Transcript Slide 1

• Be ready with materials.
• Stay in Line.
• Keep an arm’s length distance from the
student in front of you.
• Arms by your side.
• Go straight to your destination.
• Walk Quietly., please!
• Pick up all needed items 1st time through.
• Use good manners.
• Chew with mouth closed.
• Speak with quiet voices.
• Stay in your seat.
• Clean up your area.
• Wait your turn.
• Know your purpose and provide necessary information.
• Use good manners when speaking.
• Wait your turn.
• Return with any necessary messages or
• Listen to directions.
• Be seated in appropriate place.
• Eyes on the speaker.
• Clap when appropriate.
• Respect others space.
• Be quiet and listen to the speaker.
• Keep hands, feet, and belongings to self.
• Enter and exit orderly.
• Bring all needed materials.
• Be ready to learn.
• Walk and remain on the sidewalk.
• Report to assigned area.
• Have all needed materials.
• Walk to your dismissal area.
• Be on time.
• Know who you are riding with.
• Be aware of after school activities.
• Arrange for transportation if you stay for an after-school activity.
• Take care of business.
• Go when given the opportunity.
• Check your clothes before leaving restroom.
• Wait your turn.
• Flush.
• Wash hands with soap & water.
• Report any problems to an adult.
• Return books by due date.
• Be seated and ready for instruction.
• Push up bookends..
• Use quiet voice.
• Keep hands and feet to self.
• Take care of library books.
• Use shelf cards & return materials to proper place.
• Dress appropriately for P.E.
• Enter & Exit orderly.
• Follow gym rules.
• Use equipment properly.
• Be fair & kind to others.
Be a good sport.
Share equipment.
Return equipment to designated area.
Participate in activities.
Report any problems to the adult in charge.
• Enter & Exit quietly.
• Use hand sanitizer.
• Bring needed materials.
• Wait your turn.
• Raise your hand for help.
Use correct voice volume.
Use equipment appropriately.
Keep your eyes on your computer.
Stay on the correct website or activity.
Report any unsafe or inappropriate websites.
• Know your purpose.
• Bring a clinic pass.
• Knock & wait for nurse.
• Visit nurse only for true emergencies or
• Follow playground rules.
• Line up promptly when called.
• Bring personal items back inside.
• Share equipment & wait your turn.
• Be kind & fair to others.
Keep play friendly.
Keep area clean.
Stay in designated areas.
Dress appropriately for weather.
Return equipment to proper place.