SY2 Exam Tips

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Transcript SY2 Exam Tips

Have some useful tips for doing well
Know the layout and expectations of the exam paper.
Don’t get stressed get prepared!!
 Exam is 1 and 1/2 hours
 You must answer question 1 parts a) and b) in 30 Mins
 The Education question part a) and b) in 60 Mins
Before the exam
 Revise !!!!!!!!
 Practice answering questions to time
 Know beforehand how much time you should allocate
to each question according to the marks available
Have the right equipment ready
Eat and sleep well
Take time-out to relax
Remember that some adrenaline when going into the
exam will help you perform better! BUT talk to
someone in school or at home if you get too stressed.
During the Exam
 Read the instructions on the paper thoroughly
 Regularly check the time
 Plan your longer answers – but don’t spend too long on
 Check your answers by reading back over them
 Keep your handwriting legible
 Clearly mark on your answer booklet which question
you are answering
Research Methods Compulsory
What you need to know
 You need to know definitions of and advantages and
disadvantages of all the methods in the textbook and how
to evaluate each method in terms of GROVER
(generalisability, representativeness,
operationalisation, validity, ethics and reliability). You
should know which methods are qualitative and which are
quantitative.You should also be able to give examples of
research you know about. (see sheet with summaries of
research on education). You also need to know the different
sampling methods and why they are selected for certain
types of research.
Question 1 a) 10 marks – 10
(a) Using material from the item and elsewhere, identify the main
strengths of questionnaires. (10)
AO1 6 AO2 4
 This will basically be a ‘what’ question. Asking you to define
what something is. You will be given an example of some
research on a topic and could be asked to give a definition of the
method used or perhaps another term e.g qualitative, quota
sampling etc, using the source material and your own
knowledge. You should make 3 points and to get AO2 marks you
need to develop them by giving examples from the source
material or elsewhere and by stating the advantages or
disadvantages of the method/term you have defined e.g
Question 1 b) 20 marks – 20
b) With reference to the item and sociological studies and
research, assess the strengths of triangulation. (20)
AO1 12 Ao2 8
 This is basically more of a ‘why’ question. Asking you to
say why a researcher might make certain decisions e.g why
use interviews or questionnaires, or secondary sources, why
select their sample the way they have. To get 20 marks you
need to make 5 points which are developed using GROVER
(see above) and advantages and disadvantages of
methods/sampling etc. Your answers also need to be in the
context of the source material and you will be asked to refer
to other studies from your own knowledge.
Question 2 Education
These could be any question based around the 14
booklet topics that we have covered.
You should know: Key terms e.g meritocracy, hidden curriculum – there are
lots of them.
 key points/patterns e.g on gender, ethnicity etc, names of
writers, linked research studies, linked theories e.g
Functionalism, Marxism and evaluation or strengths and
weaknesses (AO2s).
 You need to pay attention to command words (see
 Use activities, key words and essay plans at back of
Question 2 a) 20 marks – 20
 AO1 12 AO2 8
 Command words may vary e.g outline and assess, or
define and explain etc.
 This question may ask you to define a key term like
‘meritocracy’ and explain or assess it.
 Brief introduction
 This is a shorter essay and you should aim to make 3-4
points with a range of evidence to support your points
and SOME depth.
Question 2 b) 40 marks - 40
 AO1 20 AO2 20
 This is a longer essay and is examining your skills of evaluation and
analysis more , you need range AND depth.
You can jot a quick plan if you have time
Include an introduction and conclusion
This question will ask you to Discuss, assess or critically assess etc. The
essay should be set out as an argument.
You might be assessing for example, the usefulness of say Marxist view
of education or cultural explanations of school failure or whether
processes that occur in school cause children to fail or not.
Use evaluative language at every opportunity and make VERY explicit
links to the question in your answer.
Aim to make at least 6-8 main points use PEEA !!!
Extra Tips !
 The key to doing well in exams is all about revision and
practice. Half the battle is writing good essays to time.
 Watch the news and apply your knowledge to current
debates. This will help you understand the issues and
consolidate your knowledge. Anything current you can
include in your answers will get extra marks but don’t
overdo it, remember you need actual research studies
writers and theories too !
 GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!