Transcript Document

• Recognises massive development challenges
facing the majority of the world’s population
• lack of healthcare, education, safe water, jobs, enough to
eat, decent housing…
• Sees access to technology – sustainable
technology – as a key factor in overcoming global
• So we…
facilitate human development
through engineering
Our global
Placements Programme
• Develops the skills, knowledge, experience,
resources and development awareness of new
• So their careers will be more beneficial to the world
• And impacts directly on poverty now through
partnerships with expert organisations and
connected communities across the world
We are now seeking volunteers
for 2012…
 Twelve x 3-month placements are
now available
 Nine of our longer, six to twelve
month placements are offered
You can apply online now
FAQs about applying:
• Wide range of projects – required skills & experience vary
• Eligibility: over 18; we prioritise people with four years’ or less
technical experience; resident or student in UK or Ireland.
• Check the required and desired skills & experience lists
• You can apply for up to three placements
• Apply online before midnight on March 4 2012
• Interviews 14-15, 21-22 in London
• Pre-departure residential training course 17-22 June
• Feedback and engagement with EWB-UK on return
We support you
• EWB-UK gives you a great pre-departure training course,
which you must attend
• You receive support from an EWB-UK placement manager
You are responsible for preparation…
• You will be responsible for agreeing project
goals and practicalities (flights, visas,
• Most placements require thorough research
and preparation in advance – we’re here to
…and on return
• Attend debrief and complete evaluation
• Share your experience (peers, press)
• EWB-UK believes in giving new engineers opportunities to
get involved in international development work.
• Fundraising is a part of development work. Support
from EWB-UK’s donors will cover much of the cost of your
placement but you will also need to contribute.
• Selected volunteers are asked to fundraise between £600
and £900 depending on the length of their placement.
Thank you…
Important Note!
All placements are
subject to alteration or
at the discretion of
How to apply…
Stage 1: Online Application
• Applications open from Feb 1st until midnight on March 4th
• Visit for full info and apply there
Stage 2: Interview
• Interviews on middle two weekends in April
• You must attend an interview
• The interviews will be held in central
What we look for…
Candidates will be selected for:
• their technical suitability for the placement
• their non-technical suitability for the placement
• their interest in global issues
• their potential future contribution to development
All based on evidence given at application and interview
What we look for…
Evidence of:
 Your ability to work independently
 Your ability to work as part of a small team
 Your ability to instil change within an organisation
 Your ability to communicate
 Interest in international development
 Experience of living or working overseas
 Experience of voluntary work – particularly if you
have volunteered for EWB-UK
Opportunities to
facilitate human
Photo :USAID
Remember placement
applications close 4 March
Questions: [email protected]