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16 Last Name, First Name 12/1 12/5 ? “The Mongol Empire” I will understand more about the Mongols – a people who lived north of China and invaded it a 1000 years after the fall of the Han Dynasty.


I will describe how and why the Mongols created and expanded their empire by reading the Reading Study Guide and answering related questions.

12/1/14 RH 2, WHST 4 2 Why do you think the Chinese built the Great Wall of China?

1913 – Ford’s assembly line starts rolling feud

Bell Work

I think the Chinese built the Great Wall of China because _________ ___________________________.


 Noun  a bitter quarrel or contention; a fight

“The Mongols”

m/player/view/assetGuid/97C923 9C-2A2A-4171-9298 93B041AE4910

Remove Page 61 from your RSG

Section 1

Questions #1 and A

The Mongols conquered all of China by the year 1279. The Mongols were nomads who lived to the Northwest of China.

Section 2

– Partner Reading A B A B

Questions #2 and B

In the Mongol government, Chinese people…. Kublai Khan kept some of the Chinese governing traditions because….

Section 3

– Silent Reading

Questions #3 and C


I will understand and be able to correctly use this week’s vocabulary terms about the Mongol Empire by completing modified circle maps for each term.

12/2/14 RH 4, WHST 4 2 Who was Genghis Khan and what did he do?

1804 – Napoleon is crowned emperor flaw

Bell Work

Genghis Khan was _____________ ____________________________.

He __________________________ ____________________________.


 noun  a feature that mars the perfection of something; defect; fault

“Time Warp: You Can’t, But Genghis Khan ”

Part 1 – 0:00 to 11:00


4 “mini” circle maps on the front

Vocabulary terms for this week are: •

Genghis Khan

Kublai Khan

Mongol Ascendancy

Marco Polo

Term #1

– “

Genghis Khan

Definition in your own words : 3 Related words: Leader of the Mongols who united all the tribes and conquered much of Asia.

1. Mongol 2. warrior Word and Part of Speech Genghis Khan 3. feared “Make A Question”: Why did Genghis Khan begin a campaign of conquest in Asia?



Now your turn! Only 3 more terms to go!

• • •

Kublai Khan Mongol Ascendancy Marco Polo

Definition in your own words 3 Related Words Term Part of Speech “Make a Question” Visual

Now with your Learning Partner!

Take turns quizzing each other on the vocabulary terms! Keep going until both of you can easily explain all 5 terms.

Be prepared to share with the entire class!


I will describe and trace how the Mongols created and expanded their empire by completing a map activity and answering related questions 12/3/14 RH 7, WHST 8 2  What role did the Chinese play in Mongol government?

1967 – First human heart transplant exuberant

Bell Work

 In the Mongol government, the Chinese_____________________ ___________________________ ___________________________.


 Adj.

 extremely joyful

Mongol Empire Map Activity

Page 234

Arabian Sea Aral Sea

After labeling the seas, then label… Label small and neat!

When your map is completely labeled, answer the questions:

Persia was located in the Ilkhanate khanate.

The _______ river crossed the Silk Road at Baghdad. Complete sentences!


I will trace important events that occurred in the Mongol Empire by reading portions of the text and writing down what I learned on a Flow Map.

12/4/14 RH 5, WHST 4 2 What was the Mongol policy toward trade and foreign contacts?

1992 – Bush orders troops to Somalia overwhelm

Bell Work

 The Mongols’ policy toward trade and foreign contact___ _______________________ ______________________.


 verb  to overpower or overcome

“Time Warp: You Can’t, But Genghis Khan ”

Part 2 – 11:00 to end

Important Events in the Mongol Empire

Important Events in the Mongol Empire

Chinese Symbols

Mongol Empire – Important Years

 1206  1221  1227 (2 events)  1260  1279  1294

Turn to page 233

Important Events in the Mongol Empire

Important Events in the Mongol Empire

Temujin, later known as Genghis Khan, unites the Mongol tribes

Mongol Empire – Important Years

Use pages 233-237  1206  1221  1227 (2 events)  1260  1279  1294

What should be in your packet tomorrow?

 History Log  C7 L3 RSG (3 questions)  Addendum (3 questions)  C7 L3 Vocabulary (4 terms)  Mongol Empire Map Activity  Mongol Empire Flow Map  Weekly Reflection


I will assess my understanding of the information covered this week by taking an assessment and completing a weekly reflection as will demonstrated by submission of my Week 16 Packet.

12/5/14 RH 2, WHST 8 3 Who was Marco Polo? What did he do?

1945 – Aircraft squadron lost in the Bermuda Triangle ajar

Bell Work

 Marco Polo was ______________ ___________________________.

He ________________________ ___________________________.


 adjective  neither entirely open nor entirely shut; partly open

12/5/14  Use


the spaces that you need.

Week 16 – The Mongol Empire

Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Quiz Instructions:  15 minutes  Do


write on the quiz itself, answers go on the answer sheet.

 Pick up a “Weekly Reflection” and begin working on it. Remember, we want the



 Once your quiz is turned in, you may begin putting together your packet.


Writing! – Class Set only!

What should be in your packet?

 History Log  C7 L3 RSG (3 questions)  Addendum (3 questions)  C7 L3 Vocabulary (4 terms)  Mongol Empire Map Activity  Mongol Empire Flow Map  Weekly Reflection

Wait For It...The Mongols! Crash Course World History #17 ar0BcMo

Weekly Reflection, Step 1

Use your RSG!

Weekly Reflection, Step 2

we studied the the causes and effects of the Mongol invasion of China over a roughly 170 year period.

Use your RSG!

Weekly Reflection, Step 3


Mongols were nomads quickly moving place to place


They had no central government

Tang and Song Dynasties

united by Genghis Khan


Mongol Invasion of China Mongol tribes united by Genghis Khan You do the effects!

Use your RSG if needed!

Weekly Reflection, Step 4

Economy Technology bureaucracy

The Perfect Paragraph!

General Information and Topic Sentences

The Perfect Paragraph!

Supporting Ideas and Clinchers