Transcript Slide 1

California Community College
Chancellor’s Office
CCC Confer Webinars
April 18, 19, & 24, 2012
2011-12 SSARCC EOPS and
CARE Final Expenditures –
Completion and Submission
Presenters: Barbara McIsaac Kwoka, Todd Hoig, Kelly
Ground Rules
and Details
 During
the training, mute your phone
by pressing *6, this will eliminate
background noises.
 Please
do not put your phone on
“hold”; some phones play background
music when on “hold”.
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If you are listening over the telephone, click the telephone handset.
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To ask a question raise your hand
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Questions or Comments
Select the electronic hand or type your question in the
chat room.
Please wait for the presenter to acknowledge you prior to
One speaker at a time.
Press *6 to unmute phone and allow the group to hear
your question and/or comment. After speaking, please
press *6 again to mute phone.
Questions will be answered in the order received.
Today’s Agenda
Brief Background on SSARCC
2011-12 EOPS Final Expenditures
How to Report Reallocated Funds
“Validate” Final Expenditures
Entering EOPS data by object
2011-12 CARE Final Expenditures
Entering CARE data by object
The Difference Between “Returned”
Funds and “Unexpended” Funds in
Address any “error” messages
Address other messages
“Submit to Chancellor’s Office”
Print final expenditures for
Mail EOPS and CARE signature
pages to Chancellor’s Office
SSARCC = Student Services Automated Reporting
for Community Colleges
A web-based computer application used to
construct and retain key Chancellor’s Office
budget documents (i.e. proposed budgets and
final expenditures for EOPS and CARE)
Make it easier for college program staff to
complete EOPS and CARE budgets
Allow for more efficient review time by Chancellor’s
Allow Chancellor’s Office to have electronic access
to statewide budget data
Extracted SSARCC data can be used locally and at
the State level
Spring 2011: testing by select colleges
 October 13, 2011: SSARCC goes “live”
 November 15, 2011: Colleges use SSARCC to
complete 2011-12 EOPS and CARE budget
plans (with hard-copy signature pages & hardcopy EOPS program plan)
 March 2012: Final expenditure screens go
April 18, 19, & 24, 2012: CCC Confer trainings on
final expenditure screens
September 15, 2012: Colleges to use SSARCC to
submit 2011-12 EOPS and CARE final expenditures
(with hard-copy signature pages)
November 15, 2012 (tentative): Colleges to use
SSARCC to submit 2012-13 EOPS and CARE budget
plans (with hard-copy signature pages and hard-copy
EOPS program plan)
SSARCC Screens
There’s a Difference between “Returned Funds” and
“Unexpended Funds” in SSARCC
“Returned Funds” = Unused funds returned no later
than June 30th on Mid-Year Report
“Unexpended Funds” = Unused funds reported
after June 30th on Final Expenditure Report
When Do You Use the “Returned and/or Reallocated
Funds” Column?
If you returned EOPS or CARE funds by June 30,
2012 on Mid-Year Reports
If you received EOPS or CARE reallocated funds
Do not include 2011-12 EOPS special textbook
augmentation in SSARCC; instead use “EOPS special
textbook augmentation” form
“Validate” Final Expenditures
You should use this to double-check work prior to
Address any “error” messages that appear
“View Draft Expenditure Report”
Do this when:
You think you’re ready to submit to Chancellor’s
Ready for review by local district/college staff
before submitting to Chancellor’s Office
You can still go back into screens to make changes to
“Submit to Chancellor’s Office”
“Submit” after error messages have been addressed and after
appropriate local staff have reviewed
“Submit” locks final expenditure screens
“Submit” means final expenditures are officially transmitted to
Chancellor’s Office
“Submit” EOPS final expenditures before CARE final
CARE final expenditures must be submitted separately
To unlock screens, send email to SSARCC help desk: [email protected]
Printing EOPS and CARE Budgets/Signature
This is done after you have “submitted” to Chancellor’s
Office; to print signature pages, do the following:
 1. Click on “view expenditure report”
 2. In the “select a format” window, click on the down arrow
and then click on “PDF”
 3. Click on “export”
 4. Wait for report to appear on your computer screen
 5. Print out budget/signature page & obtain required
original signatures & mail to Chancellor’s Office
Follow these same steps for CARE.
What Is Due September 15, 2012?
2011-12 SSARCC
EOPS Final
Expenditures Plus
Signature Page
2011-12 SSARCC
CARE Final
Expenditures Plus
Signature Page
2011-12 EOPS Book
Expenditures Form
Kelly Gornik
Where Do I Go for Help?
[email protected]
SSARCC Project Team
Technology, Research & Information Systems (TRIS) Division:
Myrna Huffman, Director, Management Information Systems
Barbara McIsaac Kwoka, Specialist, MIS & SSARCC
Todd Hoig, Programmer, SSARCC
Student Services Division:
Sarah Tyson, Dean, Student Services
Kelly Gornik, Specialist, EOPS and CARE
Cheryl Fong, State Coordinator, EOPS and CARE