Transcript Unit 5 Exam

Unit 5 Exam
Review for AP World History
1) During WWI, what was the primary military
technique utilized?
A) submarine warfare
B) atomic weapons
C) trench warfare
D) aerial combat
The failure of German invasion plans against the French resulted
in a stalemate along the western front. As both sides dug in, they
found that new weapons of the 20th century allowed for killing on
a scale never imagined.
2) Which of the following best describes the
Indian National Congress Party when it was
originally created?
A) a group of Indian nationalists who banded together to
organize opposition to British rule.
B) a group of educated Indians who joined together to
discuss greater autonomy within British India.
C) a radicalized group of Indians who banded together to
promote attacks upon British authorities.
D) a pacifist movement organized by Indian Hindus to
oppose outside influences.
Many Indians who received a Western-style education wanted greater
economic freedoms in their society and sought to adopt Western
methods and ideologies to achieve them. The NCP established itself
along the lines of a traditional political party in England.
3) Which of the following was a common result after
independence was achieved in an African colony?
A) Movement toward a representative government to integrate
all ethnic groups into one society
B) Deliberate isolation from international politics to avoid a new
form of imperialism based on Western economic domination
C) Establishment of strong regional alliances to promote
economic growth without dependence on the West
D) The breakdown into traditional ethnic rivalries that had
existed before and during colonization, leading to internal
Europeans failed to consider the ethnic diversity of the African
peoples. Once independence was achieved, that unity almost always
evaporated as each ethnicity looked to support its own position and
turned against their traditional enemies.
4) What statement best assesses how the Great
Depression contributed to the beginning of WWII?
A) New democratic governments failed to deal with the economic
crisis caused by the Depression, allowing radical political
ideologies like fascism to take hold.
B) The economic turmoil created the need to expand colonial
possessions in order to secure scarce resources.
C) The economic decline actually encouraged all nations to reduce
military spending.
D) Governments attempted to use military action to promote
nationalism and to distract people from the failure of economic
policies to alleviate the crisis.
People in Germany and Italy did not have faith in new democratic
governments and blamed them for many of their economic
problems. This allowed more radical parties to take shape.
5) During the 1950s, which of the following
contributed to the establishment and continuation
of authoritarian governments in the Eastern Europe?
A) The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
B) Soviet involvement in Eastern Europe as a result of the
Tehran Conference
C) An abundance of cheap commodities and
manufactured goods in the global market
D) A decision by the UN to respect the sovereignty of each
nation regardless of its political organization
The Soviets sought to establish Communist dictatorships
wherever possible, and the US and NATO allies were more
concerned with halting Communist expansion than with
establishing democracies.
6) The Soviet Union and People’s Republic of
China each used Five-Year plans to
A) map out a strategy for the expansion of Communist
parties in other nations
B) develop stronger military cooperation between the
two countries
C) manage economic policies for agricultural and
manufacturing production
D) act as term limits to allow for changeover in political
The five-year plans allowed for government planning of
production by establishing quotas over agricultural and
manufacturing production and distributing the resources of the
state. (Stalin and Mao)
7) What country is part of the Triple Alliance?
A) Japan
B) Great Britain
C) Germany
D) Netherlands
8) What was NOT an effect of WWI in Russia?
A) The land was distributed to the peasants
through the Emancipation of Serfs Act.
B) The weakness of Russia’s cumbersome and
untrained military was revealed.
C) Revolution and civil war began.
D) Communism was introduced.
Emancipation of serfs occurs before WWI, during
Alexander II’s reign.
9) Zionism, the nationalist movement for a
Jewish homeland in Palestine, was led by
which individual after the Dreyfus Affair?
A) Theodore Herzl
B) Alfred Dreyfus
C) Arthur Balfour
D) Golda Meir
10) The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, believing that:
A) the shock of the attack would be so great that the
US would accept the Japanese conquest of
Southeast Asia and remain neutral.
B) they could easily defeat the entire US military and
end the war in the Pacific immediately.
C) the US would enter the war anyway, but at least
Japan would have a chance to weaken American
naval forces.
D) they had to respond to the American boycott of
Japanese goods via violence.
11) “ . . . Any of the following acts committed with the intent
to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or
religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing
serious bodily or mental harm to members; imposing measure
intended to prevent births within the group, etc.”
The above excerpt, adopted by the UN in 1948, defines what
as a crime under international law? What event motivates this
A) Torture; Spanish Civil War
B) War; Holocaust
C) Genocide; Holocaust
D) Terrorism; Spanish Civil War
The Holocaust perpetrated by Nazi Germany prompted the
new UN to address the crime of genocide and establish it as a
crime against humanity.
12) Which was NOT an advantage the
Kuomintang had over the Chinese communists in
the early years of the Chinese Civil War?
A) More troops who were well-trained
B) More weapons
C) Japanese support
D) Control of China’s major cities, like Shanghai
Remember the Rape of Nanking: the attack of the
Kuomintang capital and its people by the Japanese
13) Which of the following statements about health in early20th century Africa is true?
A) Western medicine greatly improved health in Africa
immediately after it was introduced by European
B) Colonialism tended to worsen public health by
encouraging migration and the spread of disease.
C) Labor conscription and European demand for food caused
D) European colonizers tended to hoard medicine and not
distribute it to black Africans.
14) What was NOT one of the effects of WWI on
A) Immediate removal of all colonial overlords
B) Inflation
C) An increase in forced labor
D) A desire for political independence
15) Mexicans who were disgruntled with Porfirio
Diaz and supported the Mexican Revolution
argued that the great boom in railroads,
agriculture, and mining benefited:
A) all of Mexican society
B) most of Mexican society
C) a handful of wealthy Mexicans
D) only Americans
16) The Soviet leaders felt surrounded by hostile
forces following the establishment of what
A) Warsaw Pact
B) United Nations
C) North Atlantic Treaty Organization
D) League of Nations
17) The dramatic economic growth and rapid
technological progress of the post-WWII era has:
A) coincided with greater peace and security
B) benefited only the industrialized nations
C) coincided with growing population and social
D) coincided with a generalized rise in the standard
of living of all the world’s peoples
18) What was Mao’s Great Leap Forward?
A) an ideological movement designed to oust the
B) a plan to industrialize on the local level in
backyards of communes
C) a campaign used by Mao to reveal his critics
D) Mao’s tactic to obtain, and then redistribute, land
19) Non-Western nationalist movements in the early 20th
century had which of the following in common?
A) They were led by Marxists looking to overturn capitalist
B) They released nativist energies that undermined reformist
C) They typically were led by Western-educated native elites
looking to modernize their nations and encourage the
D) They were imbued with egalitarian, progressive impulses
for the under-classes in their nations.
20) The failed colonial enterprise of what
country helped bring Ho Chi Minh to power in
the northern part of Vietnam?
A) Great Britain
B) France
C) Soviet Union
D) United States
21) Which statement best explains why India
was partitioned in 1947?
A) The British feared a united India.
B) One of the regions in South Asia wanted to remain
under British rule.
C) Religious differences in the region led the British to
come up with system for political division.
D) Communist supporters wanted a separate state.
22) How did Stalin's view of communism
differ from that of Lenin?
A) Lenin was only interested in the Russian revolution
and did not visualize any further revolutionary
B) Lenin was more interested in including a broad swath
of the Russian population in the communist
C) Stalin concentrated on a strong nationalist version of
D) Stalin wanted to see communism quickly spread
around the world.
23) Which of the following best describes the
direction of political systems immediately after the
Great Depression in Europe?
A) All forms of governments were abandoned
B) Liberalism was primarily used
C) Liberalism was in decline and authoritarianism
was on the rise
D) Communism became the primary political
system of Europe.
24) Gorbachev's rule in the Soviet Union:
A) represented a resurgence of Communist
B) represented the beginning of the end for
Communist control in the Soviet Union
C) contributed to the escalation of the unclear
arms race during the Cold War
D) contributed to rising military tensions
between the US and the Soviet Union
25) Which of the following does NOT represent a
major motivation behind migration from nonWestern countries to the US and Europe?
A) famine and abuse at home
B) the desire for political freedom
C) to flee violence and conflict
D) the desire to embrace new cultures
26) Which of the following is an accurate
comparison of the Chinese and the Mexican
revolutions of the twentieth century?
A) Both were supported by Japan
B) Both promoted religious education
C) Both were supported by an elite group of
D) Both generated land-redistribution policies
27) Mao Zedong and Mahatma Gandhi both
appealed to which of the following as a base
of support?
A) Warlords, wealthy landowners, and merchants
B) Traditional rulers
C) Peasants
D) Urban factory workers
28) “Perestroika is an urgent necessity arising from
the profound processes of development in our
socialist society. This society is ripe for change.”
Which of the following spoke the words above?
A) Vladimir Lenin
B) Karl Marx
C) Boris Yeltsin
D) Mikhail Gorbachev
29) What was Lenin's solution to Russian
participation in World War I?
A) He successfully achieved a significant role at the
Versailles peace negotiations
B) He immediately demanded that his British and
French allies send humanitarian, economic, and
military aid to the eastern front
C) He launched a massive offensive campaign that
carried Russian forces deep within Germany
D) He negotiated a peace treaty with the Germans and
surrendered huge amounts of land on Russia's
western border
30) Indian nationalists during World War I
supported Britain enthusiastically and
A) rebelled against German institutions in
B) sent aid to help support Germany
C) expected that India would be granted
independence after the war.
D) received independence immediately as a
31) What was the US’s policy toward Soviet
A) containment
B) detainment
C) domino theory
D) perestroika
32) Why were people attracted to the messages
of radical politicians after World War I?
A) They felt great hope and enthusiasm for
the future.
B) They were embittered as a result of World
War I and unemployment, and seeking
leaders with answers.
C) They wanted to preserve the status quo.
D) The war demonstrated the “perfectibility
of man” and to waste such an opportunity
seemed foolish to them.
33) Which of the following was NOT a cultural
movement of the 20th century?
A) Lost Generation
B) Cultural Revolution
C) Roaring Twenties
D) Marxism-Leninism
34) Israel makes huge territory gains in the Six
Day War, which included all of the following
A) Gaza Strip
B) Golan Heights
C) Kuwait Coastline
D) West Bank