Transcript Slayt 1

General Structure of the Turkish Educational
Pre-school education, which is optional (in
some cities compulsory-in pilot regions), aims at
contributing to the physical, mental and emotional
development of the children, to help them acquire
good habits, and to prepare them for basic education.
Pre-school education institutions include independent
kindergartens, nursery classes in primary schools and
preparation classes.
Elementary (Basic) education provides children
with basic knowledge and ensures their physical, mental and
moral development in accordance with national objectives. It
generally comprises the education of children in the 6-14
year age group. Eight years of basic education is
compulsory for all Turkish citizens who have reached the
age of six.This level of education is free of charge in public
schools. There are also private schools under state control.
Secondary education encompasses two categories of
educational institutions, namely general high schools and
vocational and technical high schools (lycées) where a
minimum of four years of schooling is implemented after basic
The aims of secondary education are to provide students
with a knowledge of general culture, to acquaint them with
problems of individual and societal nature and to motivate them to
find solutions; to instill in them the strength and knowledge to
participate in the economic, social and cultural development of the
country and to prepare them, in line with their interests and talents,
for institutions of higher learning.
Different kinds of high schools of the Turkish education
system include:
General High Schools,
Public High Schools (Standard Education),
Anatolian High Schools, which provide lessons in a
selected foreign language (English, German or French.
Successful students who are determined by tests during
primary education may be enrolled.)
Anatolian Fine Arts High Schools
Anatolian Religious High Schools (Imam-Hatip) which
have the same curriculum as Anatolian High Schools with
lessons on religion
Science High Schools focusing on science
Private High Schools, which are established by
private enterprises. Private High schools are referred as
“colleges” (kolej) and they offer at least one foreign
Vocational High Schools, focus on a certain type
of profession (such as Tourism Vocational High Schools,
Industrial Vocational High Schools,and Electrical
Vocational High Schools)
When students complete the 9th grade, they
choose one of four tracks: Turkish language–
Mathematics, Mathematics–Science, Social
Sciences,and Languages.
General high schools are educational institutions that
prepare students for institutions of higher learning. They
implement a four-year program over and above basic education,
and comprises students in the 15-18 year age group.
Vocational and technical high schools provide
specialized instruction with the aim of training qualified
personnel.The duration of instruction in these schools is also
four years.
Higher education: The purpose of higher education is to
train manpower within a system of contemporary educational and
training principles to meet the needs of the country. It provides high
level specialized education in various fields for students who have
completed secondary education. The Higher Education Law (Law
no. 2547) which went into effect in 1981, covers all higher
education institutions and regulates their organization and
Universities comprising several units are established by the
state and by law as public corporations having autonomy in
teaching and research. Furthermore, institutions of higher
education, under the supervision and control of the state, can also
be established by private foundations in accordance with
procedures and principles set forth in the law provided that they are
non-profit in nature.
There is a tuition fee for higher education. However,
successful students who lack financial means to continue
their education are provided with full support by private
individuals and organizations, as well as by the state.
Today, higher education institutions in Turkey fall into
three categories: universities, military and police colleges
and academies, and vocational schools affiliated with
The university is the principal higher education institution. It
possesses academic autonomy and a public legal personality. It is
responsible for carrying out high level educational activities, scientific
research and publications. It is made up of faculties, graduate
schools, schools of higher education, conservatories, two-year
vocational training schools and centers for applied work and
A faculty is a higher education unit which is responsible for
high level education, as well as for scientific research and
publications. Units such as departments, schools of higher education,
etc., may be affiliated with a faculty.
A graduate school in universities and in faculties is concerned
with graduate study, scientific research and applied studies in more
than one related subject area.
Non-traditional studies:
Distance higher education
Distance education is offered at the Open Education
Faculty of Anadolu University. Entry is on a competitive
basis through the central national university entrance
examination (ÖSS). Courses last for two and four years.
Other forms of non-formal higher education
Non-formal education is offered by a network of
training centres supervised by the Ministry of National
The Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture comprises five academic
• Communication and Design
• Fine Arts
• Graphic Design
• Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
• Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
The Fine Arts Department offers a flexible program that
unites studio practice and art theory, combining art disciplines such
as painting, printmaking, sculpture, installation, and ceramics with
courses in theory and criticism. The aim of the curriculum is to equip
future artists with a capacity for studio work and an understanding of
artistic production as well as the theoretical dimensions of art. The
well-equipped etching, lithography, silk screen, ceramics, and
sculpture studios offer students excellent opportunities to explore
new horizons.
Changing the curriculum to a constructivist way requires to
change the approach of the teachers to the science teaching.
Teaching strategies of science teachers should be more studentcentered which begins with understanding students’ points of view.
Although there are many expectations from the science
teachers, changing the students way of understanding science and
attitude are the basic expectations of the new science and
technology curriculum. The students should make observations,
experiments, and research, observing the knowledge by
themselves with a manner of creative and critical thinking. They
should share the knowledge and apply the science to the real life.
The new curriculum also aims to provide students to
develop a full range of intellectual capacities. Therefore a major
goal of science instruction is to develop students’ ability to interpret
and apply what they have learned.
The students conduct a project-work using the knowledge they
have obtained in the explore and explain steps. Within the scope of
this project, the students try to plan a house heated by using very little
fuel working as an architect, civil engineer, and mechanical engineer.
In this respect, they plan the most appropriate house
considering which fuel can be appropriate in the heating, annual cost
of the fuel, and how the maximum efficiency can be obtained in the
heating of the house.
The project of this house is drawn and the
explanations related to the house are written in a report
attached to the rough draft. In addition, some groups
make scale models of the house on a voluntary basis.
Students themselves decide on the criteria that will
be used in the evaluation of their projects. Within the
scope of this project, the evaluation criteria are
determined referring to the views of each group.
In this way, the students learn how to watch and evaluate
the conducted presentations with a critical eye in light of the predetermined criteria.
At the end of this study, the groups may be given
‘Certificate of Attendance in Devising a House Project’ to celebrate
them for the study they conducted and motivate for the following