Industrial Society in Europe

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What 3 Factors helped spark the Industrial
1. Agricultural Revolution- New farming techniques,
New Technologies, made farming more productive
and more food.
2. Population Boom- As a product of the increase in
food, more people survived and families got larger.
This workforce also was forced to the cities by the
success of the new Farming Techniques
3. New Technologies- New technologies revolutionize
the way things are produce. The invention of the
steam engine changed the way work was powered,
and new iron making techniques created stronger
building materials.
The Industrial Revolution in Great
• Origins
– Agricultural revolution – dikes, fertilizer, seed
drill (Jethro Tull), alfalfa – enclosure – rich
landowners fence in the land, small farmers
forced to the cities – More food for the people
– Capital for investment – money economy
– Mineral resources – coal and iron
– Government favorable to business - Capitalism
– Markets – people demand new products
Enclosure Acts
• Increased farm
• Why?
Industrial Revolution in Britain by 1850
Technological Changes and New Forms
of Industrial Organization
• Cotton Industry – Textiles
• John Kay’s flying Shuttle, helped to increase the speeds at
which weavers worked, in fact out pacing spinners
• James Hargreaves solved that with the Spinning Jenny which
spun many threads at once.
• Richard Arkwright invented the water frame, which used
water power to speed up spinning.
Spinning Jenny
• invented by James Hargreaves
• spun multiple threads at one time
– threads were still thick and broke easily
Water Frame - Arkwright
Technological Changes and New Forms
of Industrial Organization
• The Steam engine
– Coal=heat water=steam
Newcomen Steam Engine
A Boulton and Watt Steam Engine
Technological Changes and New Forms
of Industrial Organization
The Iron Industry – Henry
– Puddling, using coke to burn
away impurities – iron ore to
pure iron – Improved the
steam engine
Iron Ore
Technological Changes and New Forms
of Industrial Organization
• A Revolution in
• James Watt
improve the steam
• Britain had the 1st
major rail line in
1830 – cheaper
Technological Changes and New
Forms of Industrial Organization
Fulton’s steamboat – move up
stream – faster and carry more
Spinning Jenny
A British Textile Factory
Focus Qs
• Do any of the Conditions that were helpful to
Britain in its development at this time still
exist in America today?
• Do you think the model of the Industrial
Revolution in England could help us in our
own Economy now? How? Explain.
Industrial Society in Europe
• population and migration – population
explosion in Europe leads more and more
people to live in the cities
• life is tough in the city – inadequate housing
and sanitation, disease and crime
• in rural areas serfdom is abolished in Prussia,
Austria and Russia
• Middle class benefits the most
• split of work force – some held steady jobs with good wages, others
were the working poor who held jobs with low wages and poor
• wage-labor force – proletarianization – workers labor becomes a
commodity of the labor marketplace
• guild system – an association of merchants or craftsmen that
offered protection to its members and set rules for their works and
• Standard of living does increase – not much though
• confection – goods, such as shoes, are produced in standard sizes
rather than specifically for one customer
– led to more division of labor
– sometimes less wages and worker unrest
Hardships of Early Industrial Life
• The Factory System
– Rigid Discipline
12-16 hour shifts
men, women and children
exhaustion led to many accidents
many lost limbs, got black lung, white
lung or died
• Workers were fired if they were sick
• Then went home to feed families and
deal with sickness
• Life was very hard
– Women Workers
• Worked same hours and made less
Hardships of Early Industrial Life
• Many workers called for labor unions
• Eventually working class men gained
the right to vote
• Con’s to the Industrial Revolution
Low pay initially
Dismal working conditions
Slums & Disease
Social problems
• Pro’s to the Industrial revolution
Demand for mass produced goods
More jobs were available
Wages eventually rose
Cost of travel fell
Opportunities increased
Labor Laws
• Factory Act 1819 - Limited the hours worked by children to a
maximum of 12 per day.
• Factory Act 1833 - Children under 9 banned from working in
the textiles industry and 10-13 year olds limited to a 48 hour
week. (2 hours of education)
• Factory Act 1844 - Maximum of 12 hours work per day for
• Factory Act 1847 - Maximum of 10 hours work per day for
Women and children.
• Factory Act 1850 - Increased hours worked by Women and
children to 10 and a half hours a day, but not allowed to work
before 6am or after 6pm.
• Factory Act 1874 - No worker allowed to work more than 56.5
hours per week.
Child Labor
This is not FOG, Smog from the Pollution of Factories
The Family
• In the early factory system, roles in the family stayed
mainly the same / fathers employed their wives and
• Wages for skilled laborers becomes high enough that
some children are able to leave the factory and go to
• Marriage - women would leave the workforce to live
on her husband’s earnings once married
• Poor health care – hospitals were dangerous because
risk of infection – Louis Pasteur
Crime and Order during the Industrial
• as populations in the cities increased, so did crime rates, especially
theft and arson – workers lived in slums/tenements
• new police forces – kept order, protected property and lives,
investigated crime, apprehended offenders
– appeared in France in 1828
– in England in 1829 – the “bobbies”
– in Germany in 1848
• prison reform
– instead of being housed together with all others, offenders of serious crimes
are sent to transportation – to South Wales, Australia
– goals of prisons change from punishment to reform
– prisoners isolated from each other – often led to mental health problems
– prisoners learn skills or a trade
– some of the worst British criminals sent to Devil’s Island in South America
Think Questions:
• With what you know came out of the
Industrial Revolution ( Developments,
inventions, etc.) were these working
conditions and the pain they caused worth it?
Explain and justify your answer.
• If it would give similar advances in
technology today, would you endorse these
same types of working conditions in our
country? Explain.
Classical Economists
• Thomas Malthus – contended in his Essay on the Principle of
Population (1798) – that population would outstrip food
supply making conditions of working class worse – disease,
famine, and war
• David Ricardo – Principles of Political Economy (1817) – saw
viscous cycle in which wages were raised, population would
increase, labor market would expand, lowering wages and
producing fewer children.
• Jeremy Bentham – believed in utilitarianism – greatest
happiness for the greatest amount of people
• Adam Smith – Free-market system will help the people laissez-faire
• Utopian Socialists – often advocated for the
creation of ideal communities and questioned
• Robert Owen – mill owner
• Envisioned workers living in communities where
factory and farm shared their resources – child care
• New Harmony, Indiana – fails due to quarrels
amongst workers
• Communism?
Karl Marx and Marxism
• Karl Marx – believed class conflict will eventually
lead to the triumph of the industrial proletariat over
the bourgeoisie and the abolition of private property
and social class – becomes to be known as Marxism
• Friedrich Engels
– published The Condition of the Working Class in England –
presented a devastating picture of working conditions in
industrial life
– joined with Marx to write Communist Manifesto – called
for more radical change then socialism – the outright
abolition of private property, rather than just the
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
• Belgium follows Britain’s lead in
the Industrial Revolution
• Germany, France and the United
States shortly follow
• The United States eventually
becomes the leading Industrial
Power in the world
(Samuel Slater)
• Eastern nations did not
Industrialize as fast as Western
• Russia eventually Industrializes
after a long period of social and
political unrest
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
• Western Nations become
• Companies began to hire
scientists and researchers to
make machines and products
• Most nations measured their
success based on the amount
of steel they outputted
• Nations started to experiment
with chemicals
– Alfred Nobel invents dynamite
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
• In the Late 1800’s electricity
replaced steam as the dominant
source of Industrial power
– Alessandro Volta – creates first
– Michael Faraday – creates first
dynamo (machine that generates
– Thomas Edison – creates first light
• Electricity allowed factories to
work after dark
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
• Companies begin to design
products with interchangeable
– Assembly Line created
– Both of these increased production
• Automobile Age begins
– Invented in Germany by Nikolaus
Otto, Karl Benz and Gottlieb
– Improved upon by Henry Ford
– People laughed at these “horseless
• Assembly Line Activity
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
• Conquest of the Air
– Orville and Wilbur Wright flew
the “Kitty Hawk” in 1903
– Commercial flight begins in the
• Rapid Communication
– Samuel Morse invents Morse
code for telegraph - 1844
– Alexander Graham Bell invents
the Telephone - 1876
– Guglielmo Marconi invents the
radio - 1890
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
• New Directions for Business
– Businesses began to sell stock
– Corporations begin to form
– A movement towards monopolies
• Monopolies buy everything they can
and eliminate the competition
• Once the competition is gone they can
raise the prices to any level they want
– Sometimes monopolies would form
together to form a cartel
– Many call for regulation against
monopolies and cartels
– In your binder write about your
opinion of monopolies and cartels
The World of Cities
• Between 1800 and 1900 the
world population doubles
– This is not because families were
– It is because the death rate
• People ate better and medical
advances allowed for this
– Germ Theory
• Louis Pasteur discovered the link
between germs and disease
• He also created vaccines for these
germs and microbes
• Created the process of pasteurization
– filtering milk
Medical Advancements.
• 1846 anesthesia is introduced, which reduced pain
during surgery.
• Early on hospitals themselves were dirty and
dangerous places, were many patients died of
• Florence Nightingale was one of the first to see the
value of a sanitary environment.
The World of Cities
• Florence Nightingale
– Cleaned up hospital conditions
• Urban Renewal
– Repairing the poor areas of cities
– Sidewalks, Sewers, Street Lights,
Police & Fire Departments, Clean
– Slums continued to exist in the
poorest outskirts of cities
• Labor Unions
– Fought for workers rights
– Helped increase the standard of
Changing Attitudes and Values
• A new social order
– For the first time in history the
upper class included the self made
– Young people had more of a choice
who they married
– The rights of women were
promoted – woman’s suffrage
– Public education is promoted
– Higher education is promoted
– Charles Darwin – “The Origin of
Species” – evolution
– Social Darwinism – survival of the
fittest amongst people
• Helped encourage racism
• Quality of Life during Industrialization
• The Industrial Revolution brought about a greater volume and variety of
factory-produced goods and raised the standard of living for many people,
particularly for the middle and upper classes. However, life for the poor and
working classes continued to be filled with challenges. Wages for those who
labored in factories were low and working conditions could be dangerous and
monotonous. Unskilled workers had little job security and were easily
replaceable. Children were part of the labor force and often worked long hours
and were used for such highly hazardous tasks as cleaning the machinery. In
the early 1860s, an estimated one-fifth of the workers in Britain’s textile
industry were younger than 15. Industrialization also meant that some
craftspeople were replaced by machines.
Additionally, urban, industrialized areas were unable to keep pace with the
flow of arriving workers from the countryside, resulting in inadequate,
overcrowded housing and polluted, unsanitary living conditions in which
disease was rampant. Conditions for Britain’s working-class began to gradually
improve by the later part of the 19th century, as the government instituted
various labor reforms and workers gained the right to form trade unions.