Btec Level 2 Science B1

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Transcript Btec Level 2 Science B1

Linnaeus 1735 2 kingdoms Haeckel 1866 3 kingdoms Chatton 1937 2 empires Copeland 1956 4 kingdoms Whittaker 1969 5 kingdoms Woese 1977 6 kingdoms Woese 1990 3 domains

(not treated)

Protista Prokaryo ta Monera Monera Protista Eubacteria Bacteria Archaebacte ria Archaea Protista Protista Fungi Vegetabili a Plantae Plantae Plantae Plantae Fungi Eukarya Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia

You must describe the main characteristics of the major classification groups. Construct simple identification keys.

• Monera • Protista • Fungi • Plantae • Animalia A table is a good way to present your information You will also need to include a key that will help a biologist identify an organism. You could use one you have previously made or complete further research from the internet. It must be you own work – a printed / photocopied key is not sufficient.

Describe [give a clear description that includes all the

relevant features. Think of it as painting a picture with words.]

Part 2 - Merit

Explain the need to classify


• For this part of the assessment you must explain the system of classification and why we need it. You will need to explain the benefits of the system and possible drawbacks.

• Research and write out 1 organism’s Linnaean classification (kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species) • Explain [Provide details and give

reasons and/or evidence to clearly support the argument you are making]

Part 3 – Distinction

Discuss the characteristics which

are used to distinguish the major groups.

• For this part of the assignment You have to discuss advantages and disadvantages of the main characteristics of the five groups.

Discuss [provide in depth

information about a topic. Explain arguments for and against. Provide your own conclusion]

P(a) – You must achieve this else FAIL

• Explain why biologists put things into groups.

• Discuss… – Similar characteristics within groups – What happens when a new species is found – How organisms below a level have common features

M(h) – You need this for a Merit

• Why its necessary to classify organisms.

– Discuss what happens when biologists find a new organism. – They look at the features and put it in the appropriate group based on Kingdom, phylum, class etc.

– It’s then easy to put new organisms into groups – Discuss the language used (Latin) and why


• System is based on similarities between organisms • Organisms below a group – share common features (e.g. vertebrate, fungi) • Naming organisms (scientific) follows a simple rule. This means that new species can be given a name • Biologists can place organisms with similar characteristics in groups.

• Some features in a group may not seem obvious. This means that the grouping system may initially seem wrong.