Learning Partnership Navigator

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Transcript Learning Partnership Navigator

Learning Partnership Navigator
Soon to be published
A new Grundtvig 2 handbook –
formerly known as the LP Survival Kit.
3rd Learning Partnership Conference
Noordwijkerhout, October 7-10, 2004
Learning Partnership Navigator
Soon to be published
A new Grundtvig 2 handbook –
formerly known as the LP Survival Kit.
3rd Learning Partnership Conference
Noordwijkerhout, October 7-10, 2004
Four fabulous features of LPs
Partnership and inspiration
Practice at heart
Process orientation
Participation and involvement
Why do we need a LP-Navigator?
To share experience and good advice on how to benefit
the most from the distinct qualities of Learning
To support Adult Education actors navigate through all
stages of a Learning Partnership project cycle
To maintain and develop the overall quality of LP
processes, outcome and impact on Adult Education
To help market and profile Learning Partnerships and
Grundtvig in the wider Adult Education community
What are the main
The LP Navigator will be reader and user-friendly
Length about 30 pages – in English
Part I - from first idea to project application
Part II - all the issues of running the project, i.e.
teambuilding, meetings full of “Vernünft und Vergnügen”,
involvement of colleagues and learners, evaluation and
A graphic ribbon throughout the text illustrating the
diversity and richness of LP themes and actors
A glossary
Chapters 1-2-3
Grundtvig and learning partnerships
– For whom?
– Why take part?
– Which context?
The first idea
– Profile of learning partnerships
– Choosing the right theme and developing the idea
– Getting support from management, colleagues, organisation
Chapters 4-5
From idea to application
– Finding partners
– Agreement on common project objectives, target groups,
activities and work plan
– From work plan to project application – formal requirements
From paper to practice – running the project
Getting started
Detailed work plan and sharing of responsibilities
Productive and constructive meetings
Partnership building
Evaluation and quality control
Information and dissemination
We need input – also yours!
The LP Navigator will be based on:
Input and contributions from YOU during this
conference - all ideas are most welcome
Experience and reports of coordinators and partners in
learning partnerships
The experience of all national agencies
The input from the Learning Partnerships conferences
in Denmark 2002 and Italy 2003
The interim evaluation of all Grundtvig activities
The LP Navigator team
From the Netherlands
• Lenny van Kempen, ROC Rijn Ijssel College, Arnhem
• Marcia Joosen, Europees Platform
From Germany
• Sabina Kocot, Landesinstitut für Qualifizierung
• Anke-Michaela Dreesbach, BiBB
From Spain
• Rosa Falgàs Casanovas, ACEFIR, Girona
• Esther Seivane, Agencia Nacional Sócrates de Espana
From Slovenia
• Maja Radinovic Hajdic, Folk University Jesenice
• Robert Marinsek, CMEETP
From Denmark
• Eva Steensen, Metropolitanskolen, Copenhagen
• Jens Dalsgaard, CIRIUS
Thank you
For your attention
For your ideas and contributions
Special thanks to the European Commission,
DGEAC for moral and economic support