Transcript Slajd 1

( 2008 - 2010 )
II Liceum Ogólnokształcące
im. Piotra Firleja w Lubartowie
Division : Outdoor games
The idea of the project „Hopscotch. In search of vintage games” is to draw the youth away from sitting in front
of the computer and to discern that not only the virtual world is beautiful.
In the first year of the enterprise, together with the school from Estonia we carried out a survey
among those connected with the knowledge of vintage games (e.g. kapsle, palant). We got the biggest amount
of information from elderly people, which is of great importance since one of the aims of the project is building
up the intergeneration bonds. During the first visit to Poland, out of a huge database, we chose some games
from both countries.
All the activities we have undertaken are based on the values of friendship, respect, goodness,
sincerity, love, trust and tolerance. The very project is propagated in the form of brochures, multimedia
presentations in other schools in the town and in the local environment.
The Partner Project Comenius enables the fulfilment of the cognitive aims assumed by the schools;
it enables the students to develop the curiosity of the world, get to know other cultures, tolerance and
cooperative skills in different circumstances. It teaches the existence in the contemporary world and
international cooperation and allows the students to improve their language skills. Both the schools have great
experience in cooperation and implementing both projects and other actions on the national and international
II Liceum Ogólnokształcące
Vesiroosi Gümnaasium
HOPSCOTCH - Classes- the game comprises throwing the stone to particular fields and jumping following special
Games and plays have also many other advantages, being the source of enjoyment and relax. They
influence positively the development of the child-its thinking, concentration, memory and speaking
abilities.They help to develop in a natural way important features of children’s character, they teach to
conquer the obstacles, to create motivation in achieving your goals,
They help you control emotions. This form of playing builds up integration, and helps to develop bonds
between children.
Plays involving jumping
The characteristic feature of these games is doing series of movements which let lift the body from the
ground. They seem to be quite interesting for the youth.
Number of participants- for two or more persons
Place- an even surface, pavement or hard ground.
Items needed- a stick ( for drawing on the ground), a piece of chalk ( for drawing on the
pavement) and a stone for throwing it.
There are many descriptions of this game. Some suggest drawing the scheme consisting only of the squares,
others refer to drawing the figure of the ‘man’ ( most surveyed by us people referred to the this version)
Creating of the scheme;
On the pavement you need to draw the scheme, so called
’the man’, with a piece of chalk( and with a stick on the
ground).The figure comprises three squares vertically, 2
squares across – the equivalent of arms, and then 1 squarethe neck. Then you need to draw the half of the circle ( the
head ). You need to number the fields from 1 to 8. The
player who does all the task first is the winner.
The game:
A player who starts the game throws a stone and tries to aim at the first field. When he succeeds he can start
using both his/her legs. You must land on each field ( but leaving out the field with the stone in it). In case of
double fields you need to land with your legs on two fields. After reaching the head you must jump and turn in
the air. Then you must come back, and before the first field you need to stop but not landing or touching this
field. Next he throws the stone to the field no 2 etc.
Only until a player makes a mistake, i.e.
* He/she missed the aimed field
* He/she landed on the line
* He/she stood on both legs ( in the one-legged version)
* He/she did not follow the correct sequence of the fields
Now there com the turn of the next participant, the previous one waits for his turn and he/she should start from
the field where there was a mistake.
Each player has to do the following task with the scheme/figure:
* Jumping with both legs
* On the right leg
* On the left leg
* With closed eyes (‘ blind jumping’)
You practice your sense of
balance and the accuracy of
The other version of the game
A player who starts the game throws the stone and tries to place it in the
first field
. When you succeed you may start jumping on one leg. You must jump
on every field except the one with the stone. After reaching the field 12
you must jump and turn 180 degrees and start jumping back. Before the
field 1 you stop, pick up the stone but you can’t land on this field. Next
you throw the stone to the next field and so on.
When a player makes a mistake there comes the next player’s turn.
Mistakes include:
* missing the aimed field
* landing on the line
* standing on both legs ( in the one-legged version)
* not following the correct sequence of the numbered field
Not managing to turn 180 degrees in the air to start the way back.
In the series the following brochures have been published :
Division : Recreation room and logic games
Division : Indoor games
Division : Outdoor games
II Liceum Ogólnokształcące
im. Piotra Firleja w Lubartowie