Transcript Slide 1

Diane Brady, Fiscal Policy Specialist
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
2.9 million students in 2008-09
112 colleges in every corner of the state
Three core missions:
◦ Career Technical Education & Workforce Preparation
◦ Transfer to 4-Year Institutions
◦ Basic Skills
Due to:
High unemployment
Students being displaced from UC and CSU
Record numbers of high school graduates
CCC total funding cut by more than $520 million
or 8 percent:
◦ $313 million cut to students services programs
(counseling, tutoring, services to disabled students)
◦ $190 million cut to general purpose funds that support
Primary Funding Sources:
State General Fund
Local Property Taxes
Student Fees
$3.4 Billion (59%)
$1.9 Billion (35%)
$367 Million (6%)
Total Available Revenue
$5.700 Billion
District Entitlement
$5.890 Billion
Revenue Shortfall
($190 million)
Budget cuts have forced most districts to make significant
reductions in the number of course sections offered
Most districts have cut more than 5 percent of course
sections - primarily those taught by part-time faculty
Students are having difficulty accessing the courses they need
Course sections are full
Waiting lists are longer than ever
Many students are being turned away with no classes
Many districts used one-time funds to protect categorical
programs in 2009-10
Some reductions in counseling, tutoring, and other support
Even more drastic reductions in student support services
likely this Spring and next Fall.
• 200,000 students beyond funded levels.
• Not sustainable; colleges will be forced to further reduce
course sections in the coming year in order to balance
their budgets.
• Absent additional funding being provided, over 200,000
students will lose access to a community college
education over the next year.
Assumes a $19.9 billion deficit over the 2009-10 and 2010-11
fiscal years
Despite this deficit, Governor promised to spare education
from further cuts
Still far short of funding necessary to serve current students
Colleges probably would be forced to make more cuts under
this scenario
Legislature will consider and weigh in on Governor’s budget
Categorical programs:
 $10 million cut to EOPS
 $10 million cut to Part-Time Faculty Compensation
 $20 million increase in Career Technical Education
 EOPS, Basic Skills, and Fund for Student Success are now
included as “Flexibility” items
 2.2 percent enrollment growth ($126 million) to fund
approximately 26,000 more full time equivalent students
 Negative COLA of -0.38% (-$22.9 million)
 Suspension of new Competitive CalGrant awards
 Partial backfill of property tax and other revenue shortfalls
Legislative hearings are beginning now for 2010-11 budget
The Legislature is advised by non-partisan Legislative
Analyst’s Office, which presents its own proposal
Governor issues his May Revision in mid-May, after tax
revenues are known
Sometime in summer (or even fall) the budget will be
finalized and signed by the Governor
Diane Brady
Fiscal Policy Specialist
California Community Colleges
(916) 327-1554
[email protected]