Administrative Update - Alaska Department of Education

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Transcript Administrative Update - Alaska Department of Education

Part 2 - Administrative Requirements
for New Child Care Centers
Alaska Child and Adult Care
Food Program
Fiscal Year 2010
10/1/09 – 9/30/10
Initial Application (forms)
Application and Management Plan
Center Site Information Sheet
Permanent Agreement
Annual CNP Web User Authorization
Request & Signatory Authority
Rate % Certification & 30-day Study Roster
Free and Reduced Price Policy Statement
Page 2
Initial Application (forms)
Attachment A - D (budget, staffing,
training, and monitoring plan)
For-Profit Certification & roster or Nonprofit documentation
At-Risk Snack Addendum
Pre-Award Civil Rights Review
CACFP Food Service Agreement
New Vendor form
Page 3
Initial Application
(Other Needed Items)
Organizational Chart
Mission Statement
Site Review Form
Non-discrimination Policy
Public Media Release
Proof of Non-Profit Status
Copy of Cycle Menus
Copy of Community Care License
DEC or Municipality of Anchorage Health & Safety
Documentation (Inspections, CFPM certification, food
worker cards)
Financial Documentation for your business
Page 4
Initial Application
Application & Management Plan
How your center is operating the CACFP
Have available for future use over the
next 3 years in a binder in administrative
Center Site Information Sheet
Particular information for each site
Meal Times, Licensing, enrollment, etc.
Page 5
Initial Application
Permanent Agreement
 Agreement with the State of Alaska
 Signed by authorized representative of
your organization
 Signed by authorized representative of
Alaska Department of Education &
Early Development
Page 6
Initial Application
Annual CNP Web User Authorization
Request & Signatory Authority
Page 7
Initial Application
Give Program Access: View Only/Claim Entry/Data Entry
Terminate Program Access
Authorized Signature
Page 8
Initial Application
Rate Percentages
Eliminate overt identification
Reimbursements are based on a
“snapshot” of center’s enrollment for
7 CFR 226.9(b)(2)
Page 9
Initial Application
Rate Percentages -Three Steps:
1) Collecting the Family Size-Income Data:
Distribute sample Letter to Parents with the
Confidential Income Statement (CIS)
Distribution may begin any time after you
receive the new CIS from the Child Nutrition
Services (for new programs)
Eligibility must be based on information
reported on the Confidential Income Statement
Page 10
Initial Application
Rate Percentages
30-day study period & Attendance Roster:
First: 30-day study period prior to start-up
Yearly: 30-day study period each October
All children who attend the center during the study
period must be counted & recorded on the
attendance roster
If using the Child Care Grant roster remember:
part time children are counted as 1 child
Page 11
Initial Application
Rate Percentages
2) Categorizing & Approving the Confidential
Income Statements:
Must be signed & dated by the parent before the end of
study period
Complete Forms – don’t leave blanks
Determination by the center should be done within the
study period
A child will be counted as over income if the form is not
signed & dated by parent
SSN necessary except for categorical eligible children (i.e.
SNAP/Food Stamps, TANF, Head Start)
Page 12
Initial Application
Rate Percentages -Categorizing & Approving
the Confidential Income Statements continued
Sequence of income
If all sequences equal then you use that category to
determine eligibility (i.e. all weekly income = weekly
income category)
If they have a PFD then all income converted to annual
Must use the appropriate PFD (read form carefully)
Page 13
Initial Application
Rate Percentages
3) Documentation for the Certification
A yearly file folder containing the following
back-up should be kept at the center:
Rate % Certification Statement
Certification Attendance Roster of all enrolled
Approved CIS for each child
Center Attendance records for the study period
Page 14
Initial Application
Common errors in Rate Percentages
Certification Process:
Leaving out drop-in children or children in
special groups such as an after school
Including children who are enrolled but did not
attend during the 30-day period.
Including only children who have a CIS on file
instead of all who attended
Page 15
Rate Percentages Process
Reduced Price
Above Scale
30 children in attendance during 30-day study period
Page 16
Rate Percentage Process
Based on 250 Lunches
Rate Category
.60 x 250
30% Reduced .30 x 250
% times Meals by Federal Reimbursement
Meals Category Rate
by Rate
.10 x 250
Page 17
Rate Percentage Process
Based on 250 Lunches
Rate Category
% times Meals by Federal Reimbursement
Meals Category Rate
by Rate
.60 x 250
Reduced .30 x 250
.10 x 250
Page 18
Rate Percentage Process
Based on 250 Lunches
Rate Category
% times Meals by Federal Reimbursement
Meals Category Rate
by Rate
.60 x 250
30% Reduced .30 x 250
.10 x 250
.40 =
Page 19
Initial Application
Too much math???
The Child Nutrition Program (CNP)
database does the math for you
Use the Rate Percentages Worksheet found
on the CNS website:
Page 20
Initial Application
Free & Reduced Policy Statement
Assures CNS that you won’t discriminate
& will not charge a fee for meals
Outside Employment Policy
Assures CNS that outside employment
will not constitute a real or apparent
conflict of interest with the CACFP
Page 21
Initial Application
Attachment A (Budget)
List all projected expenses that you expect
Operating – kitchen
Administrative – office related
List what you project to receive from CACFP
CNS will help you figure this out
List what other revenue you have to balance
your budget
Attachment B (Staffing Plan)
Backs up Attachment A with labor costs
Page 22
Attachment A
Page 23
Attachment C & D
Attachment C – Training Plan
List all CACFP training and dates of
planned training
Attachment D – Monitoring Schedule
List when you plan on doing your
required monitoring visits
Page 24
Initial Application
For-Profit Statement of Eligibility
25% of enrolled or licensed capacity, whichever
is less
25% of the children are eligible for free or reduced-price meals
25% of the children receive benefits from Child Care
Assistance-Pass I, II, or III and Jobs program
Documentation must be maintained at center to verify the
25% criteria
When below 25% = no reimbursement
Page 25
Initial Application
For-Profit Eligibility - Database Claim
Center sponsor checks boxes and submits total enrollment and either Pass
I,II,III or Free/Reduced Eligible
Page 26
Initial Application
At-Risk Snack Addendum
Pre-Award Civil Rights Review
What is the racial/ethnic make-up of your
staff, children attending, and area
CACFP Food Service Agreement
Only used if area eligible
Only used if purchasing meals
New Vendor form
Only used if you are not receiving funds from
state of Alaska already
Page 27
Initial Application
Other items needed:
Organizational Chart
Mission Statement
Site Review Form
Non-discrimination policy
Proof of non-profit status
Cycle Menus
Page 28
Initial Application
Media Release
To announce participation in the
CACFP and to affirm that all children
are treated equally.
Centers must submit to local media
Centers are not required to pay a fee
(This is asked in the database each year)
Page 29
Initial Application
Licensing Requirements
Submit child care license with application
When renewing child care license,
Update the CNP Web database with changes
15 day grace period
May be found Seriously Deficient if current
license not on file at center
Head Start programs in Anchorage must be
Page 30
Initial Application
Dept. of Conservation (DEC) or Municipality of
Anchorage Health & Safety documentation
Inspection Report
Certified Food Protection Manager Cert
Food Worker Cards for all applicable employees
Business Financial Documents for prior year and
present year
Statement of New Assets
Balance Sheet
Income Statement
Profit/Loss – Budget vs. Actual
Financial Statement Audit if applicable
Page 31
Initial Application
USDA Commodities or Cash-in-lieu of
USDA Commodities
Bulk products based on average daily
Centers may select commodities and
place order February each year
Most delivered in fall / Need space for
Contact CNS for more information:
[email protected]
Page 32
Initial Application
Cash-in-lieu of Commodities
If center opts out of commodities, may
receive $0.1950 for every reimbursable
lunch and supper
Most centers choose this option
Convey option on CNP web database
Page 33
Communication to Programs
Posted CNS Bulletins
Includes USDA Policy Memos, State
Policy Memos, Training information,
CACFP resources, yearly program
renewal information, grant opportunities,
New Bulletins posted on Welcome Page
of CNP Web database
Your responsibility to print/read
Page 34
Child Nutrition Program (CNP)
 CNP Web User Request & Authorized
Signer form
Received your User ID & Password
Changed your password
You are responsible for keeping CNS
Take off staff who no longer work with
Add new staff
Page 35
Child Nutrition Program (CNP)
Type in URL address –
Page 36
Child Nutrition Program (CNP)
Page 37
Child Nutrition Program (CNP)
Page 38
Child Nutrition Program (CNP)
Page 39
Child Nutrition Program (CNP)
Select the program year
Page 40
Child Nutrition Program (CNP)
You will see 5 tabs - you can move between these tabs
CNS will do the data entry for new programs - all
future program data entry & updates will be
submitted by you (CACFP program administrators)
Page 41
Civil Rights Compliance
Page 42
Goals of Civil Rights
Equal treatment for all applicants and
beneficiaries under the law
Knowledge of rights and
Elimination of illegal barriers that
prevent or deter people from receiving
Dignity and respect for all
Page 43
What Is Discrimination?
Discrimination is defined as different
treatment which makes a distinction of
one person or a group of persons from
others; either intentionally, by neglect, or
by the actions or lack of actions based
Page 44
Protected Classes for USDA
food programs
National Origin
Page 45
Heart of Civil Rights Act
No person in the United States shall on
the grounds of race, color, or national
origin be excluded from participation
in, be denied the benefits of, or be
subjected to discrimination under any
program or activity receiving Federal
Financial Assistance.
Page 46
Federal Financial Assistance
Anything of value received from the
Federal government and can include
cash, commodities, training,
computers, and more
Accepting Federal financial assistance
requires compliance with civil rights
rules in all aspects of operations – not
just in the program being funded
Page 47
8 Areas of Compliance
Public Notification System
Data Collection
Compliance Reviews
Civil Rights Complaints
Limited English Proficiency
Religious Organizations
Page 48
8 Areas of Compliance
Civil Rights Training
“Frontline staff” who interact with
applicants and participants and
supervisors of “frontline staff” must
be trained annually! This would
include day care operators and their
staff members.
Page 49
Civil Rights Training
Specific subject matter required, but not limited to:
 Collection and use of data;
 Effective public notification systems,
 Complaint procedures,
 Compliance review techniques,
 Resolution of noncompliance,
 Requirements for reasonable accommodation of
persons with disabilities,
 Requirements for language assistance,
 Conflict resolution, and
 Customer service
Page 50
8 Areas of Compliance
Public Notification System
All sponsors and their sites must display in a
prominent place the “And Justice For All”,
nondiscrimination poster . (Place in each feeding
All sponsors must have the capability of providing
informational materials in the appropriate translation
The nondiscrimination statement should be
included, in full, on all materials regarding the
CACFP that are produced for public notification
(includes newsletters/menus/websites)
Page 51
Public Notification System
The purpose of this system is to inform
applicants, participants, and potentially
eligible persons of:
program availability,
program rights and responsibilities,
the policy of nondiscrimination and
the procedure for filing a complaint.
Page 52
Nondiscrimination Statement
In accordance with Federal law and U. S. Department
of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from
discriminating on the basis of race, color, national
origin, sex, age or disability.
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA,
Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten
Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW,
Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964
(voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity
provider and employer.
Page 53
Too Big?
“This institution is an equal
opportunity provider”
Page 54
Nondiscrimination Statement
Include the long statement or a link to
it on web sites that discuss FNS
funded programs. Home page at a
Include the long or short statement on
materials intended to be printed off the
web site.
Page 55
8 Areas of Compliance
Data Collection
Collected to help determine if there are
disparities between potentially eligible and
participating populations
Allow for targeting of outreach efforts
Aggregated for analysis
Kept confidential
Page 56
Data Collection
People self declare
If person refuses to code, advise you will
code for them: rationale is discrimination
based on perception and others would
perceive same as you.
These are government wide requirements
imposed by the Office of Management &
Budget (OMB)
Page 57
Data Collection
Potential Program Participation
the estimated number of potential eligible
children by racial/ethnic category (report at
start-up and keep in yearly file)
Actual Program Participation
the number of children participating (report
yearly at renewal/update)
Page 58
Data Collection
Sources for potential participation:
See Census Quick Facts for info
by county for each State
Public school enrollment data.
Current participation – yearly basis:
Program enrollment data
Visual identification
Page 59
8 Areas of Compliance
Compliance Reviews
There are three types of Compliance
Pre-award Post-award or Routine & Special
Compliance Reviews
Check for non-discrimination and insure civil
rights requirements being followed
Conducted by State or Federal staff or both
Page 60
Compliance Reviews
Reasonable Accommodations
Food Accommodations
Tailored to meet individual situations
Access to Program for people with
Parking lot, entrances & exits, halls, rest
rooms, service animals
Alternative arrangements for service
Page 61
8 Areas of Compliance
Civil Rights Complaints
Right to file a complaint: Any Person
alleging discrimination based on race,
color, national origin, sex, age, or disability
has a right to file a complaint within 180
days of the alleged discriminatory action.
Acceptance: All civil rights complaints,
written or verbal, shall be accepted and
forwarded to the Civil Rights Division of the
USDA Food and Nutrition Service.
Page 62
Civil Rights Complaints
Resolution of Noncompliance
Corrective Actions
Cease inappropriate actions
Institute appropriate procedures
Failure/Refusal can result in loss of
federal assistance from ALL federal
Page 63
8 Areas of Compliance
Assurances = Promises
Included on the Permanent Agreement
No discrimination based on race, color,
national origin, age, sex, or disability
Program will operate in compliance with all
nondiscrimination laws, regulations,
instructions, policies, and guidelines
Compile data, maintain records, submit
Allow reviews and access
Page 64
8 Areas of Compliance
Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
 Individuals who do not speak English
as their primary language and who
have a limited ability to read, speak,
write, or understand English.
Page 65
Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
Recipients of Federal financial
assistance have a responsibility to
take reasonable steps to ensure
meaningful access to their programs
and activities by persons with limited
English proficiency.
Page 66
Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
Factors to consider in determining what is
 Number of LEP individuals participating in
the Program.
 Frequency of contact with the Program.
 Nature and importance of the Program.
 Resources available.
For more information on LEP go to:
Page 67
8 Areas of Compliance
Religious Organizations
Discrimination is prohibited against an
organization on the basis of religion,
religious belief or character in the
distribution of funds
Faith Based Organizations (FBOs) can
use space in their facilities without
removing religious art or symbols
Page 68
Religious Organizations
Beneficiaries also protected!
 No organization that receives direct
assistance from the USDA can discriminate
against a beneficiary or prospective
beneficiary on the basis of religion or
religious belief
FBOs retain their independence and carry
out their mission, as long as USDA funds or
activities do not support worship, religious
instruction or proselytization
Page 69
Religious Organizations
This is accomplished by:
Prohibiting discrimination on the basis of
religion, religious belief, or religious character
in the administration of Federal funds
Allowing a religious organization that
participates in USDA programs to retain its
independence and continue to carryout its
mission, provided that direct USDA funds do
not support any inherently religious activities
such as worship or religious instruction.
Page 70
Religious Organizations
This is accomplished by: (continued)
 Clarifying that faith-based organizations can
use space in their facilities to provide USDAfunded service without removing religious
art, icons, scriptures, or other religious
symbols; and
 Ensuring that no organization that receives
direct financial assistance from USDA can
discriminate against a program beneficiary
on the basis of religion or religious belief.
Page 71
Helpful Civil Rights
USDA Regulations 7CFR 226.6
FNS Instruction 113-1, including
Appendix B
Found on the CNS website
Page 72
CACFP Administrative
Review Processes
Core Review Areas
Civil Rights
Meal Counts
Cycle Menu/Production Records
Administrative Costs
Licensing Approval/Sanitation
Page 73
Core Review Area
Site Review (self-monitoring)
Form available on web
 WIC Requirement
 Enrollment form requirement
 3 x year/centers; 6 x year/at-risk, outside
school hours care
 Unannounced – witness meal
 Include comments, corrective action,
Page 74
Core Review Area
Civil Rights Requirements
‘Justice for All’ poster(s) displayed
Area racial/ethnic percentage on file
Racial/ethnic count noted by reviewer
No discrimination taking place
Complaint procedures understood
Page 75
Core Review Area
Program paperwork is organized and
Records being kept for sufficient time period
Confidentiality of participant information
Permanent Agreement with State of Alaska
on file at center
Management Plan on file at center
USDA Memos & State Bulletins on file
Page 76
Core Review Area
All records must be maintained Current + 3
Fiscal Year File & Monthly Files
Fiscal Year File
Rate Percentage Certification Statement
Enrollment and Eligibility Records
Training Records
Civil Rights Compliance
Site Reviews (self-monitoring)
CNP Web User Authorization Request
Correspondence with CNS
Page 77
Core Review Area
Monthly Files
Cycle Menu Records & Working Menu
Meal Count Records
Production Records (if using)
Daily Attendance Records
Documentation of non-profit food
Page 78
Core Review Area
Per USDA Memo CACFP 01-2007
records must be kept longer if needed.
Records must be kept for the required
time period even if program closes.
Page 79
Core Review Area
Claim for Reimbursement
Due in to the state agency within 60 days of the
claim month (within 10 days preferred)
Additional 30 days for upward amendment
On-line claim must be submitted by authorized
Requires Average Daily Attendance (ADA)
different then Public Assistance ADA
All attendance / number of days meals served
Page 80
Core Review Area
Meal Counts
Point of Service meal counts being
Consistent counting methods
Consistent compilation of counts
Double-check system in place
Page 81
Core Review Area
Meal Counts
Attendance should not be used for meal
Meal count at point of service on separate
If meal count is not current at review, meals
will be disqualified for claim
Page 82
Core Review Area
Cycle Menus/Production Records
Cycle Menus are complete
Recipes included with analysis for
serving sizes
Variety of cycle menus for the year
Production records are complete
Enough food is being served
Infant production records (required
even if using the Cycle Menu option)
Page 83
Core Review Area
Administrative Costs/Non-Profit F.S.
Costs are accountable
Costs match or exceed reimbursement
Food Costs = or > than ½ the costs
Reimbursement is used for CACFP
Food costs
Operating costs
Put back into the CACFP
Not used for other center programming
Page 84
Core Review Area
Administrative Costs/Non-Profit F.S.
If using costs other than food
Labor – must have timesheets reflect
CACFP hours
Utilities – must have a cost allocation
plan to reflect percentage of costs for
CACFP compared to child care program
If planning on using cost allocation plan
submit to CNS for prior approval
Page 85
Core Review Area
Licensing/Approval & Sanitation
License or Approval Posted
Not over capacity
Food Worker Cards on file for all staff
(with the exception of Municipality of
Food Protection Manager Certificate
on file for appropriate staff
Observation of health & safety
Page 86
Core Review Area
Licensing/Approval & Sanitation
State of Alaska Dept. of Environmental
Conservation (DEC)
Food Worker Cards
Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM)
Page 87
Core Review Area
Licensing/Approval & Sanitation
DEC Requirements
One Certified Food Protection Manager
(CFPM) will be required to be on staff
One CFPM can represent all locations for
multi-site programs if……
Page 88
Core Review Area
Licensing/Approval & Sanitation
DEC Requirements (Multi-Location)
CFPM has a record on site at each
location showing certification
CFPM is involved in day to day activities,
governs the activities and is responsible
for activities
CFPM has Food Safety Program in place
for all food workers and enforces
Page 89
Core Review Area
Licensing/Approval & Sanitation
DEC Requirements (Multi-Location)
The on-site person in charge can
demonstrate his knowledge and produce
all records during an inspection in the
CFPM’s absence.
All Food Workers must hold a Food
Handler Card on file at each location
Include teachers who monitor meals
Page 90
Core Review Area
Licensing/Approval & Sanitation
Municipality of Anchorage (Muni)
Food Worker Cards not required
Certified Limited Food Protection
Certified Full Service Food Protection
4 hour training
8 hour training
One CFPM at each site
Page 91
Core Review Area
CACFP Training by
Child Nutrition Services (CNS)
Annual attendance is required
If new administrator they must attend the next
CNS training
Offered through distance delivery
May be found Seriously Deficient for nonattendance
USDA Policy Memo 04-03 &
CACFP State Policy Memo #16
Page 92
Core Review Area
CACFP Training by center staff
Annual CACFP training must be
conducted on-site
Annual Training File must include:
Name or topic of training with:
Attendee names
Date of training
Location of training
Page 93
Core Review Area
CACFP Training Agenda template available
on CNS website
May use with your staff trainings
All CNS CACFP training presentations
available on-line for center use at:
Page 94
Review Findings
If non-compliances are found:
Corrective Action given with deadline
Deadline date needs to be met
Permanently correct issue
If corrective action deadline not met, finding
not permanently corrected, or serious issues
Program will be deemed seriously deficient
Page 95
Review Findings
If program found to be seriously deficient:
Corrective Action given with deadline
Deadline date needs to be met
Permanently correct issue
State agency may do follow-up review
The 2nd time program is found seriously
deficient for specific finding:
Propose to terminate program from CACFP
No more opportunities for corrective action
Program may appeal
Page 96
Update & Renewal
Centers renew every 3 years
Update annually
Updates & Renewals due 10/1
Rate % Certification Packet due 11/15
Nonprofit Food Service Fin. Report
due 11/15
Annual CNP Web User Authorization
Request & Signatory Authority
Page 97
Renewal (every 3 years)
Renew on the CNP Web by October 1st:
 Sponsor Information Sheet
 Site Sheet (s)
 CNP Web User Authorization Request
Submit to the state agency by October 1st:
 Management Plan with attachments
 Attachment A -D (Budget, Training, Monitoring)
 Outside Employment Policy
 Tax Exempt Documentation or For-Profit Statement of
 Area Racial/Ethnic data
Submit to the state agency by November 15th:
 Rate Percentage Certification & Roster
 Non-profit Food Service Financial Report
Page 98
Update (2 yrs between renewal)
Update on the CNP Web by October 1st:
 Sponsor Information Sheet
 Site Sheet (s)
 CNP Web User Authorization Request
Submit to the state agency by October 1st:
 Attachment A & B (Budget sheets)
 Attachment C & D (if multi-site program)
Submit to the state agency by November 15th:
 Rate Percentage Certification & Roster
 Non-profit Food Service Financial Report
Page 99
Non-profit Food Service
Financial Report
 Documents expenditure of USDA
reimbursement for FY2009
 Non-profit food service
 Submit to CNS by November 15th
 If you miss the November deadline:
 You will be out of compliance
 May result in loss of future program
participation due to serious deficiency
for late renewal paperwork
Page 100
Non-profit Food Service
Financial Report
•At least 50% of your yearly reimbursement must be
spent on food
•All of the reimbursement must be expended on the food
program (or carried over to the next year)
• All expenses must be documented and easily retrievable
Page 101
What if you miss the deadline?
CNS will approve within 30 days after
receipt of a completed Update or
Renewal packet from Center – may hold
up your reimbursement
Your agency will be found out of
compliance and perhaps seriously
The October claim will not be paid until
the Renewal/Update is approved
(Remember the 60 day claim deadline)
Page 102
CACFP Program Year
Oct 1, 2009
Sept 30, 2010
Annual Training
for 09/10 year
Oct 1st
due to CNS
(with exception of
Rate % Cert &
NPFS Fin Rep)
Nov 15th
Report &
Rate %
due to CNS
Page 103
CACFP Resources
Page 104
National Food Service Management Institute
Page 105
Page 106
Let CNS know if you would like a copy
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Page 109
Page 110
Page 111
Let CNS know if you would like a copy
Page 112
Women, Infants, Children (WIC)
WIC materials must be available on-site
WIC Program
PO Box 110612
Juneau, AK 99811-0612
(907)465-3100 or [email protected]
Page 113
Page 114
For More Information
Ann-Marie Martin
CACFP Specialist
[email protected]
Education Assistant
(907) 465-4969
Page 115
Part 2 - Administrative Requirements
for New Child Care Centers
Alaska Child and Adult Care
Food Program