Mr. Naoh - Gospel Hall

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The Titanic and the Ark
The Titanic was built by
professionals. The Ark was
built by amateurs.
By Becky Kew
Noah’s Ark and the Titanic:
The Titanic was designed by Alexander Carlisle
The Ark was designed by God.
Noah and his 3 sons built the Ark in South Iraz
where as it took 15 000 people to build the Titanic in
North Ireland.
The Titanic was double the length of the Ark (883ft),
and over three times higher than the Ark, the Ark
was about 45 feet high.
The numbers…
The Titanic had only 20 lifeboats and the Ark had
The Titanic had a 59 year old Captain, Edward
Smith and the Ark had a 600 year old Captain,
Smith had 43 years of naval experience, Noah had
The Ark sailed for 370 days, and the Titanic for 4.5
The Ark had 8 people on board and 2 of every
animal where as the Titanic had 2228 people
aboard and only 3 dogs survived.
The Ark had no Anchor, but the Titanic had 3.
The final resting place of the Ark was in Turkey
on Mount Aararat, 17, 000 feet about sea level,
and the Titanic is 12,460 below sea level in the
North Atlantic Ocean.
RATE, but the rest of the world perished. Only 32% of the
passengers on the Titanic survived.
Why the difference? God’s way works, man’s way fails. Noah
and His family believed God and showed it by their actions!
The Titanic was “known” as the ship that even “God could not
sink” They did not listen to the warnings. We have warnings
today as well and God would want us to listen to His Word.
In Noah's day, the rest of the world perished, lets find out
The Story of Noah
Genesis Chapter 6-8
The earth began to fill with many people.
They had forgotten about the goodness of God and his word.
The Bible says that they became more and more wicked
and evil came out of their hearts continually. Genesis 6:5
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
God gave Noah instructions
to build a huge ark.
Noah did as God
commanded, he
followed God’s
instructions, he
believed God.
God was going to judge
the earth.
By faith Noah,
being warned by
God concerning
events as yet
unseen, in reverent
fear constructed an
ark for the saving of
his household.
Hebrews 11:7
Noah was a preacher of
righteousness. 2 Peter 2:5
They refuse to believe.
The do not really know who the
Lord Jesus is.
They love their darkness, their sin.
Instead of turning to the light of
God, many turn away.
Jesus said:
I am the light of the world, if any
person follows me, will not
walk in darkness but will have
the light of life.
John 8:12
Noah took the animals into the ark
Take with you
seven pairs of all
clean animals, the
male and his mate,
and a pair of the
animals that are
not clean, the male
and his mate,
Genesis 7:2
There was one entrance
to the boat.
If the animals and
Noah’s family were
going to be saved,
they had to enter
through the
There is another door…
The Lord Jesus said:
I am the door, by Me
if any man enter in,
he shall be saved.
John 10v9
The flood came.
And the waters
prevailed so
mightily on the
earth that all the
high mountains
under the whole
heaven were
Genesis 7:19
And all flesh died
that moved on the
earth, birds,
livestock, beasts,
all swarming
creatures that
swarm on the
earth, and all
Genesis 7:21
They were blotted
out from the earth.
Only Noah was left,
and those who were
with him in the ark.
Genesis 7:23
and the waters
receded from the
earth continually. At
the end of 150 days
the waters had abated,
and in the seventh
month, on the
seventeenth day of
the month, the ark
came to rest on the
mountains of Ararat.
Genesis 8:3-4
Then he sent forth a
dove from him, to see if
the waters had subsided
from the face of the
ground. But the dove
found no place to set her
foot, and she returned to
him to the ark,
Gen 8:8-9
Then Noah built an altar
to the LORD and took
some of every clean
animal and some of
every clean bird and
offered burnt offerings
on the altar.
Genesis 8:20
The Titanic is like a man-made plan for
salvation. The Ark is like God’s plan.
He has appeared to put away
sin by the sacrifice of Himself.
Hebrews 9v26
Tit 3:5 he saved us, not because
of works done by us in
righteousness, but according to
his own mercy
Do you have Christ as your
lifeboat to eternity?
Many people thought
that they were safe
because of the Titanic’s
power, but really in
God’s eyes we have no
strength and our class
means nothing.
Whether we are poor or
rich, we still need the
Savior and He is no
respecter of people. All
have sinned. Romans
3:23 and all need
salvation, Romans 6:23