Transcript Slide 1

1. The legal age for drinking


 2. a 4 ounce glass of wine contains about the same amount of alcohol as

a 12 oz glass of beer

 A long term effect of alcohol on the body concerning the heart

Irregular heartbeat

 An organization that is a peer support group for adult friends and relatives of alcoholics


 The most common drug abused in the United States


 Heavy alcohol use can lead to scarring of the liver, this condition is called


 Alcohol has a greater effect on someone that drinks on an empty stomach


 What is the primary way of determining how a person is affected by alcohol

Blood test to find level of alcohol in the blood

 Amphetamines area considered what kind of drug


 What are the 2 types of cancer that are linked to long term alcohol use

Liver and stomach cancer

 When someone uses drugs for enjoyment rather than to treat an illness this is called what?

Drug abuse

 Over the counter medications need a doctors prescription to purchase


 Illness that is caused by the mental and physical need for alcohol


 Drugs used to treat an illness


 Drug that speeds up boy’s functions


 Substance whose fumes are breathed in to produce mind altering sensations


 What three things are effected if an adolescent begins drinking alcohol

Height, weight, sexual development

 Sadd is an organization devoted mainly to encouraging what?

Students to avoid making decisions that can cause physical harm to themselves and others

 A baby born with fetal alcohol syndrome may have what kinds of problems

Psychological and behavioral problems

 In 1995 alcohol related accident deaths were the leading cause of death in what age group


 Children whose mothers abused drugs during pregnancy often have What

Learning disabilities

 Anyone caught driving while under the influence of alcohol can lose what

Their divers license

 When someone has had too much to drink they are considered what?


 When using alcohol or drugs that ruins friendships and family relationships is what type of consequence


 People may become what, toward family or friends when they are intoxicated
