Transcript Document

-CEIP Profesor Tierno Galván , Spain, Valencia,
Puerto de Sagunto
-Yeşilöz İlköğretim Okulu , Turkey, Ankara
-Søre Trysil skole, Østby skole and Ljørdalen
skole ,Norway, Trysil, Hedmark
- Colegiul National de Informatica”Tudor
Vianu” , Romania, Bucharest (project
Approximate Date:
October –November 2010
Venue :
Yeşilöz İlköğretim Okulu , Turkey, Ankara
TURKEY - see the next slides
(all throughout this period
children and teachers from all
partner countries will
communicate to each other via
internet and on the website
Feedback and information related to the
activities so far are collected for the
intermediary report each country will have
to present at the end of the school year
Polls and surveys are posted and carried out
on the project’s website
Dissemination of all the partners’ work and
teaching activities continues at all levels
Choose the next 3 games that you will later
turn into teaching activities and translate
them as they are. Send them to all the
Spain makes the second collection of
games – it will be ready for the meeting in
All the materials that are available for the
website are sent to Romania and the website
is updated.
Turkey starts work on the DVD-volume 1
with all the teaching activities done so far by
all the partners( activities, teaching software,
videos, lesson plans)
Adapt the 3 games into teaching activities
(for foreign languages-English) that need
Translate the teaching activities- send them
to the partners
Integrate the teaching activities in lesson
plans – translate the lesson plans- send
them to your partners
Do the activities with your students – video
them – send the videos to your partners
Make and apply some questionnaires about
how the teaching has improved with the
use of these new activities:
-how was it before how is it now?
-how have the students developed?
-get feedback from your students related to
how they see these new activities.
 Implement your partners’ teaching activities
in your own school
Disseminate the project- the games, the
teaching activities and the lesson plansyours and your partners’- you can do it in
another school, in the press, etc
Prepare an analysis on the work done so far
so as to present it in Turkey
The website is updated with teaching
activities, lesson plans, videos, evidence of
dissemination .
Turkey completes the work on the DVD –
volume 1
Have a great summer !
Have a great trip to Turkey!
See you there!
‘This project has been funded with support
from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the
views only of the author, and the Commission
cannot be held responsible for any use which
may be made of the information contained