Transcript Slide 1

Commissioning and cardiac Rehab

Val Billingham Commissioning Adviser British Heart Foundation

COMMISSIONING IN THE NHS • It’s all about the population • Big culture shifts • World class commissioning

Outcomes-based commissioning • Pcts have a duty to improve the health of the local population • Outcomes: – Individual – population

Prevention • Funding needs to shift upstream • Commitment to principle but little idea of how to do it in pcts • Need clinical engagement on service specification • Need it on industrial scale • Local authority angle

Personalisation SOCIAL CARE: • Direct payments • Individual budgets HEALTH CARE: PERSONAL HEALTH BUDGETS Common assessment framework for adult services

Commissioning cycle

World Class Commissioning • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Core competencies: locally lead the NHS work with community partners engage with public and patients collaborate with clinicians manage knowledge and assess needs prioritise investment stimulate the market promote improvement and innovation secure procurement skills manage the local health system make sound financial investments New in 2009: efficiency, based on financial management, looking at ensuring value for money and return on investment; Support for Practice-Based Commissioning

WCC assessment timetable • September – December 2009 PCT preparation January – March 2010 Analytical phase April – May 2010 Panel days June/July 2010 Calibration and publication of results

Local Government • Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees (HOSCs) • Local Involvement Networks (LINks) • Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs)

The future

Map of Medicine • visualisation of ideal pathway • Customisable locally • Dh will use it to operationalise reductions in programme budgets • Ambition to abolish traditional terminology • http://www.mapofmedici

Quality • Quality Accounts • PROMS • CQINS • Quality observatories

Information technology • Power of Information Task Force – Social networking for public servants as a matter of course – “Backstage” model of data for co-production

Contact details Greater london House 180 hampstead road London Nw1 7aw 020 7554 0345 [email protected]
