Welcome to Year

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Transcript Welcome to Year

Welcome to Year
Mr Harper
Mrs Daley
Mrs Byrne
Mrs Hurley
Mrs Leggatt
Mrs Roper
How you can support your child’s
Read with your child regularly
Home learning
High expectations of your child’s learning non - negotiables
Celebrating achievements and expressing concerns
Attendance – ensure your child arrives in school on time
Spelling – in class teaching.
Maths strategies - strategies sheet.
Equipment and clothing
Promote independence
You are welcome to share any skills which you have with us such as
; reading , cooking, religion , art and craft etc. We will welcome you
into the classrooms to share these skills with your children.
Home Learning 1
Every child will have a Home Learning book which will be sent home on a
Friday to be returned to school by the following Wednesday at the latest.
Your child’s targets for reading, writing, maths and science will be in their
home learning book for your information.
A list of ‘non-negotiables’ which indicate the quality of work and
presentation expected will also be included.
A Home Learning task sheet will be added each term from which children
may choose activities to complete in their Home Learning book. Teachers
will discuss these with the children every Friday and offer suggestions on
how they could be completed. We are more than happy for parents to
support their children in researching and presenting these tasks in
different ways.
Up until Christmas
this will be mostly optional
as in year five. However,
we do need to prepare
your child for life in
secondary school and so
from Term 3 each week
your child will have
Maths and English
home learning which
will need to be
completed. We will
arrange a lunchtime
club for those children
who would like to do it
a t school.
Non- negotiables
We expect children to be smart for school. There is an expectation that
all children wear the correct school uniform. Children are not allowed to
wear make up – e.g. nail varnish and jewellery ( apart from stud earrings
which will need to be removed for PE). They will be asked to remove this
if they do so.
Winter Uniform for Girls and Boys
grey trousers or skirt
White polo shirt/ white shirt with collar
School sweatshirt * (£11.00)
Grey or white socks
Black school shoes – not trainers
PE kit * (£10.00) – items can be purchased individually
PE Bag * (£2)
Shorts *(£4)
T shirt with school logo *(£4)
* Available from the school office
What do I do if I need to speak to someone ?
Communication is really essential. If there is important information which the
class teacher needs to know please can you let one of the ladies in the office
know or write a note. You can always speak to a member of staff from the class
at the end of the day.
If there is something urgent which you need to talk about, the ladies in the school
office will always try to find someone who can help you if the class teacher is
If what you need to speak about needs a discussion with the class teacher, please
contact the school office to make a mutually convenient time with the teacher.
If you would like to talk to someone in confidence about a safeguarding issue or
family circumstances, please speak to Miss Chinnadurai who is our Safeguarding
Officer. In her absence please speak to Mrs Long or Mrs Byrne.
Before and After School
School starts at 8.50 am and both playgrounds are supervised from 8.40 am.
Please can you make sure that your child is not left unsupervised before then.
No parents are allowed beyond the gate in Year 1 for safeguarding reasons. New
reception parents are allowed beyond that gate until the end of Term 1, but not
into the KS2 playground.
School ends at 3.15 and your child will be walked round by a teacher from the
class. If you arrive before and have young children, please do not allow them to
make a large amount of noise outside the classrooms as this can disrupt the
children’s concentration, especially in Year 6.
The playground is not supervised after school and so therefore you are
responsible for your children on the equipment. Thank you for your cooperation.
Special Events
Ironbridge (1st June)
Cycling Proficiency
Links with the local community
What will your child be learning?
• At the beginning of terms 1,3 and 5 you
will be sent home a Curriculum map of
your child's learning.
• This is an opportunity for your and your
child to research and become familiar with
the up coming topics of learning.
• Your child will also receive targets which
are generic across the year groups.
Problem Solving . Evaluation . Reasoning . Creative Thinking . Enquiry . Communication
Information Processing
Even though your child is a free reader,
please still listen to them read and
encourage them to reflect upon what
they’ve read.
are made
readers on
the laps of
•Children are expected to read out loud
on a daily basis.
• Record name of book, pages read and
any comments .
•Read to your child as well as this will
help them to learn how to use
expression and encourage deeper
•Non-fiction texts, such as newspapers,
magazines, comics, recipes, TV guides
etc, can be ideal for extending the range of
genres that your child reads.
•Questions you could ask.
“Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.”
- Edmund Burke
1. Recall questions
1. Where does the story take
2. When did the story take
3. What did he/she/it look like?
4. Who was she/he/it?
5. Where did he/she/it live?
6. Who are the characters in the
7. Where in the book would you
4. Analytical questions
2. Comprehension questions
3. Application questions
1. What do you think is happening
2. What happened in the story?
3. What might this mean?
4. Through whose eyes is this story
5. Which part of the story best
describes the setting and why?
6. What words/phrases are used to
describe the setting/characters?
7. What part of the story do you
like best?
1. Can you think of another story
that has a similar theme? e.g.
good over evil, Wise over
2. Do you know another story
that deals with the same
issues? e.g. moral or social
3. Which other author handles
time in this way e.g. flashbacks
or dreams
4. Which stories have openings
like this?
5. Questions requiring synthesis
1. What makes you think that?
1. What is your opinion
2. What words give you that
2. What do you think about…..?
3. How do you feel about….?
3. Using all the evidence available
4. Can you explain why….?
tell me what you think
5. I wonder what the writer
6. I wonder why the writer decided 4. Given what you know
about……. What do you think
7. Why did the author choose this about them/it?
8. What do you think this means?
6. Evaluation Questions
1. What makes this a successful
2. What evidence do you have to
justify your opinion?
3. Does it work?
4. Could it be better? How?
5. Is it as good as…….?
6. What book is it similar to?
7. How is it different to?
8. Would you recommend this
book? Why?
Guided Reading
Each child will have the opportunity for quality
guided reading four times per week and with an
adult twice a week.
Questioning and
Reciprocal Reading
Reciprocal teaching is a scaffolded discussion
technique that incorporates four main strategies –
predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarising –
these are the skills which good readers need to
comprehend text.
Learning Outcome :
For your children to become independent, engaged,
motivated, confident and effective readers who have
an innate love and understanding of reading. Through
teaching this approach the children will be shown how
to have a clearer understanding of the text they have
read, to be able to take on roles, discuss, predict,
clarify, question and summarise.
Once again your
child will have a
reading passport to
encourage them to
read a wide variety
of authors
Overheard on a Salt Marsh
Initially, English will
be based around a
poem by
Harold Monro.
We will then discuss
with the children how
they would like to
learn the other text
types such as non
Young Shakespeare Company
In November we are very luck once
again to have a performance of a
William Shakespeare play. Our
literacy learning will be based around
the play.
Goodnight Mister Tom
A novel by Michelle
Magorian. Our learning
will be cross curricular
whilst we link the story to
WW2 , evacuees and
how our surrounding
area was affected by the
Blitz. Trip
Reading towards this learning may be set as extra home
learning, it is imperative that your child brings the book to
school every day.
Meeting in October after Kent Test results
March consultations
Ironbridge information evening
Optional meeting in June
However, we are always here if you have
any concerns just make an appointment
through the office to see us.