Transcript Document

Swiss Reformation:


“From the Reformation to the Constitution”

Bill Petro

your friendly neighborhood historian 03/28/2010 1


By the end of this session you should be able to • Trace the beginning of the


Reformation • Describe Ulrich


distinctives • Discuss differences between




, and


practices • Identify the ideological origins of the


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03/28/2010 Jerome Augustine Wycliffe Huss Erasmus Luther Zwingli Calvin 4


Swiss Cantons


Ulrich Zwingli

Father of Swiss Reformation

• 1484 -1531 • Born in Wildhaus, N. Switz to well-to-do family • Childhood: Basel, Bern • Loved Music: Vienna studies • University of Basel: BA, MA • Influenced by Italian Renaissance • Influenced by John Duns Scotus • Became Humanist (Erasmus).

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Zwingli’s Studies

Hand copied Erasmus’ Greek New Testament 03/28/2010 9

Zwingli: the Priest

• 1506 ordained in Basel • Pastor at Glarus for 10 years • Teaches himself: Greek, Hebrew, Church Fathers • Memorizes Epistles of Paul • 1516: Einsiedeln • Criticized the ritualism of the “Black Virgin.” 03/28/2010 10

Zwingli in Zurich

• January 1, 1519 • People’s Priest at Grossmünster • Converted by studies • Expository sermons through the NT • Reads Luther • Swiss Reformation begins.

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Zwingli’s Writings

• 1521:

67 Articles

• Debates and convinces others • 1525:

True and False Religion

– Abolished the Mass democratically – City changed in a day • 1530:


to Charles V at Diet of Augsburg – not read • 1531:

Exposition of the Christian Faith

to Francis I – not read.

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Zwingli’s Home Life

• Secret “clerical marriage” in 1522 • Married Anna Reinhard, widow, in 1524 • 4 children.

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Zwingli’s Teachings

• Adopts

Sola fide


Sola scriptura

• Persuades Zurich Town Council to forbid non-Scriptural religious teachings • Teaches Predestination and the 2 Sacraments – Emphasizes


Lord’s Supper – Covenant: Baptism is NT


to OT circumcision • Denounces: – Mercenaries – Monasticism & Celibacy – Purgatory – Relics & Indulgences.

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Zwingli’s Practices

• Preaches chapter by chapter, book by book • Abolishes religious ornaments • Destroys organ at Grossmünster • Knocks out stained glass windows • Whitewashes walls • Plain benches, separates sexes • Wooden table replaces altar!

• Wooden cup replaces chalice.

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Simplicity of the Grossmünster 03/28/2010 19

03/28/2010 Grossmünster 20

Zwingli’s pulpit in the Grossmünster 03/28/2010 21

Zwingli’s Success

• Monasteries converted into hospitals • 6 cantons were converted to the Reformation • 5 “Forest Cantons” remained staunchly Catholic. 03/28/2010 22

Marburg Colloquy

• 1529: by Philip of Hesse, leading “Protestant” Prince • Unite Luther and Zwingli?

• Luther and Zwingli had much in common • Disagreed on Lord’s Supper.

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Lutheran vs. Reformed

Permissive Prescriptive Catholic-style art Episcopal structure Catholic-style liturgy, Music Eucharist (trans → consubstantiation) Prince’s protection 03/28/2010 Bible verses Presbyterian style Scripture, Prayer, Sermon Symbolic Supper Convince Magistrates 24

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Swiss Civil War

• May 15, 1531, the cantons which had accepted the Reformation assembled • Forest Cantons (strongly Roman Catholic) flatly refused to keep the treaty they had signed the year before. 03/28/2010 32

Second Battle of Kappel

• October 11, 1531 • Catholic army of 8,000 against Zurich's 1500 • 500 Protestants died • Zwingli as chaplain slain along with 26 members of the Town Council and 24 other pastors.

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Swiss Museum 03/28/2010 34

03/28/2010 Zwingli’s helmet 35

Zwingli’s Sword •The weapons were exhibited in the Lucerne arsenal as victory trophies. •In the Sonderbund War, Lucerne was defeated and returned them to Zurich in 1848 as a token of reconciliation.

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Heinrich Bullinger

• 1504 - 75 • 1549:

Consensus Tigurinus

between him and Calvin • The greatest “Pastor” of the Reformation • Wrote to all European Monarchs.

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Origin of Baptists

• Ask a Baptist – John the Baptist • Ask an old Baptist – English Separatists • Ask an historian – January 21, 1525 03/28/2010 38


• Forgotten tradition of Swiss Brethren • Opposed by Catholics, Luther, Zwingli, & Calvin • Bullinger: “

Against the Tricks of the Catabaptists.

” 03/28/2010 40

Anabaptist Leaders

• Konrad Grebel – From patrician family in Zurich – Misspent youth at Univ. of Vienna & Paris – Converted by Zwingli’s Bible Studies • Felix Manz – Hebrew scholar and illegitimate son • Menno Simonsz – Dutch priest in Holland → Mennonites 03/28/2010 41

Anabaptist Beliefs

Sola scriptura

– Literal interpretation • Gathered Church – Out of the world, not state or folk church born into • Separation of church & state – Some Pacifists, wouldn’t swear civil oaths • Believer’s (Adult) Baptism only – Sign of inward work of grace, already accomplished 03/28/2010 42

Anabaptist Behavior

• Young, idealistic, impetuous, impatient • Wouldn’t baptize their babies – broke franchise • Zwingli debated them publicly – gave deadline • January 21, 1525 in Zollikon (outside Zurich) – Grebel baptized Jorg Blaurock • City Council condemned them – Manz was drowned by authorities – Extensive persecution.

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Anabaptist Heritage

• Moravia, Hesse (N. Germany) • Holland – Menno Simons – Mennonites – Jacob Amman – Amish (Pennsylvania Dutch) • English Separatists • English Baptists – General Baptists (1612): Arminian – Particular Baptists (1633): Calvinistic • American Baptists – Roger Williams (Providence, RI).

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1-Word Summary

• Catholic Church • Luther • Zwingli • Anabaptists 03/28/2010 Merit Justification Sovereignty Believer’s Baptism 48