Chapter 5 review

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Chapter 5 review
Political Parties
What are the basic functions of a
political party?
Nominate candidates and get them
 Inform and activate supporters
 bonding agent
 govern
 watchdog
Plurality-number of votes beyond next
 Bipartisan-supported by both parties
 Consensus-most agree on matters of
fundamental importance
Why has America had a 2 party
a.Historical Basis
 b.Tradition
 c.Electoral system
What were the first parties in
American History?
Federalist and anti-federalist
Why is the era from 1968 to today known as
the area of Divided Government?
It was divided where no party had control
of all phases of the government
What are the four types of third parties?
 b.single issue
 c.economic protests
 d.splinter
What are the 5 basic elements of the
national Parties.
1.National Convention
 2.National Committee
 3.National Chairperson
 4.Congressional campaign committee for
 5. Congressional campaign committee for
Ward- city district for council election
 Precinct-smallest unit of election where
you vote