Transcript Document

NAFSA Region VII Raleigh, NC October 28, 2013

Staying Sane

… in the World of the One- or Two-Person Office

Why are you here today?

What drew you to this session?

What do you hope to gain from this session?

What can you add to this session?

Personal Reflection

Introduce yourself to your neighbor & share your responses to these questions

Who are we?

   Helen R. Dolive : Birmingham-Southern College Eileen Hamme : Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Paige Ramsey-Hamacher : Saint Leo University

Presenter Introductions

Informal Poll

     How many years in field?

Main focus?

Institution size?

Institution type?

Public or private?

Find out more information about the group at

. Go to

Connect & Network

tab. Click on

Engage with a Community

, then click on

Learn More

in the


box. Find


list of groups … link under

What is the OPO SIG?

One-Person (& Small) Office Special Interest Group

Encourage the recycling and comparison of documents & resources Cooperate so we can share the knowledge & workload Collaborate to reduce burden

Mission of the OPO SIG

1) to help small and one-person offices develop & sustain their own international programs 2) to provide a support network of sympathetic colleagues to serve as resources 3) to serve as a clearinghouse of ideas and materials that can be implemented and utilized by small offices with little financial investment or human capital

Goals of the OPO SIG

Time Management

     Planning Scheduling Saying “no” Interruptions & “emergencies” Organization   Paperwork E-mail

     Try to avoid e-mail for the first hour of your day – use that time to do the most crucial, substantive task of the day Only check e-mail at designated times during the day (i.e., every 2 hours) Say exactly what you need to say in the subject line Create stock responses for routine requests Use folders to store & archive for reference

Avoid the e-mail time suck!

How do you deal with e-mail?

   


Practice “selective perfectionism”


Avoid unfocused wandering Interruptions Need a delicate balance to deal with sudden requests & demands. Consider the best ratio for you … Is it a true emergency?

Meetings Get the most out of each meeting

Control the nibblers

What is your greatest “nibbler”?

How do you control your “nibblers”?

How do you plan for meetings?

   Delegation is about development - i t’s believing employees can do it Delegation is NOT passing the buck, giving up control, refusing to make decisions, or shirking responsibility Explain larger goals before giving smaller delegation tasks

Learn the art of delegation

No-one is an island, even in an OPO! We accomplish a lot more with help Who can help you?

   Match tasks to employee/helper skill set Make work meaningful & allow for employee/helper ownership Give them the tools they need, e.g., proper training, a work philosophy, clearly articulated goals, good communication, specific conditions for satisfactory completion

Learn the art of leadership

How can you be a better leader?

A humorous look at leadership …

   As defined by a second grader: Someone who leads.

As defined by a senior: Someone who assumes responsibility in a kind and compelling manner.

As defined by a teacher (Louis “Bob” Turansky):

The aim of a leader should be the abolition of her raison d’etre through the development of cooperative, autonomous individuals who can lead themselves to a more egalitarian, cooperative and verdant future. And, oh yeah, one more thing: anyone who actually enjoys meetings should not be a leader.

(The Seven Hills School, Cincinnati, OH)

Reduce your burden … recycle knowledge and resources, share and compare      Learn Utilize to balance your students Collaborate internally & externally Make technology work for you Find resources

Improving life in an OPO

How can you reduce your burden?

With whom can you share & compare?

All things international …

Do others on your campus know what you do?

Your mission?

Your goals?

If you don’t define it, others will!


 Networking  Websites  NAFSA Manual  Conferences & workshops  Webinars, live chats  State representatives, state organizations, NAFSA Knowledge Community representatives

Small Group Discussion

Exchange cards/contact info with your group

 What are your         tricks of the trade?

Admitting students?

Recruiting students?

Travel forms?

Advising students?



Transfer processes?

Health insurance?


 Let’s share and compare …

With thanks to the following for slide content:

     Suzanne Hegland – New England Conservatory Beth Engwall – Bryant University Jennifer Armentrout – Wingate University Paige Ramsey-Hamacher – Saint Leo University Aaron-Felicia Perfetti-Nance – Carson Newman College

Question Time

Thanks for coming!

This PowerPoint will be posted in OPO Resources on the NAFSA site Contacts Helen R. Dolive [email protected]

Eileen Hamme [email protected]

Paige Ramsey Hamacher [email protected]