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Role of Women in
1950s Latin America
Zach D., Nathan C., Lizzy F., Ava S., Ava K.,
Ellie B., Amadi M.
In Latin America during the 1950s, women were not considered
equal to men.
Society was based around the concept of machismo, that men
should be dominant.
Women were expected to stay at home, raise the children, and
maintain the household while the men worked.
In many Latin American countries, women did not have the right
to vote, although six countries changed this throughout the
Religion’s Effect on Society
Faith was a major value for the people of
Latin America. Since the Virgin Mary is
revered as the mother of Jesus, she became
the role model for female behavior.
Women were to aspire to the values
embodied by the Virgin Mary: female
passivity, moral strength, and sexual purity.
These aspects of female gender roles in
Latin America are called Marianismo, which
is the female counterpart of Machismo.
Societal Expectations of Women
“Women were brought up to believe that they are strong leaders
passing along their families’ traditions, values and faith in order
to keep the beliefs of their culture ongoing.”
-from their Native American ancestors
Follow Spanish tradition of feminine submission
Not allowed to participate in the workforce
Expected to educate their children
Expected to be domestic
Domestic Expectations
Women thought of as property
Expected to support husband, give him children
Women only involved in activities that men allowed
o Mostly involved in household work
o Primarily caregivers
Role in the Household
Diligent homemaker and obedient wife
Bare children, maintain the house
Clean and cook
“The girls had been reared to screen embroidery, sew by
machine, weave bone lace, wash and iron, make artificial
flowers and fancy candy, and write engagement
announcements” (Marquez 31).
Impact and End Result
Allowed women to disregard societies depiction of their roles and
expectations and act based on emotional intent and their true credence.
-Rules and restrictions were established based on women’s physical roles
in society and allowing them to be the lesser being solidified the concept.
-Womens Rights still denied in the latin culture.Latin American States are
still failing to provide guarantee of women rights.
- pending issues include economics, education,violence and sexual and
reproductive health.
How Women’s Roles Relate to
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
Marquez exploits his women characters in an unequal gender system.
In Latin America during this time period, men expected women to be
pure, but the men had no expectations set for them when it came to
being a virgin.
Angela is looked down upon and beaten for not being a virgin while there
is no punishment for Bayardo.
Angela lives in a world where it’s necessary to adhere to extreme
societal and cultural expectations, otherwise she will be considered an
Discussion Question:
If you were a woman in Latin
America in the 1950s, how
would you feel? What would
you do?