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(not to be confused with HANDBALL)
Began in the 1980’s by a German gymnastics instructor,
Konrad Koch, who developed the structure and rules of the
Combination of soccer, basketball, and ice hockey
The modern game actually grew out of three sports that
were developed, independently, in three different
European countries: The Czech hazena, the Danish
handbold, and the German Torball.
Originally began in Europe(2nd most popular sport in
Europe today) and was introduced to the U.S. in 1930’s
Became an Olympic sport at the 1936 Games in Berlin
Women’s Team Handball was introduced at the 1976
Games in Montreal
Indoor(7 players) Outdoor (11 players)
Court: 40 m (131.2 ft) long and 20 m (65.6 ft)
wide(larger than a basketball court) The most
significant line on the court is the 6-meter line or
goal area line, The 9-meter line, or free throw line,
and 7-meter line, or penalty line.
Goals: (at each end of the field or court) about
eight feet wide, or 2 meters by 3 meters
Ball:32- inflated panel leather ball Men’s:
circumference =22.8-23.6 in. Weight=15-16.9 oz.
Women’s: circumference=21.3-22.1 in.
Weight=11.5-14.1 oz.
Uniforms: shirts and shorts are the same color,
but the goalkeepers must wear different colors
from both their teammates and opponents
Basic catching technique:
- The thumbs and fingers should
form the shape of a triangle.
- Both hands form a "bowl/basket",
enabling to catch the ball more effectively.
- Arms should be bent at the elbow & fully extended in order to
catch the ball.
- When catching the ball, players should move hands toward the
- Always catch the ball with two hands.
- The "target" should be at shoulder height and on the dominant
arm side.
- The knees are flexed and the feet are shoulder width apart.
- The head is up and forward and the eyes are focused in on the
Overhead pass:
- Throwing arm is at 90 degree angle at the
elbow with ball slightly above head height.
- The whole hand should be behind the ball
when it is being thrown.
- Begin by taking one step forward with the left
foot (right handed throwers).
- Upon completion of the pass follow through to
the target.
- Drive with the right foot for power.
- Always retreat after the pass to the original
The jump shot:
- Right-handed throwers should push off
from the left foot.
- Left-handed throwers should push off from
the right foot.
- When in the air, the body should be
stretched & throwing shoulder drawn back.
- Throw from the highest point of the jump.
-The knees should be slightly
bent and the hands held at head height.
-Low balls are stopped with the foot & one
arm stretched toward the foot to assist.
-A ball thrown at mid-height should be
stopped with hand & foot while the high
balls requires a jump from one foot
The object of the game is for a team to score by throwing the ball past the opposing
goalkeeper into the goal.
Players may advance the ball by throwing, passing, and dribbling; they may also stop,
throw, catch, bounce, or strike the ball with their hands, arms, head, body, thighs, or
Players can hold the ball for a maximum of three seconds and may take a maximum of
three steps while holding it.
Unlimited dribbling allowed with three steps permissible both before and after
dribbling.(no double dribbling)
Defensive players cannot endanger an opponent with the ball, nor can they pull, hit, or
punch the ball out of the hands of an opponent. Contact with the ball below the knee is
also not allowed, and players cannot dive on the floor for a rolling or stationary ball.
Balls that go out of bounds are thrown in from the sideline or corner of the endline. A
throw-in is awarded when the ball goes out of bounds on the sideline or when the ball is
last touched by a defensive player (excluding the goalie) and goes over the endline.
For a minor foul or violation, a free throw is awarded to the opponent at the exact spot
the foul or violation occurred. The thrower must keep one foot in contact with the floor
when passing or shooting.
The referee will give only one warning to a player for rule violations and a total of three
to a team. Exceeding these limits results in a 2-minute suspension during which the
penalized team must play shorthanded. Three 2-minute suspensions result in a
disqualification. A disqualified player must leave the court and bench, but can be
replaced after the 2-minute suspension expires.
An inexpensive activity that can easily be incorporated into your
It promotes team work, co-operation and friendships
It develops the basic athletic skills used in all other sports.
It’s easily modified to fit your space, time and number of
It can be played by people of all sizes, ages and genders.
It is suitable for both beginners and experienced players.
You can play in either men's, women's teams or at mini and
recreational level mixed teams.
It is easy to learn and a great way to get in shape
Encyclopedia Team Handball. (2006). Funk & Wagnalls® New
Encyclopedia. Retrieved October 22, 2009from
Johnson. (n.d.). Team Handball. Retrieved October 22, 2009 from Team
Handball Unit
Team Handball. (2001). Retrieved October 22, 2009 from Johann and
Sandra’s Web
McFadden, Owen, (n.d.). What equipment is used in team handball?
Retrieved October 22,2009 from
Team Handball Basic Rules. (2007). Retrieved October 22, 2009 from