12. Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Direct Quoting

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Transcript 12. Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Direct Quoting

Summarizing, and
Direct Quoting
For MLA Style
Compiled from the Purdue OWL
Created April 2012
S Involves putting a passage from source material into your
own words
S Does not require quotation marks
S Usually shorter than the original passage, taking a
somewhat broader segment of the source and condensing it
S Must be attributed to the original source
S Involves putting the main idea(s) into your own words,
including only the main point(s)
S Significantly shorter than the original and takes a broad
overview of the source material
S Does not require quotation marks
S Must also be attributed to the original source
Direct Quotation
S Must be identical to the original, word for word, using a
small selection of the source
S Requires quotation marks
S Must also be attributed to the original source
Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries serve many
S You might use them to . . .
S Provide support for claims or add credibility to your writing
S Refer to work that leads up to the work you are now doing
S Give examples of several points of view on a subject
S Call attention to a position that you wish to agree or disagree with
S Highlight a particularly striking phrase, sentence, or passage by
quoting the original
S Distance yourself from the original by quoting it in order to cue
readers that the words are not your own
S Expand the breadth or depth of your writing
Quotations and MLA Style
S MLA requires in-text citations when paraphrasing, summarizing,
and quoting directly.
S The basic format for an MLA in-text citation is as follows:
Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a "spontaneous overflow of
powerful feelings" (263).
Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful
feelings" (Wordsworth 263).
Wordsworth extensively explored the role of emotion in the creative process
S Notice how all three somehow have the author’s name and the
page number.