Transcript Slide 1

Have a good idea
• Know what your primary objective is
• Choose something fun
• Choose something original
• Feel like you have to choose an event that is
themed to your club/soc if it is a fundraising
• Focus on doing a really really good event that
means you lose money
How are you making money?
Ticket sales
Selling goods
Do some research
The internet is brilliant – Google stuff
Pintrest is brilliant – lots of creative people
that you can legally steal ideas from
Have you done something brilliant before?
Talk to each other!!!
Know your audience
• Your members/ other students/ staff/ general
• Do they have money to spend?
• What can you offer them?
Be realistic
• What are your other responsibilities?
• How much time can you spend working on
• How much help can you get?
Do some maths
• You can not hope to make any money if you
do not do some maths
• I’m going to teach you how to do some
technical mathematical form based things
now so here’s a picture of a panda
Spend no money
• Aim to spend as little money as possible as it
means you will make a profit more easily
• Aim to work on a 3:1 return on investment
• Try and blag free stuff
Additional income
• What can you do to generate extra income
while you have a captive audience?
• Think about little fundraisers on the side of
your main event
• Can you sell something?
Break even point
1. Work out the total expenditure
2. Work out how many tickets you want to sell e.g.
What is the capacity for the venue, transport
3. Divide the expenditure by the amount of tickets
to give a unit cost.
4. What do you think a reasonable price for tickets
is? Set your price.
5. How many tickets do you need to sell at your set
price in order to exceed your expenditure?
• Know what you are asking for
• Know what you can offer the company in
• Know the benefits to each party
• If you are raising for charity know what the
charities aims are
• Identify student friendly companies
• Research the companies policy
Sponsorship letters
The University of Derby has around 20,000 students from a variety of backgrounds enrolled on a variety of courses. Each one of these students is a
member of the Students’ Union. We are currently preparing for our annual awards evening, in which celebrate the achievements of some of our
most outstanding students and teaching staff. In previous years this has been an auspicious occasion with up to 160 special guests and VIPs in
attendance. We are looking to make 2014 bigger and better than ever.
As part of our ongoing fundraising events through Raise and Give we intend to host a charity raffle on the night of the awards. We understand that
you will receive a large amount of requests for support for charity fundraisers but we would greatly appreciate any prizes that you might be able to
All our charities are chosen democratically by our students and all undertake fantastic work locally, nationally and international to help those in need.
For the academic year 2013-14 our chosen charities are:
Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland Air ambulance – On average this branch of air ambulance goes out on 3 missions to help those involved in
serious medical emergencies such as road traffic accidents and sporting injuries. Each mission costs around £1,400 and the service is entirely funded by
public donations.
Cancer Research UK - The world’s largest independent cancer research charity it conducts research into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of
the disease. As 1 in 3 people will be touched by cancer in some way throughout their lives, Cancer Research UK needs donations to fund vital research
to beat cancer for good.
Women for Women International – This small international charity aims to improve the communities of 8 countries that have been devastated by
war and conflict. The money raised funds 1 year development programs which provides women from these communities with business and leadership
In return for your support you will receive a donor mention on the awards webpage, your company noted as donor when announcing the winner
and an update after the award of how much your donation helped us raise.
For more details of how to donate gifts to our cause please contact the employability and volunteering coordinator on
[email protected] or phone 01332 593 905
• Sponsorship is a bit like advertising
• Easier to get gifts in kind than money
• Money has to go towards expenses and
cannot be part of a donation
• You must tell us if you are negotiating
sponsor. There are declaration forms that you
need to fill and we need to follow financial
You are the agent for Big Sean. He is appearing on My Super
Sweet 16. You have $5000 budget from MTV. Use the tools
mentioned in this session to plan his party.