Academic Technology at NSCC Case Study

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North Shore Community College
The Evolution
of a Digital Campus
Gary Ham – Chief Information Officer
[email protected]
Janice Forsstrom – VP of Finance/Administration
[email protected]
North Shore Background
• One of 15 public Community Colleges in
Massachusetts – 4 campus locations
• 6400 credit students (3500 FTE)
• 2500+ non-credit students
• 100+ programs of study
– Career & Liberal Arts Transfer
– Technical Training
Strategic Direction
What We Wanted (Spring 2000)
• Integrated Email and Learning Mgmt. System
• Provide better learning resources, faculty and
student services - and acceptance of Web as
the way we deliver services
• 24 x 7 access to teaching and learning services
• Cure inefficiencies and streamline processes
Cure the inefficient registration process
Automate processes
Reduce mailing costs
Reduce back-office support
Redefine outdated policies
Advising - remove the barrier & highlight the benefits
ROI Tangibles
Self Service Model Results (Faculty/Student Services)
Student schedules no longer mailed
Online Web Admissions – 30+ per day
Web Recruit - 100% electronic - new initiative
Online registrations 82%+ 5 semesters in a row – credit card payment
Non-credit student services integrated into portal
Faculty obtain class rosters, schedules and enter grades online as SOP
Significantly reduced postal mail due to communication enhancements through
portal, email, & web services
Advising - Online Degree Audit available to students
Dynamic account generations (no manual account maint.) with single sign on
In-house 24 x 7 services and consolidated helpdesk
Integrated and more efficient LMS support
Access to course resource areas – available for every course including email
distribution lists for every class.
Personal Web Space – used to support curriculum
Investment & Return
• In house support and
self-service savings (FY02-04) $741,875
• Less Campus Portal,
Web Service, and Academic
Support costs (FY02-04)
• Net Return on Investment
Portal Model
Admin Apps
Typical IS
Web Email
Apps `
Apps Instruct
Student & Faculty Services
Student Services
Faculty Services
• Single Sign-On
• Web Services:
• Single Sign-On
• Web Services:
• Registration, payment, FA
• Transcripts, grades, schedules,
degree evaluation, etc.
• Access LMS
• Email, Calendar & Groups
• Dynamic Accounts & Selfactivation
• Targeted Announcements
• Personal Web space with toolsets
• Course Resource Areas for Every
Threaded discussion
Class chat
Class links
• Advising information
• Enter grades, schedules,
class lists
• Access LMS
• Email, Calendar & Groups
• Dynamic Accounts & Selfactivation
• Targeted Announcements
• Personal Web space with toolsets
• Course Resource Areas for every
Threaded discussion
Class chat
Editable area for class links
Automatic email distribution lists
Usage Rates
Newer Services
Intranet development and expansion
• Informational areas for all departments
New administrative toolsets:
• Internally written Room Reservation System that
communicates with SCT Banner system
• Paperless Federal Work Study program
• Paperless Media Request process
• Publication (content management) tools that
dynamically update the NSCC public web site
• Personal Web Space with wysiwig web based
tools developed for all faculty, staff and students
• College culture has changed and expects
better service
• Student satisfaction has increased
• Increased efficiencies and effectiveness
• Scalable base for additional services
• Increased adoption of technology by faculty
• Communication is continually increasing
Ease of use that led to High utilization rates and
adoption was a key factor in our successes to date
Project was designed to provide an integrated
building path for enhancing communication
(academic and administrative), instructional support
and redesigning services
Data collected from surveys, usage rates, requests
from users for additional services and overall
satisfaction has proved its value as a good
business model for NSCC
Overview and documentation of our portal implementation
• This PowerPoint presentation
• Portal interactive overview
• ROI spreadsheet