Transcript Slide 1

A Balanced Approach to SDWA
Regulatory Compliance
Introduction to CCIL
• CCIL represents the independent testing
laboratories sector.
• Part of a $2.3-billion-dollar-a-year industry that
employs 20,000 skilled workers.
• Members operate more than 330 lab facilities,
many located in Ontario.
• We work collaboratively with the Ministry.
• We deliver the bulk of the drinking water testing in
this province.
The Issue
• How MOE currently deals with the late reporting of
adverse drinking water test results.
• We are NOT advocating for a diminishment of
existing enforcement powers.
• But we ARE suggesting that not all violations are
equal, and that the Ministry needs a broader range
of compliance tools.
In addition to the excessive penalties, we’re also
concerned about other consequences.
• Legal costs.
• Damage to reputations.
• Protracted process.
• Adversarial climate.
• Potential loss of testing capacity.
More Balance and Flexibility
• Not all violations are equal.
• Each incident needs to be dealt with based on its
particular circumstances.
• If significant risk, or lab wilfully negligent or a
repeat offender, then prosecution may be
justified. Supported by industry.
• In situations where low potential for harm,
laboratory has a good record, MOE should have
an alternative course open to it.
Proposed Solution
• Retain existing powers of prosecution.
• Add Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMP) as an
another enforcement tool.
AMP Offers Advantages
• Quicker process, resulting in more timely
• A less combative, adversarial approach.
• Allows MOE to consider the circumstances and to
tailor its response.
Human Error
• CCIL members carry out 1000s of tests every day.
• We meet the province’s reporting requirements
+99.99% of the time.
• Late reporting usually the result of human error.
• ISO recognizes that human errors occur.
• AMP would also acknowledge human error and
work to correct deficiencies.
AMP Adopted in Other Legislation
• Highway Traffic Act
• Environmental Protection Act
• Municipal Act
• Ontario Energy Board Act
• Accessibility of Ontarians with Disability Act
• Private Career Colleges Act
AMP and the SDWA
• Section 121 of the SDWA.
• Yet to be proclaimed.
• Opportunity lost after December 2012.
• We ask the Minister to proclaim the regulations
establishing AMP as another option for handling