Country Team Action Plan

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Country Team Action Plan



• PSF = Promotor Saúde Familiar = Community Health Volunteer • SISCa = Serviço Integrado Saúde Comunitaria = Integrated Community Health Services Community out reach offers preventive, promotion focus and curative health services in an integrated way (6 activities or 6 tables)

Track 1 2

Where are we now?

• • Status of PSF / Family Planning Promoter Capacity: - Currently less than 250 PSF trained. - Trained only on benefits of child spacing, not FP methods.

Private space for FP counseling and service in SISCa post: - Currently no private space for counseling or service.

- SISCa post consists only of temporary space in a village home or more commonly outside (e.g. under a tree, in a field).

Tracks 1 & 2 3

Track 1 4

Where do we want to be?


• By 2013, 50% of SISCa posts will have a private space for counseling &Family Planning services; and 80% of sucos (village areas) will have a Family Planning promoter doing outreach for FP.

• Desired levels of accomplishment: – A trained cadre of Community Health Volunteers for FP – Private counseling spaces for monthly outreach services

5 Tracks 1 & 2

What are the gaps?

• Training gap: no trained cadre of community volunteers for Family Planning • Infrastructure gap: no private space for counseling Why? • PSF program is relatively new (2006) and no initial training on FP. Focused more on nutrition/ EPI.

• SISCa program is new (2007) and has had no infrastructure investment.

Track 1 6

What interventions can we use to close the gap?

• Increase access to Family Planning through Community Health Volunteers • Promote provision of FP methods at community level • These interventions will: – Increase community knowledge of FP methods and services – Mobilize community members to access services – Reduce misconceptions – Increase infrastructure to allow service provision

7 Track 1

What are our planned activities?

• Create a draft budget, resource and action plan • Get MoH support and focus at all levels • Select pilot sites and review existing policies • Get community and stakeholder support and focus • Conduct Situational Analysis • Conduct mapping of current PSFs • Develop training module, job aids and BCC materials.

Track 1 8

Continue: What are our planned activities?

• Develop skills of PSFs through training, FUAT and supervision / on-the-job training • Strengthen data management for FP services • Create or identify space for FP service • Mobilize stakeholders and community • Develop and implement an M&E framework

Track 1 9

What are the possible challenges to the intervention?

• Other health priorities with the Ministry of Health • Opposition from some religious leaders • Reluctance from some community members • Availability of health staff to assist implementation • Monitoring and Evaluation • Coordinated planning

10 Track 1

What are the possible solutions to the challenges?

• Creation of a FP taskforce to maintain focus on activity • Advocacy to religious leaders and faith-based organizations • Advocacy to communities with support through IEC/BCC materials and community stakeholder meetings • Good time management and coordination with health staff • Simple Monitoring and Evaluation tools, integrated into existing HMIS and based on existing best practice tools • Coordinated planning through taskforce

11 Track 1

Who are the possible partners, allies, and stakeholders?

• MoH (leadership role) – Present action plan to higher levels within MoH.

– Maintain coordination within different MoH departments – Facilitate decision-making in MoH – Participate in and help lead taskforce for activity – Finalize and authorize all training, monitoring and supervision tools and any policy revision • USAID – Follow-up of progress and participation with teams.

– Facilitate long-term support .

Track 1 12

Who are the possible partners, allies, and stakeholders?

NGOs, agencies and projects: – TAIS, HAI, CRS, UNFPA, MSI, CRS, CCT, Caritas Dili, Alola and others will provide technical assistance to development, implementation and monitoring – Share resources (staff, transport and materials) – Facilitate basic situational analysis – Assist mobilization and coordination • Religious leaders, Mother’s support groups, Youth


– Link with community; mobilize and inform

13 Track 1

What are our action steps?

Action Step

1. Create draft budget, resource plan and action plan, including taskforce 2. Present plan to all levels of MoH and get support 3. Select pilot sites and get community and stakeholder support

Responsible Agencies

Taskforce MCH department (Sra. Isabel Gomes) Taskforce

Tracks 1 & 2 Timeline

Q2 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010


What are our action steps?

Action Step

4. Conduct situational analysis and PSF mapping 5. Develop training module, job aids and BCC materials

Responsible Agencies

HAI, TAIS, UNFPA NGOs, agencies and projects with taskforce guidance


Q3 2010 Q3 – Q4 2010 6. Develop FP skills of PSFs through training

Tracks 1 & 2

FP master trainers and district trainers 2011


What are our action steps?

Action Step

7. Create or identify space for FP services at suco level

Responsible Agencies

Partner agencies with District Health Management Team and suco representatives


Q3 – Q4 2010 8. Mobilize stakeholders and community All Q3 2010 and ongoing 9. Develop and implement M&E framework

Tracks 1 & 2

Partner agencies with taskforce guidance Q2-Q4 2010 and ongoing


Tracks 1 & 2
