Student Services Automated Reporting for Community

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Transcript Student Services Automated Reporting for Community

Chancellor’s Office-CCCEOPSA
EOPS/CARE Statewide Technical
Assistance Training
March 4, 2014
Chancellor’s Office
Presented by Kelly Gornik
Changes in 2014-15: District Required Match
& Waiver Criteria for full-time director
EOPS-Paid Computer Equipment, Furniture,
& Travel Costs for non-EOPS staff to EOPS
Purchase of Nooks, Kindles, laptops to give
to students – allowed or not allowed?
Title 5 Limit on EOPS Grants & EOPS Workstudy
1. District Required Match
• Will increase for each college by 23% in
• Example: college with a $100,000 district
required match in 2013-14 will have a
$123,000 district required match in 2014-15
• Why is this happening?
• Title 5, section 56210 “Comparable Level of
services”: requires that there be a district match
for EOPS & stipulates that match is determined by
two figures from two formulas:
a. Average district contribution reported in the final
expenditures in the previous three fiscal years
b. 15% of the average EOPS allocation in the previous
three fiscal years
Larger figure = district required match
• Section 56210: requires CCCCO to use
formulas every fiscal year
• In 2009-10, CCCCO temporarily suspended
using section 56210 when EOPS and CARE
were cut nearly 40%
September 2009 CCCCO
Administrative Relief Memo
• Provided certain student services categorical
programs with administrative relief measures to
assist colleges in administering these programs in
response to the significant budget cuts
• CCCCO cut district required match by 40% in 2009-10
• “Remain at this (reduced) level through 2012-13 or
be adjusted proportionately by any decrease or
increase in EOPS funds.”
• EOPS funds were augmented by a partial
restoration of $15 million in the 2013-14 State
Budget Act!
• Each EOPS program received an increase of
23.371% over the prior fiscal year!
• District required match to increase by 23% to
mirror increase to EOPS
46 Colleges
• SSARCC allows us to precisely track actual district
contribution for each college
• For 46 colleges, the 2013-14 planned district
contribution does not meet the updated 2014-15
district required match figure (see attached list)
• These colleges have the current 2013-14 year to
identify appropriate ways to increase the district
contribution by at least 23% for 2014-15
Allowable District Match
• Director’s EOPS/CARE time (MUST be paid by
district funds)
• Other “over and above” EOPS expenses in object
codes 1000-7000: In general, if EOPS funds are
permitted to be used, then district funds can be
used for those same type of expenses and
counted as district match
Allowable District Match
• Student Success and Support Programs (SSSP)
Funds given to EOPS for “over and above”
EOPS services (i.e. assessment, orientation,
counseling/advisement, student educational
plan, or follow-up services )
Supplanting is strictly prohibited even if college
exceeds its district required match
“CCCCO Instructions for Completing
EOPS Reports 2013-14”
(See hand-out)
• Page 4: indicates that district required
match to increase proportionately in
2014-15 to match increase to EOPS in
Contact me for technical assistance.
Director Position
• Title 5, section 56230: Each
college shall employ a full-time
Title 5, Section 56230
• Allows for part-time directors only if
college meets at least one of four
allowed waiver criteria in 2013-14
• Two of the four allowed waiver criteria
will be eliminated after 2013-14
Full-Time Director Waiver Criteria in 2013-14
(see hand-out)
1. “Small EOPS Program”: served less than 500
EOPS students and received less than $500,000
EOPS allocation in prior fiscal year
2. Assistant EOPS Director/Coordinator 100% in
EOPS/CARE: if director is assigned less than
50% time to EOPS/CARE, then assistant
director must be certificated; must administer
program in absence of director
Full-Time Director Waiver Criteria in 2013-14
(see hand-out)
Two More Added in 2009-10 through
“Administrative Relief” Memo:
3. District is in fiscal distress
4. Full-time director waiver was approved
between 2009-10 and 2012-13
Two Waiver Criteria to be Eliminated in
• District is in fiscal distress
• Full-time director waiver was approved between
2009-10 and 2012-13
Why? These criteria were added only because EOPS
was cut by 40% in 2009-10 and EOPS is now on a path
towards restoration
(Page 1 of 2013-14 Program Plan clearly states that these
two waiver criteria will be eliminated)
30 EOPS Programs
• In 2013-14 program plan, 30 EOPS programs used
waiver criteria on the chopping block for 201415:
Alameda, Antelope Valley, Bakersfield, Butte, Cerro Coso,
Citrus, Cuyamaca, Diablo Valley, Evergreen Valley, Fresno
City, Fullerton, Grossmont, Hartnell, Lake Tahoe, Los
Medanos, Merritt, Mission, Palo Verde, Reedley, Rio
Hondo, San Diego City, San Joaquin Delta, Santa Ana,
Sequoias, Sierra, Skyline, Victor Valley, West Hills
Coalinga, West Los Angeles, Yuba
30 EOPS Programs
For 2014-15, options for these 30 programs:
a. Implement full-time EOPS director
b. Qualify for waiver based on being a “small”
program (served less than 500 EOPS students &
received less than $500,000 EOPS allocation in
prior fiscal year)
30 EOPS Programs
For 2014-15, options for these 30 programs
c. Qualify for waiver based on having an
assistant director/coordinator assigned 100% to
EOPS/CARE who clearly manages the program in
director’s absence; if director is less than 50%,
then assistant director must be certificated.
2. EOPS-Paid Computer
Equipment/Furniture/Non-EOPS Staff
Travel to EOPS Activities
• Title 5, section 56295(b) requires written preapproval for computer hardware and software
• Title 5, section 56296(d) requires written preapproval for furniture
• Title 5, section 56296(f) requires written preapproval for travel costs of non-EOPS staff to
EOPS activities/functions
2. EOPS-Paid Computer
Equipment/Furniture/Non-EOPS Staff
Travel to EOPS Activities (continued)
• Currently, no written pre-approval needed
because blanket waiver provided in
September 2009 “Administrative Relief”
memo is still in effect through 2013-14 at least
• Blanket waiver does not apply to CARE
2. EOPS-Paid Computer
Equipment/Furniture (continued)
• Stay below EOPS discretionary cost limit for
EOPS-paid expenses in object codes 40006000 combined
• EOPS discretionary cost limit: either 10% of
total EOPS allocation or $50,000, whichever is
less, per Title 5, section 56295(a)
3. Purchase of Nooks, Kindles, Laptops
& Similar Items to Give to Students
• Not Allowed with EOPS or CARE funds
• Considered “Gift of Public Funds”
• When in doubt, ask CCCCO EOPS-CARE
Allowable Options
• EOPS Equipment Loan Program (Object Code
Written Contract (see College of the Desert
Note that this is a EOPS discretionary cost
• Grant (Object Code 7000C)
Based on documented unmet financial
4. Title 5 Limit on EOPS Grants & EOPS
Work-Study Per Student
Title 5, section 56254
Awarded based on unmet need
EOPS Grants: $900 per academic year
EOPS Work-study: $1,800 per academic year
Combo of grants & work-study: $1,800 per
academic year
• Does not include textbook assistance in
category B
Thank you!