Transcript Slide 1

The believer has faith that
trusts in God – even in
the face of death
St. Peter
Worship at
Key to Life
Saturday, June 1st
Welcome to
St. Peter!
Our gracious God has the power to bring
people from death to life.
Whether it be from physical death to life,
as we see in our Old Testament and
Gospel lessons today; or the spiritual
generation which Paul describes, God
is the One who gives life.
Thus, believers have a faith that trusts
God – even in the face of death.
Welcome to
St. Peter!
There are friendship registers at the end
of each row.
Please take a moment to give us your
information so that we have a record
of your time with us today.
Thank you!
For Our Guests
If you have questions, let us try to help.
Speak with an usher, greeter, or the
person next to you.
If you’d like to learn more about St.
Peter and its ministry, please talk to
a pastor or member after the service.
Need to Know
what’s going on?
Our church website has the info
you need right at your fingertips
Check the church calendar.
Sign up for seminars or events.
Get access to devotions,
sermons, and more.
Prayer before Worship
Dear Jesus, as I follow you I do so
living in a vale of tears.
When I suffer loss, help me come to
you for comfort and strength.
Give me growing confidence in the
greatness of your power over
everything, including death.
Bless me as I worship and praise
you here at worship.
In your name, I pray. Amen
Please be
courteous and
silence all
pagers and
cell phones.
Thank you
Summer Mission Festival
Pastor Hue Yang, WELS
Hmong ministry pastor will
preach at services
June 13, 15 & 16.
A free will offering will be
gathered to support this
gospel outreach
Slam the Summer Slump!
Place service folders from
other WELS congregations
you visit this summer on the
bulletin board in the church
Volunteers Needed!!
Cleaning Teams
VBS 2013
July 22-26
9 a.m. – noon at St. Peter campus
5:30-8 p.m. at Key to Life
Register today!
Ladies’ Aid
 All ladies of St. Peter church are
welcome to attend
 Wednesday, June 12th
 11:30 a.m. at Denny’s for lunch
 Please bring one bingo prize of
around two dollars.
Men’s Club
Wednesday, June 24th
Redeemer in Tomahawk
Car-pool from school parking lot at
5:00 p.m.
Congratulations to all our