Entering the Classroom

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Transcript Entering the Classroom

Welcome to
Mr. Ochoa’s 6th grade classroom
Social Studies and Language Arts
Enter quietly and complete the paper
on your desk-
The first 5 minutes in my class
are silent!
Write down the Starter, please.
August 15, 2012
• Objective: You will learn about the classroom rules and
• Starter:
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First Name
Phrase (sentence) about who you are.
4 words that describe you.
I love (or like a lot) ______, _____, and _____.
I believe _____________________________.
I want _________________________________.
My favorite activity is ______________________.
My favorite subject is ______________________.
I like to (read/ listen to music/ watch television).
Last name
• Objective: You will learn about the
classroom rules and procedures
• Starter:
• At the top of a lined paper write down the
class rules and procedures we went over
• Furthermore, begin the worksheet on your
• Reminder: the first 5 minutes are silent
August 17, 2012
• Objective: You will learn about the
classroom rules and procedures.
• We will continue reading All American Slurp.
• Starter: Write 4 paragraphs about your
summer. Give details and facts about your
summer experiences.
• You have 10 minutes to complete this starter.
Using Your Lesson Planner
• Make sure you always write your objective
and homework for each class in the planner.
Friday Starter
• Objective: You will learn about the classroom
rules and procedures
• Starter:
• Take out a piece of paper and write 10 facts or more
about yourself or your family. (explain things you do
for fun, where you and your family go etc.) Make
sure it is at least 4 paragraphs.
Reminder: the first 5 minutes are silent
What are some class rules we
should use?
• Not making noises, no talking out of turn or
when the teachers talking
• Paying attention and staying on task
• Being positive
• Being respectful
Classroom Rules
• 1. Be seated and working when the
bell rings.
• 2. Raise your hand before speaking.
• 3. Be respectful at all times.
• 4. Remain seated at all times.
• 5. No gum, food and drinks in the
• 6. Follow the class procedures.
If you CHOOSE to break a rule
Verbal Warning
Classroom Timeout
Parent Contact/Meeting
Entering the Classroom
• Enter in a quiet and safe manner after
I come to the door and allow the
class to come in.
• Walk slowly to your desk.
• Be seated and prepared with your
notebooks out, pencil sharpened, and
beginning on starter. Class begins
when you enter the room.
• The first five minutes are
Being Respectful
• Please use the words thank you, please, your
welcome, excuse me, sorry, I apologize, may
I and pardon me.
Please talk in complete sentences
in my classroom.
You will receive tickets in my class when you behave
• Tickets are used for a raffle at the end of the month
• The prizes change every month. Some of the past prizes
include video games, comics, and sports equipment.
Don’t forget to raise your hand
• Your index finger or pencil in the air to sharpen your pencil.
Please do not use electronic sharpener when I am talking.
• 3 fingers to use the restroom.
• Your entire hand is raised to ask a question
– Please no talking out of turn.
Failure to comply with these rules will result in you receiving
warnings and referrals.
Exiting the Classroom
• Pick up trash around
• I dismiss the class 1
row at a time
• Push in Chairs.
• Exit quietly, slowly, and
Exiting The Classroom
You are dismissed by Mr. Ochoa not
by the bell.
You will be dismissed when your desk
is straightened, the floor is clean, and
all students are quiet.
Exit the classroom in a calm and safe
The Floor
• The floor must be kept NEAT and
TIDY at ALL times. Keep all
backpacks, purses, etc. under your
desk or on the back of your chair.
You will NEVER leave my class until
everything is clean and tidy.
Tardy Policy
• Being Tardy
– You are responsible to get to class on
– Too many tardies will result in a Low
Level Referral.
• Place the following heading at the
EVERY assignment:
– Last name, first name
– Subject and period
– Date
– We use Cornell notes in my class (This
presentation will be given at the end of
the week.
• In your lesson planners there is a
page that is used as a pass to use the
restroom. The page must be filled
out before I sign it. When you get
your lesson planners we will explain
it again.
Lesson Planners
• Each student will receive a lesson
planner. Do not lose the lesson
planner. It is used for many important
school activities.
Bathroom pass
Daily agendas
Writing down homework
• Remain QUIET during ALL drills. If
it is a lockdown or earthquake drill
QUIETLY do as instructed. If you
are required to line up the line(s) must
remain QUIET and STRAIGHT at
ALL times.
• When asked to line up do it
QUICKLY and QUIETLY! All lines
must be straight and QUIET at ALL
times. Sit quietly at assemblies, with
your feet on the floor, sitting up
straight, facing forward.
• It is your responsibility to bring paper to class.
Make sure to go buy a three ring binder as
soon as possible. Be sure to have your paper
prepared before the start of class. If you are
in need of paper, you may ask to get some
from Mr. Ochoa. Remember to get the paper
upon entering the classroom. You will be
required to turn in all school work throughout
the school year.
• It is your responsibility to bring
pencils to class.
• Be sure to have your pencil sharpened
and prepared at the start of class.
• I will not loan you a pencil during the
starter time.
• You cannot sharpen your pencil
during starter time.
• Be prepared!
Sharpening Pencils
• Sharpening pencils must be done as
you come into the classroom. After
class has started, you may not use the
electrical sharpener, only the manual
• You have been assigned a seat. You
are to remain in this seat unless
otherwise directed. Part of being in
school is learning to get along with
everyone, even people we don’t like. If
you are not in your seat you will be
marked absent.
 Only water is allowed in the classroom to drink.
What is Think, Pair, Share?
• Think-Pair-Share is a learning strategy that students
can use to share ideas and promote participation
• Step 1- A question is asked
• Step 2- I give you and a partner next to you 30
seconds to respond with their answer. Write down
the information as the partner is speaking.
• Step 3-The next partner gets 30 seconds to respond
and record.
• Step 4-The answers will be shared by the class. You
write down any information that you don’t have.
Students are chosen at random
• I will choose students randomly.
• You should always be prepared to respond or
read in my class. Pay attention at all times and
make sure to follow along with the reading.
• All homework is due on the due date
• Homework will consist of Reading logs.
You must read 30 minutes each day and fill
out your reading log.
• Other homework assignments in language
arts and Social Studies will also be sent
• ANY materials or manipulative that Mr.
Ochoa allows you to borrow MUST
ALWAYS remain in the classroom. If you
need a pencil you will trade me your ID card
until the end of class. These materials are
not yours, but have only been lent to you to
assist you in your classroom assignment.
Class work
• The teacher will tell you when to turn
in your class work. When turning in
your class work QUIETLY wait for
the class leaders to pick up your work.
This is not a time to start talking.
Begin cleaning up your area.
Exit cards or work
• Most days you will have to turn in an exit
card (which will be written on a sticky note,
piece of paper, or index card. Or, you will
have to turn in class work at the end of the
Absent Work
• It’s the students responsibility to get
their missing work.
• You can also look on the website to
obtain assignments.
School Website
• Go to http://www.mountainviewms.org/
• Go to teachers and search for Mr. Ochoa
• Look at each class page Language Arts and Social
Studies to find PowerPoint presentations, facts,
due dates, and current stories.
• The textbooks belong to the Moreno Valley
Unified School District and very expensive.
Therefore, they are to be handled with care.
Damaging, misusing, or improperly
handling the textbook(s) will result in
serious consequences, including suspension
and expulsion. If at any time you find that a
book has been damaged IMMEDIATELY
alert the teacher.
Group Work
• Group work is to be done in a quiet
manner with a 6-inch voice.
Groups are a team and everyone
works together. Group work is
graded on both individual and
group effort. If you can not do group
work, you will work on another
assignment on your own.
Substitute/guest Teachers
• If at any time there is a
substitute/guest teacher present you
need to be on your best behavior.
Failure to cooperate will result in
consequences, while cooperation will
result in rewards.
• A visitor to our class is to be treated
with respect! You MUST follow all
classroom procedures as expected of
you on a daily basis! If the teacher is
conversing with the visitor remain
otherwise directed.
• Respect is something that is earned,
not given freely! I respect you, you
respect me. You respect others, they
respect you! If it is not respectful,
keep it outside of the classroom!!
Graded Work
Work that goes towards your Grade:
1. Homework
2. Class work-starters etc.
3. Quizzes
4. Projects
5. Class participation-observation
6. Tests-worth the most points
Learning environment
• You are here to learn!
• Make sure you are paying attention and
trying your best at all times. The knowledge
you obtain will help you in life.
• If you have questions then ask them
anytime. Make sure you don’t talk out of
turn. Good behavior is important because it
keeps the classroom atmosphere positive.
Does anyone have any questions?