negotiation
Enables strategic alliances to be built
Emphasises partnerships
Builds relationships
Is effective long term
Outcomes From Negotiation
 Need to achieve the
objective set
 Be of benefit to all parties
 Ensuring a WIN/WIN
Stages to Successful Negotiation
 Exchange information
 Assess Wants, Needs,
 Find the middle ground
which is fair & reasonable
to both
 Firm up a mutually
agreeable solution
Negotiation skill
Skilful listening to improve understanding
Assertion skills
Influence by using interpersonal skills
Emphasise issues, break up large issues
Make careful note of actions decided
to to
Resolve Conflict
Negotiation skill
Recognising Assertiveness
Effective body language
How would you describe this?
Use assertive language
What is considered assertive language?
Negotiation skill
Modern Negotiation
Enables strategic alliances to be built
Emphasises partnerships
Is effective long term
Builds relationships
Negotiation Strategy
Create Closure
Create movement
The Process
Stress the
Agree Boundaries – On which the negotiation will focus.
Deny the need – A deliberate strategy in which both parties play down their
need for a particular outcome.
From the outset skilled negotiators will play up the fact that they do not believe
the outcome will be successful.
Negotiation skill
Barriers to Listening
 Dialogue of the deal - Both
sides within a discussion, intent
on making their own point, may
fail to listen to each other.
 Experience - The parties may
have had bad experiences of
negotiations in the past.
 Familiarity - Can be a crucial
disabler when negotiating.
 Skim Listening - Picking up on
key words and missing vital
parts of the conversation.
 Attention span – Are you
focused or distracted?
Negotiation skill
The Levers Of Influence
Pull Skills
Creating rapport
Authentic listening
Skilful questioning
These Pull techniques also involve
the effective use of non-verbal
Creating rapport :
Voice – Tone & Volume
Eye Contact
Facial expressions
How we occupy our space
Consider carefully how
you want to build the
with someone who you
will be negotiating with.
Negotiation skill
Pull Levers
Questioning :
Have a questioning strategy –
Hypothetical questions
Defining questions
Probing questions
The aim is to use effective questioning skills to
Help build rapport
Obtain accurate information
Obtain other people’s opinion
Negotiation skill
Assertiveness is
Saying what you mean
Meaning what you say
Asking for what you want clearly
Listening to what the other person is saying
Being honest about what is relevant
Being prepared to look for a workable compromise
Being Assertive during a negotiation is the best way
to achieve a win/win outcome. Conduct your
with clarity, confidence and an open mind.
Negotiation skill
A successful Negotiator can
Build Rapport
Network effectively
Work in a team
Build consensus
Be persuasive
Deal with conflict
Question ?
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