A new generation of engineers”

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“A new generation of engineers”


• • • • • • • • A presentation on membership from me A discussion on membership Lunch from the shops A discussion on membership A set of decisions for a membership scheme A set of decisions for next steps (AGM etc) Short Fundraising How-To Short Report on Communities of Practice

Proposed Decision Areas (?)

• • • • • • • • Types/Levels Definitions Fees Incentives Structures & Roles Team Monitoring Roll-out

This presentation (?)

• • • • • • Background (presentation) What our key documents say (1 handout) How this relates to branches (1 handout) Task force 2009 proposals (1 handout) Ideas – ours and others Comments already come in


• • • • • • • • • Member Volunteer Staff Trustee Friend Supporter Donor Subscriber Voter



• • • • “EWB educates members in the areas of appropriate technology and development” “EWB’s unique structure of many members supported by a strong Core Group allows us to maintain a low-cost and efficient organisation” “EWB members consist of students, researchers, academics and professionals. They undertake three activities: [research; overseas work; project preparation.]” “As development is more than technology, EWB is more than engineers. We will seek members from any discipline who can contribute skills to our projects.” – Taken from EWB-UK Business Plan, 11 th July 2002

• • • •


Membership has always been complicated Work by Jignesh Parekh on what is a ‘member’ Any volunteer can be a member by decision of the trustees; or by paying a £10 fee.

I made membership a priority in my role as Chief Exec… – “Another example is EWB-UK’s membership system which, with

the use of more up-to-date knowledge management, could be made more robust for the longer-term. Again, this is so that EWB-UK can evaluate its impact, but it would also better allow the organisation to link together its overall strategy to its work on the ground. EWB-UK is its members, it exists for its members to make a difference – and, not insignificantly, they are also a

growing stream of funding for its programmes.” – Membership system: develop an agreed definition of membership through consultation and establish and implement the required processes and infrastructure. Include a facility for identifying and tracking alumni. (Deadline: Annual General

Meeting 2009)

When we need membership...

• • • • • • • To do anything at all?

When a request comes in looking for an engineer with a particular set of knowledge, skills and experience At the AGM for voting for trustees When trying to influence When trying to represent When trying to fundraise When we need to know how to contact someone

Why we need membership…

• • • • • • • • •

Representation Impact Relationships Legality






The current situation in EWB-UK

• • • • • • • • Volunteers are members There is no UK fee Some branches charge fees We include anyone on an email list or with an account on our website as a member Open to all – just sign up online No clear way to reach branch members / recruit or advertise “internally” for placements, teams etc NE and Board make decisions, heavily influenced by actions of Chief Executive Every ‘member’ is liable for up to £1 upon winding up

The current situation in EWB-UK

• • What is a member anyway?

What is the purpose of membership with us?

Key Documents

What our Memorandum of Association says

• • •

Non-voting Member” a person admitted in

accordance with Article 3 as a non-voting member;

Voting Member” a/the company member of

the Charity, as defined in the Act and Article 2

Act” the Companies Act 1985 including any

statutory modification or re-enactment;

What our Mem&Arts says

• • • • “to educate members, local partners and the general public in the complexities of global economical development with a particular emphasis on technical and engineering aspects of development” The income and property of the Charity shall be applied solely towards the promotion of its objects and no part shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, bonus or other benefit, to members of the Charity, and no member of its board of Trustees shall receive any remuneration or other benefit in money or money’s worth from the Charity provided that nothing shall prevent any payment in good faith by the Charity The liability of the members is limited.

Every member of the Charity undertakes to contribute a sum not exceeding £1.00 to the Charity’s assets if it should be wound up while he/she is a member, or within one year after he/she ceases to be a member, for payment of the Charity’s debts and liabilities contracted before he/she ceases to be a member, and of the costs, charges and expenses of winding up, and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves.

From the Charity Commission

• • 91. In order to make sure that all members receive the information, we advise charities to maintain an accurate and up to date list of members. In a charitable company, members must be listed in a register kept for the purpose. 94. The governing document will usually state who can attend and vote at an AGM. For a charity with a membership there may be different voting rights for different types of members. We advise charities to maintain an accurate and up to date list of members. It can lead to criticism from the membership or challenges to decisions taken if any current members are not invited to the AGM due to incompetent record keeping. It may even lead to the organisation having to call an EGM or SGM (see paragraph 99 ) to rectify the situation.

What our strategy says

• • • • • • • Our Scope: “We concentrate on developing the capabilities of young

people between the ages of 16 and 25*, but ensure that we maintain

strong ties with our alumni and senior members.” “We will start to utilise our professional network and communities of practice members to provide advice and expert guidance...” Society Membership of 3,500 by 2012 Professional Membership of 700 by 2012 “We will provide clear roles and opportunities for members across the UK” “The IT system will be central to our management and external

communication. We will build online communities of practice and knowledge dissemination tools... The system will become a data store of speakers, venues, reports, contacts and shall allow member tracking.

Application forms and beneficiary feedback shall be captured and collated” “We shall launch a newsletter for donors and members to show case our activities and progress

How this relates to branches

• handout

Task Force

Membership Task Force 2009

• • • Brief: (see doc & email) Who: – Dan Butler – Andrew Lamb – Victoria Hickman – Hayley Sharp – Ian McChesney Reported: 19 th July 2009 to the board

Membership Task Force 2009

• Three levels of membership: – Non-member (err…) – Member – Honorary Member – Branch and National Membership is separate – Branch and National Memership can be joined – Discounts on courses etc


ISF France Example

• • • • Council, Board, Members etc Local group fees and scale Individual fees to federation and to local group – – €10 annually for students for the national federation €10 annually for students for their local group – €50 annually for professionals for the national federation – €50 annually for professionals for their local group All local groups are registered charities

ISF Spain Example

• • • • Similar to ISF France, but with very strong regional groups Federal structure Membership fee of €30 per year upwards “Regarding their membership scheme they have a system

of ‘socios’ (associates) who pay an annual subscription (of varying rates) and can be as involved, or not involved, as they like. Note that socios have a voting voice. They also have ‘volunteers’ (I think they may also be socios but are more active) who form the committees of the regional

groups.” – Fran’s report 14/10/09

EWB Australia Example

• • • Similar to EWB-UK in structure Professional and student members, with fees: – $50 for Professional Member annually – $10 for Student / Unwaged Member annually Annual National Council for representation of all chapters: – Canvass the views of members and chapters; – Design and advise on strategy and policy issues ; – Generally further the best interests of the EWB – Provide an update on the past years activities of both chapters and EWB National – Participate in development workshops and training – Get to know each other and have fun!

EWB Canada Example

• • • • Similar to EWB-UK in structure Professional and student members, without national fees 40,000 members Sign up and interaction through a separate website – www.myewb.ca

RedR Example (2010)

• • • • • • • No fees (any more) Quality not quantity, not just for recruitment Application form and peer-assessed interview Requirements are good standard of knowledge and understanding of disaster relief, general humanitarian and security training, specialised training, minimum two year’s field experience Moving towards Professional body, with ELRHA funded research project on the need Very expensive area – staff run Attempting regional groups, mainly with EWB-UK groups

Integration with Professional Membership

• • • First explored with ICE – meeting on 13/10/4 Mutual sign-ups EWB-UK seen as a professional membership??? Peer reviewed, accountable for their actions? Does development sector need this? Or integrate with professional ethics/responsibilities of engineers?

Key Issues (?)

• [Go through comment docs]

What will EWB-UK look like in 10 years time?

• • • • • How will we have removed barriers to access to technology and infrastructure?

Change of language needed to get us there? ‘Student-led charity’ or professionals vs. others etc?

Further Education branches? Apprentices etc?

How many members do we want?

Our strategic flexibility – ability to change?