Welcome to Year 1

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Transcript Welcome to Year 1

Bridge and Patrixbourne
CEP School
Building on previous knowledge and becoming
independent learners .
Key Skills
Reasoning Skills
Information Processing Skills
Enquiry Skills
Evaluation Skills
Problem solving Skills
Creative Thinking Skills
Communication Skills
• New National Curriculum
Curriculum maps
• Details the topic of the term and the areas of
• Term 1/2 – Canterbury past and present
• Term 3/4 – Stone Age to Iron Age
• Term 5/6– The Ancient Egyptians
• Canterbury Visit
• Visit from rock specialist
• Trip to Reculver to fossil hunt
• Quex Park (TBA)
• Reading
• Spelling – High frequency words.
Prefixes and suffixes.
• Home Learning
• Expectations
• Marble jar – marbles rewarded and
placed in class jar by child. When the jar
is full, the children will choose a reward.
• Cave man points – these are individual
rewards given for behaviour, attitude
and work.
We expect children to be smart for school. There is an expectation that
all children wear the correct school uniform. Children are not allowed to
wear make up – e.g. nail varnish and jewellery ( apart from stud earrings
which will need to be removed for PE). They will be asked to remove this
if they do so.
Winter Uniform for Girls and Boys
grey trousers or skirt
White polo shirt/ white shirt with collar
School sweatshirt * (£11.00)
Grey or white socks
Black school shoes – not trainers
PE kit * (£10.00) – items can be purchased individually
PE Bag * (£2)
Shorts *(£4)
T shirt with school logo *(£4)
* Available from the school office
Before and After School
School starts at 8.50 am and both playgrounds are supervised from 8.40 am.
Please can you make sure that your child is not left unsupervised before then.
No parents are allowed beyond the gate in Year 1 for safeguarding reasons. New
reception parents are allowed beyond that gate until the end of Term 1, but not
into the KS2 playground.
School ends at 3.15 and your child will be walked round by a teacher from the
class. If you arrive before and have young children, please do not allow them to
make a large amount of noise outside the classrooms as this can disrupt the
children’s concentration, especially in Year 6.
The playground is not supervised after school and so therefore you are
responsible for your children on the equipment. Thank you for your cooperation.
What do I do if I need to speak to someone ?
Communication is really essential. If there is important information which the
class teacher needs to know please can you let one of the ladies in the office
know or write a note. You can always speak to a member of staff from the class
at the end of the day.
If there is something urgent which you need to talk about, the ladies in the school
office will always try to find someone who can help you if the class teacher is
If what you need to speak about needs a discussion with the class teacher, please
contact the school office to make a mutually convenient time with the teacher.
If you would like to talk to someone in confidence about a safeguarding issue or
family circumstances, please speak to Miss Chinnadurai who is our Safeguarding
Officer. In her absence please speak to Mrs Long or Mrs Byrne.
Home Learning 1
Every child will have a Home Learning book which will be sent home on a
Friday to be returned to school by the following Wednesday at the latest.
Your child’s targets for reading, writing, maths and science will be in their
home learning book for your information.
A list of ‘non-negotiables’ which indicate the quality of work and
presentation expected will also be included.
A Home Learning task sheet will be added each term from which children
may choose activities to complete in their Home Learning book. Teachers
will discuss these with the children every Friday and offer suggestions on
how they could be completed. We are more than happy for parents to
support their children in researching and presenting these tasks in
different ways.