Transcript Document

Welcome to the Excel Program
at O.P. Earle
School Theme:
What Does Being Gifted and
Talented Mean?
The U.S. Department of Education defines
Gifted and Talented as:
"Children and youth with outstanding talent
who perform or show the potential for
performing at remarkably high levels of
accomplishment when compared with
others of their age, experience, or
District One Gifted and
Talented Program Mission
“The mission of gifted education
in Spartanburg School District
One is to maximize the potential
of gifted and talented learners
by providing programs and
services which match their unique
characteristics and needs.”
How Did My Child Qualify for
the Excel Program?
If your child has scored between the
93rd to 98th percentile (depending on
age) on a Norm Referenced Achievement
Test (i.e. MAPS or PASS tests) he or
she can be tested for giftedness with
the STAR or the TCS/2 tests.
Your child reached a high
enough percentile in two of the
three following dimensions
1. Dimension A
(Reasoning Abilities)
-CogAT, Naglieri or TCS/2
2. Dimension B
(Academic Achievement)
3. Dimension C
(Intellectual Academic)
Gifted Students Are Unique
Because They Are
Very observant
Great intellectual curiosity
Absorb information rapidly
Excellent memory
Long attention span compared to other
same-age children
• Excellent reasoning and problem solving
• Intense interests
Characteristics, continued:
• Unusual and/or vivid imagination
• Learn quickly and with less practice and
• Usually intrinsically motivated to learn (star
charts and stickers don't work well to
motivate them)
• Enjoy learning new things
• Enjoy intellectual activity
• Interested in philosophical and social issues
• Very sensitive, emotionally and even
How Will Excel Be Different?
• Students will have more of a say in what kind of
activities are done in class.
• Activities will be more hands-on.
• The class will be more student-led and teacher
will act more as the facilitator of the class.
• Lessons will satisfy kinesthetic, visual, and
auditory learners.
• All activities will be done in class-no homework!
• Lessons will correlate with what is being taught
in their general classroom, but will expand and
will encourage higher order thinking skills.
Grades Will Reflect:
• Independent Skills:
– Time Management, Organization, Use of
Resources, and Self Motivation
• Creative Skills:
– Divergent Thinking, Originality,
Expressiveness, and Elaboration
• Cooperative Learning:
– Maintains a Positive Attitude and an
Open Mind, Shows Cooperation, and is
Keep on the Lookout For…
• EXCEL field trips-each grade takes one or
two field trips. For example, 3rd grade goes
to Swofford Career Center; 4th grade goes to
Clemson University; 5th grade goes to the
Biltmore House.
Thank you!
Any questions or comments?
[email protected]
State Standards
Gifted Students will be able to:
Use critical and creative thinking in
solving problems.
Transfer advanced knowledge and
Read complex texts independently.
Use argumentative writing.