Transcript Slide 1

 1967: Brown’s
 2001: Benchmark statement for Psychology
 Internal and external vetting of syllabuses,
laboratories, technicians, staff, library,
assessment, etc
 Similar processes elsewhere
• Curriculum
• Assessment
• Physical resources
• Staffing
 ‘Those
who can, do. Those who can’t,
teach’ (George Bernard Shaw)
 ‘Those who can’t teach, become quality
assurance experts’
 De-professionalisation
of teaching
 Leads to ‘standardised’ teaching
• Tell them what you are going to say
• Say it
• Tell them what you’ve said
 Buzz
 Becomes a meaningless ritual
 Measures are reactive
• Research assessment based on four best papers
 Extra
care to preparation, more thought
about aims and objectives, better
alignment of aims with assessment
 Cost is enormous: staff time, writing
lengthy reports, meetings, employment
of QA experts, preparation of rooms full
of documents
 Could it be left to external ‘friends’?