Transcript Slide 1

By Linda Valley
• Eliminate unnecessary words and
• Most important considerations in notetaking are accuracy and honesty.
Locate keywords and related words
• in the table of contents, index, headings,
subheadings, and captions
• generate a short list of related words for
the questions
• Requires the reader to read quickly and look for
main ideas or supporting details in a paragraph
• Read the first and last paragraph of sections for
summaries of the content
• Read the last sentences of paragraphs to gain
an impression of the topic
4 Note-taking Types
• Citation:
A reference to a book, article,
web page, etc.
• Summary:
A short version of the original
which highlights major points
• Paraphrase:
Restating someone else’s ideas
in your own words.
• Quotation:
“Word for word”
Summarizing vs Paraphrasing
• In both instances, you are restating
someone else's ideas in your own words.
What's the difference?
The most important thing to
• Whether you are summarizing or
paraphrasing, is that you must not borrow
too much from your original source. You
must use your own words and your own
• If you do not change enough of the
vocabulary and sentence structure of the
original passage, you have plagiarized.
• 1. When you are at the note-taking stage,
make a note of the author's basic point.
Don’t use full sentences.
• 4. Make sure to include the page number
of the original passage so that you can
make a proper reference later on.
Time to write your paper
1. Convert the ideas from your notes into full
2. Provide a reference.
3. Go back to the original to ensure that (a)
your paraphrase is accurate and (b) you
have truly said things in your own words.
How do I summarize?
• Absorb the meaning of a passage and
then put the most important elements it
in your own words
• A summary is shorter than a
How do I Quote?
• Signal that a quotation is coming--generally
the author's name and/or a reference to the
• Use quotation marks “”
Ms. Valley writes in her book titled Research,
“Not plagiarizing is most important to ones